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well it isn't my current setup, in fact I don't even have a powerbook anymore, but the December desktop thread made me want to post this picture from last christmas


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quicksilver77 said:
I know I know........believe I hear it form the boys all the time. I used to drink moosehead green all the time. Then I switched to Heineken. Now Miller. I can't stand Keiths...I was born here to small town NS and I drink US beer shame on me....

lol oh I imagine you hear it all the time... I was just kidding around, I don't really care who drinks what, I just like playing the game :p

btw, I am very good friends with the son of the brewmaster at Moosehead, he lives like 500m away from me. let me tell you, best people to be friends with at christmas if you catch my drift ;) . a little fun trivia for next time you're out drinking, if you didn't already know it, that Moose green and Alpine actually come from the same vat at the brewery, they just put them in different bottles and they end up tasting slightly different because one is a darker bottle than the other :rolleyes:
Aarow said:
Where'd you get the screensaver? Would you please post a link?

And to 2nyRiggz

The screensaver program is called Save Hollywood, and the video of the ad came to macrumors users thanks to ClayJ back when the nano came out.

This thread contains links to both the screensaver program, and the nano ad itself.


Alright here I go, this is currently my home setup. Hope you like it.


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Thanks! Considering they are the cheapest active studio monitors out there they sound amazing. Normal speakers dont even come close.

My 2 cents: if you like music, get good speakers. It makes such a difference, even if you listen to mp3.
Hotwire132002 is right! They are the fostex pm 0.5, I got them a while ago when they were a little more expensive, but thats them.

I dont know what an ab-roller is, so I probably dont have one. Sounds like some sort of exercise machine though and trust me I wouldn't even touch one of those things with a ten foot pole.
Thanks everyone!

Every piece of furniture is from IKEA, the desk, chair, drawers and even the lamp. Gotta love those Swedes.
Brother Michael said:
efoto, you guys act like he said his drink of choicewas Natty Light :eek: (or Natty Ice :rolleyes:) I mean don't get me wrong I would take a higher class beer over Miller too, but I to each their own.
From earlier:
quicksilver77 said:
I only keep certain items in that fridge. Let me and oh yeah some more beer. Miller...the only one to drink.

HE DID choose Natty Light, since Miller = Bud = Natty = Beast = etc etc

He is slowly redeeming himself by listing other beers, but that is a huge strike against him overall...arguably unrecoverable :rolleyes:

Perhaps we need a thread discussing beer.:p

Excellent, I'll drink to that.

All of my Miller hating aside, the only time I actually pay for Miller is for beer-pong, since playing with good beers is out of the question for a game that includes a pingpong ball rolling across the floor and god knows where else :p

Anyone in the Michigan area, or perhaps further, check out Founders Brewery for some real good beers. Devil Dancer weighs in at a nice 13% and Breakfast Stout is the perfect before-noon beer with java and mocha flavors in a Guinness-like package *drool*

All this beer talk, I'm leaving work early to get some :D I love having a decent micro downtown, only 15 minutes away.

Sorry for the mass-OT post, all this talk of beer got me going :eek:, it is Friday after all.
Oh man! Just making me drool more with the last two set-ups posted. I have still been drooling over the PowerBook setups on ebay and I am consdering giving up one part of another hobby of mine for a PowerBook. These pictures keep making me more and more interested in doing so. Umm.. I better leave this thread before I sell an arm or two.
FadeToBlack said:
Wow, man. I believe that's the first time I've seen your setup. Nice! The iMac G5's are probably the best looking computers ever, IMO.

Yeah, it's the first time I've posted it so I should probably introduce them. There's iRis the iMac, iRene the iBook, Ken the Keyboard and Morris the Mouse.

I'd put the iMacs a close second behind the iBooks. But that's just me. :)
Ah, iGary's infamous setup. Fantastic!

Look at the puny Dell quiver in shame beside the Apple glory!

I cannot wait to bring the 30" ACD home. Along with more ram, a new video card, and Aperture.

Almost there.....
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