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Could you see the images? It was really annoying. Everytime I tried to upload it, it would say it logged me out. any recs on how to fix it?

Yeah I was able to see them. It posted just fine. I'm not sure why it would log you out though.
My humble setup. Second attempt to upload.

My stuff: iMac 2009 (i7), 2 ipads 2 (black/white), iphone4 (mod)

painting is my attempt to copy Monet's water lilies




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Nice and clean! What is the make/model of your desk and lamp?

The lamp is from Koncept. I bought it on Amazon. I think it's the Z-bar light. It's kinda pricy for the amount of light it produces but it fits well with the iMac and MBP I have. I found the desk online, im not sure how I got there but I think I googled desk with wheels + glass and ended up with it. It's really convenient cuz I can move the thing around to watch movies on my bed or on my couch.
iMac 24": 2.93GHz, 640GB, 4GB, GT130
MacBook Air 13": 1.86GHz, 128GB, 4GB



This is where my MBA usually dwells


Overall picture of my geek corner

His sofa totally clashes with his taste in computing desks and lamps and stuff, but it looks comfy.
yeah the lamp is pricey no doubt. but totally worth it. the lamp can swing into every position possible and it fits the iMac + ipad + MBP theme.

Thanks for the comments guys. I own the black ipad and my gf has the white. I honestly prefer the black one when surfing the internet because the borders are almost seamless and endless. The white looks good in the daylight- it feels crisp and fresh. The black is timeless and professional. I think either side has tradeoffs.

But if I had to choose one, it would be the black. White wears on my eyes for a bit. I would recommend you try both out in the store first. Don't have second regrets. :)
lol make your entire bedroom floor the padded floor you'd see in a gym. That'd be kinda epic XD
yeah the lamp is pricey no doubt. but totally worth it. the lamp can swing into every position possible and it fits the iMac + ipad + MBP theme.

Thanks for the comments guys. I own the black ipad and my gf has the white. I honestly prefer the black one when surfing the internet because the borders are almost seamless and endless. The white looks good in the daylight- it feels crisp and fresh. The black is timeless and professional. I think either side has tradeoffs.

But if I had to choose one, it would be the black. White wears on my eyes for a bit. I would recommend you try both out in the store first. Don't have second regrets. :)

Thanks for the response. I've handled the white one before and enjoy it being different, however am wanting something consistent to go along with my MacBook Pro & future iPhone. . . Because of this reason I keep thinking i'll most likely be settling for the black. :cool: :apple:
Here is my setup:


Apple hardware:

2.8 Ghz Quad core Mac Pro, 10GB, 2 x 1.5TB, 3x 1TB.
23" Cinema Display
2.66Ghz Core 2 Duo 17" Macbook Pro.
Apple TV1
Also have an iPad 32GB 3g and an iPhone 4, Apple TV2 not pictured.

The studio is based around Logic/Apogee Symphony with a Rosetta 800 converter and some nice outboard (Groove Tubes Vipre, Focusrite ISA220, Distressor and such).
I'm a pro guitarist/producer/sound designer.

Nice to see an axe-fx on this forum :)
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