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:p Simple! Just post a picture of the Apple Store Service Room and you've got a picture of where it lives
brikeh said:
Before and after moving this tuesday!

Quite the upgrade. What desk is that? And I am so jealous of all of you who have wood flooring. :( f'in apartments and their love for cheap carpet.
HckySo said:
Hahaha whoa I totally typed that post too fast. What I meant to say was "..with that titanium case and small build I would not be afraid to travel with it."

I'm usually not this much of a n00b but I think I'll continue this look of idiocity and post a totally grainy photo I'm sad to say I took with a D50.

Yes I am wearing Superman PJs
hahaha love the pjs! you're probably like 15 and now i sound like an overage perv, but whatever.

Also, me if you want but where are you interning at? (your sig says photography intern).
jessica. said:
hahaha love the pjs! you're probably like 15 and now i sound like an overage perv, but whatever.

Also, me if you want but where are you interning at? (your sig says photography intern).

Haha thanks, they're my most comfortable PJs too.
Mine go 80 metres indoors, totally crisp sound:D I <3 teh Sennheiser. It's just sad it's a black cable, doesn't go well with my MB.:( :D
jessica. said:
Quite the upgrade. What desk is that? And I am so jealous of all of you who have wood flooring. :( f'in apartments and their love for cheap carpet.

Thank you! The desk is "Markör" from Ikea :)
After using Window's dual monitoring ways for a while I was very impressed by Mac's dual monitoring preferences. With Windows all you can do is change the rez on each monitor, span the toolbar across both monitors (with third party software) and choose which monitor to be primary. But Macs is soo much better and easier, you can click and drag the monitors around if one is at a different height or something and you can do so much and it's so easy I love it.

EDIT: Heres my current setup:

(I think my MacBook is half asleep (the screen is dimmed) that's why the screen looks so bad.
HckySo said:
After using Window's dual monitoring ways for a while I was very impressed by Mac's dual monitoring preferences. With Windows all you can do is change the rez on each monitor, span the toolbar across both monitors (with third party software) and choose which monitor to be primary.
That might not be true ;)
NVIDIA has very very very bad support for Dualscreen :(
With an ATI card you can do just the same as on the Mac ;)
(jeez i'm happy that I don't own a PC anymore (it had a NVIDIA card) )
HckySo said:
EDIT: Heres my current setup:

(I think my MacBook is half asleep (the screen is dimmed) that's why the screen looks so bad.

your setup looks similar to this setup I found on tuaw:

miniConvert said:
That's gorgeous, I love floating panels, but who in their right mind would go to the trouble to wall-mount (hiding cables) a Dell screen? *shakes head*

Dell LCD's are very good quality. Why would u not wall mount them? Let me guess...if its not Apple then its not worth crap?
miniConvert said:
That's gorgeous, I love floating panels, but who in their right mind would go to the trouble to wall-mount (hiding cables) a Dell screen? *shakes head*

The dell panel (the guy said) is connected to a hidden mac mini, and the macbook pro can be hooked up to that moniter to via..vga swtich.

or something like that.
quicksilver77 said:
Dell LCD's are very good quality. Why would u not wall mount them? Let me guess...if its not Apple then its not worth crap?

What kind of question was that.

Dells monitors are nice.
I have a Dell 2005FPW and I must say it is a very nice monitor for a very good price. The only downsides are that it has a black shell and it's... *gasp* plastic. Other than that, though, it's a very nice monitor and should not be dissed simply because it's made by Dell. Actually if I'm not mistaken, don't Dell use Samsung display panels for their monitors?
p0intblank said:
I have a Dell 2005FPW and I must say it is a very nice monitor for a very good price. The only downsides are that it has a black shell and it's... *gasp* plastic. Other than that, though, it's a very nice monitor and should not be dissed simply because it's made by Dell. Actually if I'm not mistaken, don't Dell use Samsung display panels for their monitors?

They use different panels throughout their lineup I believe. Some are LG and some Samsung. Really for the price you cannot beat their quality. Liek any consumer product it is a matter of personal opinion only though. I have over 400 of them in my organization. I am impressed by the reliability and PQ quality.
quicksilver77 said:
Dell LCD's are very good quality. Why would u not wall mount them? Let me guess...if its not Apple then its not worth crap?

The point is, if you are going to spend out on a floating display like that, then surely its worth the extra little for the apple display.... ts a valid comet
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