Just moved
Missing some white products like Swan M10 2.1, Sony Ericcson cell, and PSP slim.
Thank god for memory foam
Yeah, and thank god for huge picturesThank god for memory foam
Yeah, and thank god for the TIMG tags
[ridiculously large pix here]
Thank god for memory foam
[Pictures of room]
I love your floors! They look so high end and what not if that makes sense. Is it hardwood or laminate? (sorry about all the floor obsession)
and how deep is it from the opening to the edge? as from where the place the imac sits in, to the place where you sit in the center. thanx btw!!
I love your floors! They look so high end and what not if that makes sense. Is it hardwood or laminate? (sorry about all the floor obsession)
unacceptable, really, use tags for the sake of the forums. It's pointless in taking a picture of your bed. They were to big for my 24".[/QUOTE]
Now you're really no one to be giving advise about size and type of pics are ya ;)
I jest, I jest! You've learnt
But back to the pics from ghostchild, I have to say I love your room, and that chair looks damn comfy :p
Not all bad for a struggling JetBlue First Officer flying an E190 68 hours a month