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Switcher Orga$m

Ok, so I finally got my MBP (and probably the first one in the UAE too). Had a friend of mine order it for me from the US and bring it with him on his way here. Ordered the 1.67GHz stock model early Feb and was delighted when I found out it was being upgraded to 1.83GHz. Ordered 1 GB of Ram from Cruical, ScreenSavrZ from Radtech, and the Mighty Mouse as well.

So far, I had spend the first couple of days just looking at the thing, admiring it. Once i got a hold of the power adapter, and philips (00) screwdriver, i upgraded the RAM, and charged it for a couple of hours before powering her up. I'm so inlove with the whole experience (hardware/software) I could have sworn I had multiple orga$ms (& still am experiencing them as I type this).

Took me a bit of time to get my wireless DSL setup up (using the Siemens SpeedStream 6520 provided by my ISP), finally figured it out myself a few hours back. Its my first Mac, and as a 'switcher' (Yes! I made the switch. w00t!), would like to know what apps you recommend are 'must haves' and what can i do to optimize the performance of my mac (installing or getting rid of any applications already on my machine). After having updated the firmware, I could've sworn the startup(boot) time is even faster now.

Am quite obsessed with looking after my MBP and would like to know what sleeve/case would you'all recommend I get. I was kinda leaning towards the Shinza ZeroShock ( What do you think?

knifegun said:
I believe it is true. The noise is associated with the processor running at a lower speed to conserver the battery. So I believe the noise killer just ensures the processor runs at a higher speed that eliminates the sound.

This is the part that has me confused. The CPU whine being fixed by magic killer makes sense. But, I didn't HAVE the CPU whine. I had the display buzz. But even that has now gone away.

And Dylan, you were right. Once I installed it and it went quiet, I realised how noisy it was.

kkapoor, since I have the display buzz, you said earlier that it was due to a faulty display inverter. Now that it has gone away do I still need to get it fixed? Was the buzz caused by something being broken or was it merely an annoyance?

On a diferent note, my keyboard just lit up. WOAH. Talk about cool!
Have there been any reported issues with MBPs failing to wake up from sleep easily? Does the noise killer effect this at all? I had to manually remove the battery to do a 'cold reset' to wake the thing up frmo sleep.

Anyway, I'm putting it through its paces right now and hopefully if there's something wrong, Apple will replace the machine for me. It's a sweet computer thouigh. One of the best I have owned. It's a damn shame that it has these niggles.

Dyna, You were right btw. You don't realise how annoying the whine is until you actually silence it.

UPDATE: Well, looks like the honeymoon is over. :( And I don't know whether to be sad, upset or angry.

I had 2 kernel panics in a row. I was trying to install a widget and thought that maybe it was faulty. Anyway, I shut the lid to make it go to sleep. And then the fun began, it just wouldn't come on for about 30 mins. I tried everything. Took the battery out, tried taking out the power cord and starting up from battery only. Abs nothing seemed to work. The machine wasn't dead, the white sleep light was ON and I could hear the fans. But the display just wouldn't come on. It would make the sound that it makes when coming out of sleep and thats it.

I have no idea why but after about 30 mins of trying it came on. More fun to follow. As soon as I logged in, there was the GREY error box saying I needed to restart. You know what that meant. Again, it wouldn't come on. So about 10 mins later it comes on, I log in, and there's the grey box again. (I assume thats the box that shows up when you have a kernel panic?) So , after 2 such restarts and umpteen 'i just won't come on', it finally worked and here I am posting in this thread.

Anyone know what may be causing this? WHat do I tell Apple when I call. And will they replace it or fix it?

I'm a total Apple lover and I did make the choice to buy a Rev A, but this really is unacceptable when you spend $3000 on a machine.

Anyway, I'm going to try the extended hardware test now. If I don't post in this thread it means the damn machine didn't come on again. :( :(

