I liked what you've done with your Dell monitor! Talented people rule the world!
But I think this solution wouldn't work for me.

Here is why:
Below, you can see some pictures of the back of my monitor (from the oficial .pdf document). Look carefully and you will see that
there aren't any screws to remove. Just a base mount. That's why I mentioned that I have to buy a VESA adapter (
THIS ONE). This is sad, because two of them + taxes + shipping cost about 70% of the price of one monitor! :O
But, to be honest, this is better than having the default base mount, which I don't like because it doesn't allow me to adjust the height of it, plus it takes too much space (we, Mac users, like minimalistic setups, don't we?

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Well, if I had money to buy better monitors... =/
But as soon as you mentioned the brightness at 70% being a lot, I noticed the same. Reduced for 50% at daytime and even less in the night!
I would like to thank you for your contribution about calibrate the monitors. I will do that! Nice idea!
But... how can I start? Sorry for the amateur question...
This is a very important information that you left here.
"Main working windows is always the centre one".
It might sound obvious, but when having TWO monitors it's not: sometimes I leave one monitor in front of me and the other one in the right, angled. And the right one, sometimes, become my main monitor because of the long time using it. Silly me. I will fix that.
(...)"you are facing directly to the gap (between the monitor), but not the screen"
Couldn't have said better. EXACTLY WHAT HAPPENS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And now I can see how much better a single ultra wide monitor might be better than separated monitors, in some cases - like mine.
Yup. I can't leave a window in the MIDDLE. It's either in one monitor or another.
WOW. Simply WOW. :O
I like glossy monitors JUST because of the beauty of it. But now that I use them frequently and taking all of these arguments you've written, I couldn't agree more: we really tend to increase the brightness to cover the reflection. That's a clever observation, if I may say. I wish they were not glossy :/
Just a humble comment: I'm very impressed that you've looked for my monitor's specs (250cd/m²) before writing.

So, I think I have to calibrate my monitors? This "Spyder" is a software or some sort of professional equipment that I have to buy?
1. You are absolutely right, because my desk is beside two huge glass doors! But I don't like filters... I think I will Re-arrange my desk and my whole setup this weekend - and then I post here!
"If you often forced / tends to lean forward, than something is wrong already". I just realized that I do that a lot. Another brilliant observation from you. Thanks a lot! About the size (21")... well... what can I do? I received them as a gift...
3. That's what I started doing right after I've read your message (I'm replying a little bit late, sorry for that)! It helps me a lot, but I feel that I lose a lot of space in my desk, behind the side-monitor. That's why I was thinking about buying that VESA adapter to install a VESA mount and free space in my desk, under the monitors. What to you think? Does it worth it, given the currently monitors I have?
I was thinking: "what if I sell both of them and buy a single one? An ultra-wide monitor?". Just a thought... because I don't want to spend more money.
4. Me too. About the VESA mount, as I said before, I will need to buy a VESA adapter because my monitor (S2218H) doesn't support a VESA mount.
5. Agree.
Thanks a lot! You really helped a lot here, sir!