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Here's my new 2.5 G5 sitting at home finally.


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My new coffee table

If I get around to buying a G5.
Well, I can do this with the two graphite G4's anyway, but it would look so much better in silver...


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Great thread, please stop posting Apple 23" monitor pictures though they barely fit on my 12" screen here and we are jalous :)

My mac history
Apple SE
Apple SE+ (Little Mac)
Apple LCII
Apple LCIII (Bigger Mac)

.....A few years in the wildowness....

iMac Blue Dalmatian
12in G4 Powerbook 1.33Mhz Superdrive (In need of more RAM)

I'll post a picture when I can get a good shot! sorry shot on my iSight.

The best thing here you cannot see. My own 8Meg link to Macrumors behind the lid. The joys of living in a converted telecoms building!


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Mac Tower

Hi there, first of all I'd like to say hello... it's my first post here :)

I've just seen this thread and reminded me of a photo a made about a year ago... From top to bottom:

12" iBook G3/700
Macintosh Classic
G4/400 AGP
G5/1.8 SP

The iBook and the G4 are gone, and now I have a 15" PowerBook and a shiny new 23" display. Also owned a G3/466 graphite clamshell iBook.




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My past:
G3 12" iBook
500 or 600 Mhz (I forget.)
15 GB (pathetic. I know.)
256 MB (came with 128; I installed the other 128 myself.)
Booted into Mac OS X (Puma) and Mac OS 9
Sold on Amazon

My present:
G4 12" Powerbook
1 GHz
60 GB
768 MB
Mac OS X "Tiger" Developer's Preview (no OS 9 for Classic mode and I don't care)
Planning on selling when G5 Powerbooks come out. [I believe in one guy, one computer just like I believe in one guy, one guy.]

My future:
G5 15" Powerbook
[specs unknown]
New Setup

MacCoaster said:
Only to be changed the day I move in my dorm room.

The day I move in, the setup will be significantly different with a different desk (I hate mine now), and an aluminum 23" Cinema HD display. :D
The day has come and passed... I didn't post the updated setup because I already posted it in the dorm setup thread. But what the hell, here it is:

  • PowerBook G4 1.25 GHz 15" w/ SuperDrive stock
  • Apple 23" Cinema HD Display
  • Cheap Altec Lansing ACS22 Speakers (what can I say, I'm deaf :p)
  • Apple Wireless Keyboard (Bluetooth)
  • Logitech MX900 Mouse (Bluetooth)
  • iSight
  • And yes, that's my PC below the desk. It's my FreeBSD server.
Not pictured is my Bluetooth Sony Ericsson T616. Mac OS X and its Address book freaking rock with bluetooth phones. I can send and receive text messages with Address Book and use the internet over the cell phone with Mac OS X.

And I'll probably change my setup when I hopefully get on the Computer Science House floor.

Gotta go, class at 12 and I need to do homework.
I took this picture today for another purpose, but I may as well share. Note that I didn't do any cleaning before taking it. (I took it as part of a discussion on how to set up for my soon-to-come G5.)

My set-up
macaddictann said:
I took this picture today for another purpose, but I may as well share. Note that I didn't do any cleaning before taking it. (I took it as part of a discussion on how to set up for my soon-to-come G5.)

My set-up
do u smoke or does your tibook? oh wait, it's not a g5! :D btw, nice printer, ive got the same one.
I do. The PB doesn't. Not intentionally. But it's a bit ashy. :( *Wonders how long until she can completely clog up her G5 when she gets it*

Well, like, holy cow! :eek:

Some of these setups are pretty darn cool, while others ... well ... they make me feel good about my own setup! :D

I think it is obvious that quite a few folks around here REALLY use their Macs, as in pro work.

This is a place holder for my setup, I readjusted my setup two weeks ago to make more room. But from what I have seen on this thread, there are a few things that I need to work on *drooool*.
My Setup

Waddaya Think?


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my super simple setup


I only have 12" powerbook 768MB RAM, 40GB HD, Combo Drive, 1GHz G4, 133 MHz bus. I previously had Sony Vaio with Pentium 4, but I gave it away so I can totally switch to Mac. And boy... I'm soooo glad I gave the Vaio away.

For now, I'm still deciding whether to get an external dvd burner or external Hard Drive... hmmmm....
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