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edesignuk said:
Another change...just got a couple of new toys, it's been a very long day at work waiting to get home!!!

Anyway, added a Lacie D2 250GB to backup the iMac and PowerBook to (it's about time I did backups :eek:), and the Altec Lansing FX6021's, which sound fantastic!!!!

Just backing up the PB now over FW800, then to the iMac over USB2 I think :)

edesign: What's the app that displays the cd image on your desktop when a cd is inserted, like your iMac in your pic? I meant to download it when I first heard about it, but the name has since slipped my mind.... Thx!
edesignuk said:
Another change...just got a couple of new toys, it's been a very long day at work waiting to get home!!!

Anyway, added a Lacie D2 250GB to backup the iMac and PowerBook to (it's about time I did backups :eek:), and the Altec Lansing FX6021's, which sound fantastic!!!!

Just backing up the PB now over FW800, then to the iMac over USB2 I think :)
(Pic Removed)

Those speakers really are nice i have them on my Powermac :D :D

Awesome set-up. :)

Mike Teezie said:
And for whatever it's worth, I've never seen a Powerbook with a dead pixel.
Theres always a change. :eek:
What 'we' were thinking about the home computer.

Well, this picture is what 'we' were thinking back in 1954 about what we'd have in fifty years time, in 2004 ... it seems.

Is that steering wheel contraption the forerunner to the scroll wheel, mouse ball, or did they really predict the car simulation steering wheel, hmmm? I like it! :cool:

Only thing close, I guess, was the 21" 'monitor' ...


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ACED said:
Well, this picture is what 'we' were thinking back in 1954 about what we'd have in fifty years time, in 2004 ... it seems.

Is that steering wheel contraption the forerunner to the scroll wheel, mouse ball, or did they really predict the car simulation steering wheel, hmmm? I like it! :cool:

Only thing close, I guess, was the 21" 'monitor' ...

A couple of things here make me believe the caption on this photo is a joke.
- Fortran was never supposed to be "easy to use" - why would I want to program math problems in my home anyway?​

- Why 2004?!​

Still - amusing, though!
ant_s said:
A couple of things here make me believe the caption on this photo is a joke.
- Fortran was never supposed to be "easy to use" - why would I want to program math problems in my home anyway?​

- Why 2004?!​

Still - amusing, though!

I think its a joke or fake as well [caption], but indent number 2, why 2004, is answered because they said this is '1954' so 50 years later would be '2004' which makes sense...
Mike Teezie said:
And for whatever it's worth, I've never seen a Powerbook with a dead pixel.

heh heh. well, come over to my place and have a look for yourself.

1 stuck-on pixel on my 1.25GHz AlBook. but that was one of the first AlBooks produced, i'm glad i don't have those white spots (although it does look like i've got a few small ones, nothing too serious). i think the stuck-on pixel has been there from the start, but it's no big deal - 1 pixel out of how many thousand? and it's near the edge of the screen.

and my bro has a stuck-on pixel on his PC lappy, and also one stuck-on on our 19" LCD. but they're all near the edge. and honestly 95% of the time you don't notice them at all.

when i buy a new PB of course i'm going to be worried and checking for no dead/stuck pixels, but if you do have one it's not the end of the world. :p you just live with it and forget about it. 8)
A couple of things here make me believe the caption on this photo is a joke.

- Fortran was never supposed to be "easy to use" - why would I want to program math problems in my home anyway?

- Why 2004?!

Still - amusing, though!

Well, I never had too many problems with Fortran, remember it was new then, so why not think that peolple in their home might wish to program 'something', I sure did . Also, no one had concieved of a GUI os, or any of the programs that we now take for granted.

The computers of that era also had the most awesome old electronic smell about them, the components and insulation were made of different stuff than our odourless computers of today.

Also the computer of the time typically occupied whole buildings, so a room sized futuristic version was really putting it 'out there', where they admit they couldn't concieve of the technology that would allow it. .... just like people on macrumors trying to pick future Macs... how would we go guessing what computers would be like in fifty years time, in 2055?

I dips my hat to them ... true pioneers, true legends!
My first Mac Setup!

I just switched in September to an:

iMac G5 1.8, 160GB HDD, 768MB RAM, Superdrive, Airport


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Finaly got around to change the setup on my desk. The mini arrived 2 days ago but i prefered setting it up (software-wise) immediatly, without having to drag heavy (moving an apple studio display = good work-out ;)) screens and rerouting cables.
Sorry for the vga quality pictures, i don't have the money for a decent digital camera.

Before today.
(the white apple keyboard belongs to the mini - kind of an anachronism)

As of today.

Sitting here, smiling, happy :D posting
my setup

i also have an ibook 800mhz 768mb ram which i gave to my lady friend so she's not missing out :D


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Got my room set up with the Powerbook now.


The 17" Powerbook; the slogan for the iMac is "where did the computer go." At only 1" thick, I've been saying this more about my Powerbook than my old iMac, especially when it's closed. ;)

On the left is my A5 Wacom graphics tablet, the mouse is my Logitech MX1000, that's my iPod Shuffle charging in the USB2.0 Hub, and to the right of that are my Grado SR-80s.


My 28" CRT. I've spent a hell of a long time calibrating this for the best geometry I could get, and the best picture quality. It's an IDTV, so I get freeview in it, and it had a ton of other features. (picture-in-picture etc)


Gamecube, PSP, Nintendo DS, AV Switch, GBA/NDS games and my PDA.


My other games. At one point I didn't have enough room to store all my games on that, but I've been "streamlining" my collection.

My setup had changed a lot in the last few months.
I did have a fairly good 1000 watt 5.1 setup (with a massive sub) but when I bought my Grados (headphones) they just couldn't compare, so I ended up selling them. I've still not heard any speakers that compare to these headphones, and I still don't have an amp for them yet. (although a few devices have amplified headphone jacks)

I had an Xbox, PS2 and Gamecube at one point, but sold the ps2/xbox shortly before getting the PSP/NDS, partly to raise funds for them, but also because there isn't much due out for either that I'm actually interested in now. They're so cheap now, if there is a killer app, I could easily go out and get one anyway.

There used to be a 20" iMac where the Powerbook is now. While the Powerbook is a smaller screen, I actually prefer working on it, and feel more productive. Even though I do a lot of Photoshop work, I think there was a lot of "wasted" space on that big a screen.

I purchased Noise Ninja the other day, and I can't believe how much cleaner my shots are when using it. :D
andrewfee said:
Got my room set up with the Powerbook now.


That is an awesome set up, the 17" looks amazing (i would trade my setup for even a 12" any-day), your TV is also sweeet! I am a fan of the un-cluttered desk, i like it to be really tidy, you are leading by example in that field. :D

P.S how is the mx1000?

NICE SETUP andrewfee. I hope that you and your 17 inch have a long and meaningful relationship...:)
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