Anyone know the link of the setup thats RED and is really really clean and has IRONMAN figurines etc in it.
Anyone know the link of the setup thats RED and is really really clean and has IRONMAN figurines etc in it.
Hey ThinkCentres run for ever.Here is an updated image of my office setup.
Put up my collection of printed movie posters, in cheap frames which can be swapped out when I feel like a change.
Wish it was like everyone elses though with the Apple Cinema Displays and Mac Pros.
image hosting service
Hey ThinkCentres run for ever.And not everyone needs a MP.
Do you mean these?
I cannot recall the originator of these but I think its in the "11/12" of this thread series in the middle pages. Really great stuff.
The SuperMan model I believe he got when news of Christopher Reeves died; the REAL "SuperMan".
@Blinded whats that silver box next to your mbp?
13" MacBook Pro 2.4 C2D 4GB 500GB
iPad 2 64 GB 3G
iPhone 4 32 GB
10" Aspire One 1.66 1GB 250 GB
Epson NX420
WD My Book 1TB
Apple Magic Mouse
Apple Wireless Keyboard
Apple Magic Trackpad
TwelveSouth Bookarc
TwelveSouth BassJump
TwelveSouth MagicWand
Elago M2
Elago P2 (out of pic)
LUXA2 H1 (out of pic)
Westinghouse 22" LCD
Jonas desk
Laiva desk
Logitech Z515 (out of pic)
Logitech X-530
Samsung External Drive Mac/PC
GE mouse/keyboard
4 port usb hub
Awesome signed PhillyD poster
there's other random stuff downstairs and littered throughout the house. I try and keep things clean so my desk area pretty much always looks like this. I wheeled my chair out of the pic, it's nothing special that'll be replaced soon. Please excuse the low quality pictures, apparently I'm a low quality photographer.
Of course, we need the details. And, what wallpaper/screensaver/app is that on the center monitor? It looks cool.
Of course, we need the details. And, what wallpaper/screensaver/app is that on the center monitor? It looks cool.
center is an i5 27'' iMac, dedicated to the futures markets running ThinkorSwim. Left and right flanks are G4 Powerbooks for distractions. Center laptop is a MacBook Pro for travel.