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First attempt to get everything in one shot.

Gave up and started taking pics of parts of our new room.

Digital and Analog entertainment

Second attempt to get everything in one shot.

Pic from the window bay.

The only pic that I thought turned out decent.

Hardware in the sig

You have a magnificent room. When can I move in please?! This has tastefully brought the feeling of Patrick Dempsey's "Can't Buy Me Love", Molly Ringwall's "Sixteen Candles" (the soft palette colours), and countless 80/90's teen movies all rolled up into one.

I'm a guy and nowhere even close to effeminate (I think that is the word I'm after) - but I seriously LOVE the window with the pillows. You cannot immagine how much I wanted that as a kid in grade school JUST to play my Alto, Bass, and Tenor Saxophones for practice. But that setup is for girls - I'd do it up so differently.
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You have a magnificent room. When can I move in please?! This has tastefully brought the feeling of Patrick Dempsey's "Can't Buy Me Love", Molly Ringwall's "Sixteen Candles" (the soft palette colours), and countless 80/90's teen movies all rolled up into one.

I'm a guy and nowhere even close to effeminate (I think that is the word I'm after) - but I seriously LOVE the window with the pillows. You cannot immagine how much I wanted that as a kid in grade school JUST to play my Alto, Bass, and Tenor Saxophones for practice. But that setup is for girls - I'd do it up so differently.

Don't quote all the pictures! haha.
I played tenor too! :)
I stole the stickers from my girlfriend's laptop and netbook. There's a Vista one on my iMac. and it is in fact a 13" STM.

I did the same thing. My girlfriend was tearing the stickers off of her Vaio for some reason, and I decided to stick them on my MBA 11" for fun. Apparently it runs on Vista and has a Centrino 2 in it. Haven't bothered to take them off. Just a bit of fun. Maybe I'll post a photo later.

Well here is my wonderful setup :)

24" iMac
13" MBP
Dell XPS 15
40something" TV
xBox 360
Logitech Wireless Keyboard & Mouse
Magic Mouse
Magic Trackpad
Wireless Keyboard, I'll say its magic also :p
And a printer...
2TB Western Digital HD (iTunes library)
1TB Western Digital HD (Backup)
Nintendo DSi
(Taken with iPhone 3G )

Below my desk:

Oh! And everyone loves such good cable management :D
Thanks for all the nice words. As far as the window bay being slightly girlish I have to agree lol. I wanted something a little more custom looking. Although I do share the quarters with my wife to be it will change and pictures will come soon after :p I'm surprised no one mentioned the pillow pet :D
mac pro, tripple monitors running off a 5770 :D


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Just a few more images from the iphone as I got the braided sleeving yesterday and fitted it all today, even neater lol :p




Here is the College setup, I will eventually upgrade to the Logitech Performance wireless mouse. What is seen in the picture:

27" iMac
11.6" Macbook Air
Blackberry Tour
PS3 Slim
Xbox 360 Slim

Picture taken with iPhone 4

Through the door seen is my bathroom and right behind me is my bed and closets. Pretty cozy room but I think I have positioned everything to make the best of it.

EDIT: I just hooked my iMac up to my tv to play movies/shows etc. on but I ran into one problem. I cannot turn my iMac display off and keep my tv on. If anyone knows how to do this please let me know asap!

Damn you must be rich if you got all of that at your college.
haha - luckilly my family dont control my eBay account, and if they complain I find a way of hiding a few more of them in a cupboard (I actually ended up moving a shelf at one point so I could fit a iMac G3 in it) - although it is reaching the point where both my room and my dorm room are nearly full of old (and new) Macs... xD (All of them bar 1 boot, and the 1 that doesnt is only because its HD is on the way out - with a goodun it boots just fine).

