Why don't you take that to Apple and get a free case replacemnt?
Because I want an MBP instead. For them to fix both my issues, they will have to replace both my logic board and entire top case (which includes keyboard). This will be a very costly and long procedure for them. As long as Apple releases a new MBP and Leopard before May (which is where my AppleCare expire), I shall demand either a refund, or a replacement, in which case I will just pay the difference up to an MBP.
If they wanna repair it instead, I shall remind them of other numerous issues I've had to contact AppleCare about.
Seriously no, if I get a refund, I can get my dream MBP (2.16, 2 GB, 160 GB, 128 MB, Matte) for only $300. I know this isn't possible in the U.S., but because of many screwy Danish tax regulations, this is legally possible.
I would if course wait for a Santa Rosa model and Leopard, but I hopw you catch my trial of though.