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I do apologize for the wiring catastrophe going on right now, but I'm only a 19 year old student in halls and they didn't provide a cable hole in the table!


my trusty iBook G4 (1.42Ghz, 768MB RAM) ripping LotR with handbrake, and my Windows machine .. 3.00Ghz Pentium D, GB RAM blah blah its still windows lol.


I'm hoping to sell both to nail a Santa Rosa MBP next year so I get power and portability (and a lot more space!)
Nice Setup! How do you feel about leaving all that stuff locked in your room at Uni? I just visited my friends at Uni (Preston, UK) and I wouldn't be too chuffed about leaving my Mac stuff in my room while I went out, all it takes is for someone to follow you in past all the security doors like.
hmm, its pretty secure really, I live in a house on the 2nd floor, where it takes a key to get into the house, and a key to get into my room, so unless someone's prepared to bring ladders , its pretty safe really....

its all insured so if anything does happen, I can get a C2D MBP with the cash :-D
Mine, with apologies for the hurried PS job:

What do you think of the R800 printer. I got mine when they where new and although it was expensive I have saved so much money on ink cartridges over the normal multi-cartridge that most printer companies fob off!
Haven't posted in a While: My office (VERY "in use" during this photo!)


Apologies for use of phone camera.
I like it, looks very stylish in an Apple kinda way. Do you do music production? Judging from the Piano and PSR monster.....
I like it, looks very stylish in an Apple kinda way. Do you do music production? Judging from the Piano and PSR monster.....

Well, I'm doing a music composition course at Uni at the moment and doing some media composition at the same time. Looking forward to finishing so I can finally invest in some more gear and do a hard days work! :)

The keyboard and the piano are also arranged like that as I teach privately and I find having the instruments opposite works well for me!
How'd you do that effect?

Converted the colour photo to black and white, then image > adjustments > shadow/highlight. Played with that a bit. Duplicated the layer, gaussian blurred it, erassed out middles and turned down transparency. Then took some custom photoshop brushes and added borders. somethin like that ;)
Converted the colour photo to black and white, then image > adjustments > shadow/highlight. Played with that a bit. Duplicated the layer, gaussian blurred it, erassed out middles and turned down transparency. Then took some custom photoshop brushes and added borders. somethin like that ;)
Thanks for sharing. Mind passing on those custom brushes? :cool:
This isn't how they're set up!

I have just bought a cube. the 24" is my girlfriends, the 17" is my brothers and everything else is mine. Apart from the black Nano.

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