haha- nice ;) , im just waiting till i move out (oh and have that magical thing called money). the thrill of makeing old machines work "just one more" :)
As much as I hate clutter, I'm a bit of a collector as well. Usually, whenever I get a free Mac (and most of the Macs I get are free), I sell them, but whenever I come across a free classic or really old Mac, I figure "eh, it isn't worth anything, might as well keep it..." and the collection builds from there. So far, I've got an SE/30, two PowerBook 180s, an eMac, a PowerMac G4 AGP (I think), an iMac G3, a Performa 5200CD, and an Apple //e. They all boot, but one of the PBs is iffy. I've also owned two 1.25GHz PowerBook G4s, a PowerMac G5 dual 2.0, two 1.83GHz Mac Minis, a 1.66GHz Mac Mini, several iMac G5s, a G4 Quicksilver, a MacBook Pro, an iMac G4, and maybe some others I'm forgetting. Only ones I paid for were some of the iMac G5s, the MBP, and two of the Mac Minis.

And I've only been an Apple user since 2006 :p

impressive! it seems every one can find random old mac easer than me :p , oh well lol.
Here is the College setup, I will eventually upgrade to the Logitech Performance wireless mouse. What is seen in the picture:

27" iMac
11.6" Macbook Air
Blackberry Tour
PS3 Slim
Xbox 360 Slim

Are you living on campus? And if so, they actually let you mount a TV on the wall? :eek: Where do you go?

I. Love. This. Room. ^_^ I'm going to steal it! :D MUHAHAHAH!

+1. It just looks like such a nice place to be. Then I look around my room, with gray walls, shades over the windows, dismantled iMacs all over the floor, and I think "Meh...."
Just a few more images from the iphone as I got the braided sleeving yesterday and fitted it all today, even neater lol :p

Hi There, Great setup, but i do have to ask, Are those B&W 685s?
Also, are they hooked up to your computer there?
If they are, how can i do that with mine?
Are you living on campus? And if so, they actually let you mount a TV on the wall? :eek: Where do you go?

I live off campus, I later read in my lease I can't attach anything to the wall but the landlord is cool so nothing a little spackle and paint can't fix. Also, I go to the College of New Jersey.
New set up, still awaiting my 27" Display and 15" i7 MacBook Pro :D
(not great quality, taken with iPhone 4)



Old set up, was a little tight:
(taken with much nicer camera :p)

Some people have ridiculously tidy desks, wheres all your stuff? I wish I could keep my desk as tidy as most of the people on here!

If your one of the people with stupidly tidy desks, does it genuinely look like that all the time? Or did you throw all the stuff on the floor, take the photo and throw it all back again?
Some people have ridiculously tidy desks, wheres all your stuff? I wish I could keep my desk as tidy as most of the people on here!

If your one of the people with stupidly tidy desks, does it genuinely look like that all the time? Or did you throw all the stuff on the floor, take the photo and throw it all back again?

The main portion of my desk is clean, the little part off to my left is not. Now if only the rest of the house would be clean like that...
Are the little glowing boxes hard drives? If so, how much space do you have sitting there?

Yep all of them are hard drives, i have 2TB in each one and then a RAID-0 with 2x2TB. I keep most for back ups of Photos, Music and Movies and OS clones (i'm fairly meticulous with back ups and having them on more than just one drive..but most duplicated clones are taken offline and stored after back up).
One is used as my external iTunes library as there isnt enough space on the SSD and the others are free space, diagnostic drives, work drives used to do audio/video or photo storage/editing
Yep all of them are hard drives, i have 2TB in each one and then a RAID-0 with 2x2TB. I keep most for back ups of Photos, Music and Movies and OS clones (i'm fairly meticulous with back ups and having them on more than just one drive..but most duplicated clones are taken offline and stored after back up).
One is used as my external iTunes library as there isnt enough space on the SSD and the others are free space, diagnostic drives, work drives used to do audio/video or photo storage/editing

I must say, your array of hard drives / back up system is mightily impressive
Yep all of them are hard drives, i have 2TB in each one and then a RAID-0 with 2x2TB.

How are they connected? I've never bothered with external drives. NAS is where it's at. ;) I don't even like to think about trying to transfer terabytes of data over usb. Plus being able to use the storage from multiple machines without having to plug/unplug.
Just rebuilt mine with 3x2tb in raidz.
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