Here's the log file from one of the panics

panic(cpu 1 caller 0x003ACA0E): OSMetaClass::serialize(): Obsoleted

Backtrace, Format - Frame : Return Address (4 potential args on stack)
0x24b73b68 : 0x128b5e (0x3bb0bc 0x24b73b8c 0x131bbc 0x0)
0x24b73ba8 : 0x3aca0e (0x3dfbcc 0x60007 0x39dea04 0x3ade3d)
0x24b73bc8 : 0x37b4a8 (0x39de200 0x3287480 0x37b420 0x24b73bec)
0x24b73c08 : 0x3b27e8 (0x39de200 0x494938 0x24b73c38 0x3ade3d)
0x24b73c38 : 0x3b26aa (0x33e0400 0x0 0x1 0x0)
0x24b73c58 : 0x3addcc (0x33e0400 0x0 0x1 0x33eaa00)
0x24b73c78 : 0x3ade9d (0x33e0400 0x0 0x24b73c98 0x198b25)
0x24b73c98 : 0x378554 (0x33e0400 0xffff 0x33eaa04 0x19cae2)
0x24b73cb8 : 0x378589 (0x33eaa00 0x1 0x24b73ce8 0x33eaa00)
0x24b73cd8 : 0x3addcc (0x33eaa00 0x0 0x1 0x378454)
0x24b73cf8 : 0x3ade9d (0x33eaa00 0x0 0x1 0x33eaa00)
0x24b73d18 : 0x37c641 (0x33eaa00 0x3302880 0x0 0x32869d0)
0x24b73d58 : 0x37c7c7 (0x3302880 0x4 0x0 0x3a8a044)
0x24b73d78 : 0x3a10a7 (0x3302880 0x494980 0x24b73d98 0x19cae2)
0x24b73d98 : 0x18923e (0x324b728 0x3a8a06c 0x24b73dcc 0x11c970)
0x24b73dd8 : 0x12b389 (0x3a8a044 0x37a94a4 0x0 0x0) Backtrace continues...

Kernel version:
Darwin Kernel Version 8.5.2: Mon Feb 13 16:31:48 PST 2006; root:xnu-792.8.37.obj~1/RELEASE_I386

Model: MacBookPro1,1, BootROM MBP11.0044.B02, 2 processors, Intel Core Duo, 2.16 GHz, 2 GB
Graphics: ATI Radeon X1600, ATY,RadeonX1600, PCIe, 256 MB
Memory Module: DIMM0/BANK 0, 1 GB, DDR2 SDRAM, 667 MHz
Memory Module: DIMM1/BANK 1, 1 GB, DDR2 SDRAM, 667 MHz
AirPort: spairport_wireless_card_type_airport_extreme (0x168C, 0x86), 0.1.12
Bluetooth: Version 1.7.2f10, 2 service, 1 devices, 1 incoming serial ports
PCI Card: ethernet, sppci_ethernet, Airport
Serial ATA Device: ST910021AS, 93.16 GB
Parallel ATA Device: MATSHITADVD-R UJ-857
USB Device: Built-in iSight, Micron, Up to 480 Mb/sec, 500 mA
USB Device: Apple Internal Keyboard / Trackpad, Apple Computer, Up to 12 Mb/sec, 500 mA
USB Device: Bluetooth HCI, Up to 12 Mb/sec, 500 mA
USB Device: IR Receiver, Apple Computer, Inc., Up to 12 Mb/sec, 500 mA

>>>>>>>Hardware test

This is bizarre. The extended hardware test said everything was ok. But, even before I got to it, I got a kernel panic WHILE SHUTTING down the computer. This is the log file. Any ideas guys? All of a sudden I'm getting buyers remorse and the 3k I spent is making my stomach clench up. Maybe I should have bought a refurbed G4 with Tiger and iLife 06 to tide me over for a year and then buy a new macbook. Man!

panic(cpu 1 caller 0x0019CACE): Unresolved kernel trap (CPU 1, Type 13=general protection), registers:
CR0: 0x8001003b, CR2: 0x8fe52ee8, CR3: 0x00b26000, CR4: 0x000006a0
EAX: 0x03ad8000, EBX: 0x03ad9d00, ECX: 0x00000002, EDX: 0x03ad8100
ESP: 0x24bb3b78, EBP: 0x24bb3bb8, ESI: 0x037e0240, EDI: 0x037e0240
EFL: 0x00010206, EIP: 0x00001000, CS: 0x00000014, DS: 0x0000001c

