hey whats the cheapest place to buy a mac mini,i want to buy one for my niece,i told her if she wants me to continue to be her uncle she has to own a apple computer
I bought mine direct from Apple, I used my student discount too.
Just find a college student to let you use their discount, then you
get it right from Apple, free shipping too. There is Tax, but
it works out to be the same as buying it somewhere else, but you
get it directly from Apple.
I bought the base model, upgraded the ram and HD to a 500gb one,
and I am in the process of selling the old HD and Ram on Ebay.
If anyone is interested:
Honestly I would if I were you, buy the base model and slap 4 gigs of ram
into it and sell the old 2 gigs that comes with it. Then replace the Hard drive at the same time with a 7200rpm 500gb. Then you get the upgrades
for only 50-70 bucks, after getting money back from selling the old components.
It's a fairly easy and well documented process upgrading the Mini too,
ifixit.com has complete guides, just search Mac Mini in the search box
on that site.