mattcube64, can I see more of that Alienware tower please? and some inside shots...
Certainly! Unfortunately, they're all a bit old; but you can get the gist of it.
Here's the most recent pic I have of the internals. I think it's from about two months ago, and it has everything that's currently in it.
This is a pic I took right after installing the RAM cooler. I messed with some overclocks, and this brought RAM temps down a good 3 degrees.
This is an oooold pic, and from my first unit. More on that in a bit.
Here's my favorite shot of it:
Quick story: I've always wanted an AW since I was a little kid. I've made do with crappy video cards for a while, and was doing most of my gaming under Boot Camp on my iMac for a while. Obviously not ideal, but it worked. Was eying a gaming desktop for a while, after realizing Bad Company 2 wouldn't run at all on my iMac. After countless nights up, and through lots of deal hunting, patience, and luck; I managed to combine a price mistake, a discount, a refub discount, and a coupon to get this desktop for about $850.
I got it about three days later, and the front plastic was cracked. Not a huge deal, but figured I'd ask for a discount. They refunded me $70. Cool. But after a few days, I realize I'd rather just pay them the $$$ for a new plastic piece and install it myself. I called Dell, and they said it would take 2-3 weeks. Arg! 3.5 weeks later, and four phone calls, it hadn't arrived. I had to leave for the summer, and sure enough, two days later my landord says I got a box and he carried it into my apt. Cool. After a few days, I drove back to school to grab the plastic piece.
They sent me a whole other computer.

Brand spanking new. Furthermore, they gave me free bonuses. 12GB RAM versus 6. i7 930 instead of a 920. A brand new AW keyboard and mouse. All brand new and with the cool packaging.
I couldn't believe it. I dunno why the hell they did it. Maybe an accident, maybe a random rep was feeling nice. Either way, I was thrilled. I got instructions and a box to send my old refurb back; and ishipping was covered.
So, at the end of the day; it took about six weeks of patience and lots of long nights deal hunting; but I managed to get it, brand new, for less than $800/shipped/taxed.

Best deal I'll ever get on anything. Heck, at the time, the video card and processor, alone, came out to that much.
Anyway, full specs: i7 930 @ 3.6 (4 is stable, but unnecessary), 12GB generic RAM at 1600, 5870 @ 1300/900, Corsair H50, DVDR drive, media reader, 500GB HDD. ... I've added: AIRFLOW cooler, Blu Ray Reader, 60GB Agility 2, 300GB Velociraptor, 2TB WD Green
I absolutely love it. The little kid in me grins every chance I get to use it. It's seriously one of the first "childhood dreams" I've been able to seize in my life.
Anyway... you looking to get one?