I find it easier to click on a bigger icon! I find small docs rather difficult to use...
I thought that's why they included the option to magnify?
But I suppose that can get in the way.
right beside the trash it will change to an arrow drag, or system prefs - dock.
Wow, I had no idea about the arrow. That's awesome! That's the second related-to-something-on-the-computer-that-I-use-every-day-but-had-no-clue-about thing I learned today
The reason I choose to have the laptop setup as in the pic is because I find that when it's plugged into the cinema/speakers/power I'm reluctant to unplug it all to take down to the living room or wherever. It becomes far less "portable".
Agreed. My MBP is always connected to my monitor, speakers, two hard drives, keyboard, mouse... and sometimes I wonder why I bought a MBP instead of sticking with my old Mini.
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