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diotav said:
Nice ... it's definitely a awesome screen for the price! How much did you pay for it?
I bought it new on Ebay for $650. With the 4year warrenty.

Caitlyn said:
What kinda camera is that in the third shot? Whatever it is, you like it? :D

It's an Aiptek somethin, I've had for a few weeks and havn't even used it yet.:eek:
AppleGuy08 said:
Hey Arc, how did you hook the xbox 360 up to your dell LCD? I have a 20'' dell monitor, and I have not found the right cables to hook my PS2 up to mine.

I have the premium 360 and it came with component cables (Red Blue and green) for HD output
I have my gamecube hooked up via the composite (yellow)
Ah i see. The bottom of my Dell LCD doesn't have inputs for those. I know they sell converters for this type of thing. Its cool though. After all, i dont really need to have it hooked up to my screen. Thats why i have the tv for :)
Well I updated my setup a bit. THe office finally got me a Macbook Pro. Its a shame that I don't have a 12" powerbook to show as well but a user on teh marketplace scammed me out of that....

Anyhow here is my little setup here in Nova Scotia


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I finally don't need that ugly CRT anymore. With my last computer I had to dual screen with a 19" LCD (like in the pictures and a ugly white 17" CRT. Now that I have my MacBook there is only good use for one of them.



These pictures are unedited and I just used my D50 on auto not giving a hoot how bad it turns out.
So far I'd had no problems with this thing.

Happy now Dude Guy?
MBP with portrait screen!!!

Lol. I was fooling around with my setup today and I thought that I should try connecting my NEC to my MBP and here it is! I like it... but I want to sell the NEC and I can't see myself keeping it like this. Anyway... I thought it was cool. :)

w_parietti22 said:
Lol. I was fooling around with my setup today and I thought that I should try connecting my NEC to my MBP and here it is! I like it... but I want to sell the NEC and I can't see myself keeping it like this. Anyway... I thought it was cool. :)

If you were to keep it like that, it'd be really cool if you had the background spanning the screens so that the only way to really tell that they were different would be the bezel of the MBP. Or it'd be really really cool if you made a transparent background or something like that...
w_parietti22 said:
Lol. I was fooling around with my setup today and I thought that I should try connecting my NEC to my MBP and here it is! I like it... but I want to sell the NEC and I can't see myself keeping it like this. Anyway... I thought it was cool. :)

I think it looks pretty sweet if it is an extended desktop as opposed to a spanned screen. :)
p0intblank said:
I believe that mouse is of the G3 generation.
Haha, don't I look like an idiot. Yes I did mean G3, not G4.

brikeh said:
I don't know what it is but I love the look of the 12" PowerBook. After I pay off this MacBook I would like to get one just for on the go because with that titanium case I would be afraid to trave with it.
HckySo said:
Haha, don't I look like an idiot. Yes I did mean G3, not G4.

I don't know what it is but I love the look of the 12" PowerBook. After I pay off this MacBook I would like to get one just for on the go because with that titanium case I would be afraid to trave with it.

I actually take mine with me everywhere but keep it in a tucano second skin, so far no dents or scratches. :)
Hahaha whoa I totally typed that post too fast. What I meant to say was "..with that titanium case and small build I would not be afraid to travel with it."

I'm usually not this much of a n00b but I think I'll continue this look of idiocity and post a totally grainy photo I'm sad to say I took with a D50.

Yes I am wearing Superman PJs
macOSX-tastic said:
arent they one and the same?



What I meant was if you are using the monitor to just display your current desktop on a bigger screen or if you are using the monitor to give you extra screen real estate plus your laptop's LCD. Know what I mean?
HckySo said:
Hahaha whoa I totally typed that post too fast. What I meant to say was "..with that titanium case and small build I would not be afraid to travel with it."

I'm usually not this much of a n00b but I think I'll continue this look of idiocity and post a totally grainy photo I'm sad to say I took with a D50.
Yes I am wearing Superman PJs

Looks like ur sitting on a pooltable, and yes....I did notice the PJ´s :D
HckySo said:
Hahaha whoa I totally typed that post too fast. What I meant to say was "..with that titanium case and small build I would not be afraid to travel with it."

I'm usually not this much of a n00b but I think I'll continue this look of idiocity and post a totally grainy photo I'm sad to say I took with a D50.
Yes I am wearing Superman PJs

wow that screen is really glossy from that view
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