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Nice set up, BUT how are you gonna have chicks spend the night with a twin bed? :p

There is no space for everything. And come on, it's Hästens. A twin bed from them costs like 30 000€! :eek: Besides, it's my bed. When someone comes, it's GTFO after business and find yourself another place to sleep :D

that if you got drunk and passed out, you would always end up in your bed!

That would be awesome! Even I could finally manage to end up in my bed :p
recently moved in with my girlfriend, and we happened to have the exact same ikea desk! put the two together and we've each got a workspace with a nice sunny (for today, at least) view outside.

this is it's most natural state, completely with fast food bag and empty cans. i'm on the left, she's on the right.

(yes, the imac is new. i can't tear myself away from it!)


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A quick update. I graduate on Friday, and will probably pack all my stuff up and move home until I find a good "real" job. So, some final pics of my current setup:



... and kind of cheating, as it isn't a Mac; but whatever:

My humble mac/gaming set up. Taken with iPhone 4.

Macbook Air 13" Ultimate.
Airport Extreme.
PS3 with Astro A40's and 26" Vizio TV.


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mattcube64, can I see more of that Alienware tower please? and some inside shots...

Certainly! Unfortunately, they're all a bit old; but you can get the gist of it.

Here's the most recent pic I have of the internals. I think it's from about two months ago, and it has everything that's currently in it.

This is a pic I took right after installing the RAM cooler. I messed with some overclocks, and this brought RAM temps down a good 3 degrees.

This is an oooold pic, and from my first unit. More on that in a bit.

Here's my favorite shot of it:

Quick story: I've always wanted an AW since I was a little kid. I've made do with crappy video cards for a while, and was doing most of my gaming under Boot Camp on my iMac for a while. Obviously not ideal, but it worked. Was eying a gaming desktop for a while, after realizing Bad Company 2 wouldn't run at all on my iMac. After countless nights up, and through lots of deal hunting, patience, and luck; I managed to combine a price mistake, a discount, a refub discount, and a coupon to get this desktop for about $850.

I got it about three days later, and the front plastic was cracked. Not a huge deal, but figured I'd ask for a discount. They refunded me $70. Cool. But after a few days, I realize I'd rather just pay them the $$$ for a new plastic piece and install it myself. I called Dell, and they said it would take 2-3 weeks. Arg! 3.5 weeks later, and four phone calls, it hadn't arrived. I had to leave for the summer, and sure enough, two days later my landord says I got a box and he carried it into my apt. Cool. After a few days, I drove back to school to grab the plastic piece.

They sent me a whole other computer. :D:D:D

Brand spanking new. Furthermore, they gave me free bonuses. 12GB RAM versus 6. i7 930 instead of a 920. A brand new AW keyboard and mouse. All brand new and with the cool packaging.

I couldn't believe it. I dunno why the hell they did it. Maybe an accident, maybe a random rep was feeling nice. Either way, I was thrilled. I got instructions and a box to send my old refurb back; and ishipping was covered.

So, at the end of the day; it took about six weeks of patience and lots of long nights deal hunting; but I managed to get it, brand new, for less than $800/shipped/taxed. :cool::cool::cool:

Best deal I'll ever get on anything. Heck, at the time, the video card and processor, alone, came out to that much.

Anyway, full specs: i7 930 @ 3.6 (4 is stable, but unnecessary), 12GB generic RAM at 1600, 5870 @ 1300/900, Corsair H50, DVDR drive, media reader, 500GB HDD. ... I've added: AIRFLOW cooler, Blu Ray Reader, 60GB Agility 2, 300GB Velociraptor, 2TB WD Green

I absolutely love it. The little kid in me grins every chance I get to use it. It's seriously one of the first "childhood dreams" I've been able to seize in my life.

Anyway... you looking to get one?
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Okay, okay.. I REALLY dig that raindrop wallpaper introduced in iOS 4.. So why not have it on all my devices? :D



(my iPad 2 with NO bleed, by the way :rolleyes:)

Wow, and to think I thought I was getting a good deal, getting a year-old, lightly used MBP for $600 under retail :p

What would a new machine with those specs have cost?

Well heck, that was still a fantastic deal you got yourself. ;)

At the time (About 13 months ago), building my own with the same specs would have run about $1600 if I deal shopped and hit a variety of places over the same amount of time looking for deals. Ordering it from Alienware would have been right above $2300 or so.
Just added a black keyboard protector to my wireless keyboard, I really like the look :D



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