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The Samsung NV40. A fantastic birthday present.


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i have just picked this up for another uni pub crawl

sorry the picture is small...but you get the idea


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A loaf of white bread from a small chain of restaurants in Milwaukee -- they make it themselves with all natural ingredients. :cool: Sorry, my camera hasn't any charged batteries yet.
I'm callin' fake. :mad:

LCBO 089714 | 750 mL | $399.95

I dont understand why people would spend so much on booze anyways. I can get just as drunk of off a 20 dollar bottle of what ever your choice is as i can a 400 dollar one.
This one really hurt...but I sold off my D40 and 18-55vr lens to get a D80 and this new 18-105 "walk-around".

$400 (D80 body) + $200 (18-105VR) -
$370 (D40 Kit) +$130 (18-55VR) = $100 for happiness and hurting


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My last purchase was a reservation for my school's study abroad program this upcoming summer in Switzerland. We will be living in a hotel in Leysin for a month and traveling the country visiting different museums, etc. I'm so excited I can't stand it!

switzerland-magnificent-landscape-786714.jpg from

Hosting from

now I gotta figure this out

oh yeah, well it's not really a purchase since it was on the house, a grande CHRISTMAS BLEND MMMMMMMMMMMM
Sony BDP-S550 Blu-ray Disc player and four BD movies with $100 instant discount. Total: $297.00 :D
I dont understand why people would spend so much on booze anyways. I can get just as drunk of off a 20 dollar bottle of what ever your choice is as i can a 400 dollar one.

A $400 bottle of alcohol is for you to share with your inferior friends so they can ooh and ahh over your awesome one-up-ness.
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