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So, after my last post, I have upgraded my desk, here are a few photos:




And a comparison of the new desk before and after the Cable Box arrived:



wacom announced a new 22HD widescreen cintiq model today. I wonder who will be the first to post one. its certainly a sexy piece of hardware. I missed out on one by 3 weeks. no returns so im stuck with old model. they should be available soon though.

I do hope someone gets one so I can drool over its sexyness.
Here is my desk at work. Don't really have a "setup" at home, just a desk with some nice speakers.

I apologize for the bad lighting, I keep it nice and dim in there. :)


  • IMG_0477.jpg
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My latest setup here at Casa Di Talon Six. I picked up the Thunderbolt Display for my Mac Mini about three weeks ago and LOVE IT.

That's a PC on the it no mind.


Other Mac hardware:
  • Mac Mini
  • TwelveSouth HoverBar
  • iPad (3rd gen)
  • iPhone 4S
  • Thought Out PED3 for iPhone 4
My latest setup here at Casa Di Talon Six. I picked up the Thunderbolt Display for my Mac Mini about three weeks ago and LOVE IT.

That's a PC on the it no mind.


Other Mac hardware:
  • Mac Mini
  • TwelveSouth HoverBar
  • iPad (3rd gen)
  • iPhone 4S
  • Thought Out PED3 for iPhone 4

What keyboard sre you using. (Left)
Some great inspiration for organizing my own desk, and admirning others ;)

I actually went ahead and ordered a keyboard and the BookArc stand for the MBA after reading this. It looks much nicer when you connect it to an external display. Will post when received!

The only thing lacking will be that TB display... Which sadly will be quite a few years off. :-(
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