My first contribution ^^
Still rocking on PowerPC 8)
I feel like I'm using a old piece of **** when I see all these new Mac, but, my "old piece of ****" is still way more fast and stable than the most PC* I've seen, so I'm happy with that ^^
What you see:
My PowerMac G5 Late 2005 DualCore 2,3GHZ (specs in sig)
My PC (mainly used to sync my iDevices and play YouTube: Pentium E5500@2,8 / GT 730 / 6Gb DDR3 / Win 7 Pro)
2x Dell E176FP and 1 Dell 2007FP (Want to replace by a Cinema Display 23" (or even 30" :3 But waaaay too much expensive, like 3 or 4 times the price I paid for my G5) or a 27" screen)
My Nintendo 3DS Red
Some Manga I was reading (Well.. Started to read :') One Punch Man - SnK - Lesson Of The Evil)
A 4 USB Ports Hub (because 4 ports in the entire computer is really not enough)
What you don't see:
My (future) iPhone 5S (not recieve yet, I hope the 20th, but mail service is terrible so, maybe later)
My iPad Air (my mother is using it)
6/7 PC laying around (pretty much useless, think about sell them or give them for free, but money is always good)
My manga collection
* Windows PC, not Linux PC, Linux PC is stable and fast, at least all the one I've seen