You don't have the money, yet you've got $1200+ in consoles sitting right there...? Is there a reason you have all 3?
Well, a Mac Pro or a 24" iMac would cost me atleast $2000. And I've ALWAYS wanted a big, solid wood, desk. Not something from Walmart or IKEA, or even a decent furniture store. My grandparents have almost everything anyone could want; nice car, fancy computers, multiple bigscreens, $5K surround sound, etc. If I could have anything outta their house, it would be their main PC's desk. It's one of the heaviest pieces of furniture I've run into, has a large work area, and solid drawers, as well as plenty of space for my legs under the desk. Too bad I'm sure it could $5K or so, and it would take up almost my entire room.
Believe it or not, I've budgeted most the things in my room pretty well. The TV, instead of buying a new DLP or fancy LCD, I purchased an older RP set. 46" of widescreen HD-goodness for just around a grand. I rarely buy games at $60 new unless they're big releases. Instead, I wait for them to drop. While I tend to blow my money on what I want, I'm a bargain hunter at heart.
As for having multiple consoles ("all three"), I absolutely DESPISE console fanboys. They're easily one of my biggest pet peeves. When trying to make an argument with them, if you don't have their console of choice, your opinion doesn't count. Obviously, though, I don't have all three just to say I have all three. I love gaming. It's my greatest passion and my hobby of choice. There are great games releasing for all consoles all the time, and I don't want to miss a title just because I never bought a certain system. Not trying to sound arrogant here (or egotisitcal), but I'm a pretty good looking guy (I think), and most don't relize how nerdy I truly am until they begin to talk to me. I love to game, and so I like to spend my money on things like new consoles.
/end lifestory