Backtrace, Format - Frame : Return Address (4 potential args on stack)
0x24bb3a44 : 0x128b5e (0x3bb0bc 0x24bb3a68 0x131bbc 0x0)
0x24bb3a84 : 0x19cace (0x3c0544 0x1 0xd 0x3c02e8)
0x24bb3b34 : 0x197b53 (0x24bb3b48 0x24bb3bb8 0x1000 0x24bb0048)
0x24bb3b40 : 0x1000 (0x24bb0048 0x39001c 0x37e001c 0x1c)
0x24bb3bb8 : 0x34de3c86 (0x37e0240 0x3ad9d00 0x37e0244 0x1)
0x24bb3be8 : 0x3addcc (0x37e0240 0x0 0x1 0x3acc0cc)
0x24bb3c08 : 0x3ade9d (0x37e0240 0x0 0x3acc004 0x3acc000)
0x24bb3c28 : 0x34dd70d9 (0x37e0240 0x3acc0cc 0x0 0x1)
0x24bb3c68 : 0x34df1a6d (0x3acc000 0x3768000 0x1 0x3631300)
0x24bb3c88 : 0x34dd6475 (0x3acc000 0x3768000 0x3acc004 0x12d780)
0x24bb3ca8 : 0x3a45e3 (0x3acc000 0x49467c 0x24bb3cf8 0x0)
0x24bb3cc8 : 0x187a86 (0x3acc000 0x3ad1d40 0x1d 0x24bb3cf8)
0x24bb3d18 : 0x12b39d (0x3a082a8 0x354e56c 0x2 0x11c970)
0x24bb3d58 : 0x11ef4b (0x3a08200 0x24bb3dec 0x24 0x0)
0x24bb3d98 : 0x12b582 (0x3a08200 0x10000 0x0 0x19cae2)
0x24bb3dc8 : 0x1492a3 (0x24bb3dec 0x24 0x24bb3e08 0x140774) Backtrace continues...
Kernel loadable modules in backtrace (with dependencies):

Kernel version:
Darwin Kernel Version 8.5.2: Mon Feb 13 16:31:48 PST 2006; root:xnu-792.8.37.obj~1/RELEASE_I386

Model: MacBookPro1,1, BootROM MBP11.0044.B02, 2 processors, Intel Core Duo, 2.16 GHz, 2 GB
Graphics: ATI Radeon X1600, ATY,RadeonX1600, PCIe, 256 MB
Memory Module: DIMM0/BANK 0, 1 GB, DDR2 SDRAM, 667 MHz
Memory Module: DIMM1/BANK 1, 1 GB, DDR2 SDRAM, 667 MHz
AirPort: spairport_wireless_card_type_airport_extreme (0x168C, 0x86), 0.1.12
Bluetooth: Version 1.7.2f10, 2 service, 1 devices, 1 incoming serial ports
Network Service: AirPort, AirPort, en1
PCI Card: ethernet, sppci_ethernet, Airport
Serial ATA Device: ST910021AS, 93.16 GB
Parallel ATA Device: MATSHITADVD-R UJ-857, 4.8 GB
USB Device: Built-in iSight, Micron, Up to 480 Mb/sec, 500 mA
USB Device: Apple Internal Keyboard / Trackpad, Apple Computer, Up to 12 Mb/sec, 500 mA
USB Device: IR Receiver, Apple Computer, Inc., Up to 12 Mb/sec, 500 mA
USB Device: Bluetooth HCI, Up to 12 Mb/sec, 500 mA

That sucks man :( I think it is crazy that people are spending $2,000 - $3,000 and are getting faulty computers. I have been saying this for a year now, Apple need to step up quality control. The MacBook Pro has SOOOOO much potential but the problems are chasing people away. I'm not using an Apple right now becuase there is nothing I feel comfortable enough using. I would give Apple a call and demand a refund or an exchance. I would probably go with a refund and avoid the MBP for awhile until more of these problems get ironed out. Best of luck!
I'm assuming you have not added 3rd party ram or anything? Did Apple install any memory for you? You might try removing a memory module to see if that helps if there is more than 512 in there.
eVolcre said:
Physical problems - everything looks ok. I have a minor gripe though. On the right side, the top of the laptop doesn't meet the bottom. There is about a 2 mm gap between the top and the bottom. I guess it's not a big deal, but I noticed it, and will probably keep noticing it. I'm a symetry freak.
For the issue of the screen closing. Almost every single PB and MBP's displays dont close at the same distance from the bottom on each side. Its nothing to worry about, but the apple rep i spoke with said that it has to be 4-6 mm or so to be concidered for repair and/or replacement.

ps mine is warped about 2 mm on the right side (compared to 3 mm on my last pb)
Here's an update with all that I've done and what worked and what didn't.

If you don't want to read all of it, the current status is that it is up and running. Updating the firmware did nothing to take away the whine from the right side. I'm not sure at the moment if it is serious enough to warrantee a replacement. Magic Noise Killer works great and takes away every little noise that the machine makes.

I spoke to Applecare this morning and we documented the issues. The wake from sleep problem is related to the kernel panics. If you had a panic while sleeping it has issues with waking up. All the kernel panics were software related - or so the support guy says. The one thing that irritates me is that they still claim that the frigging whine and crackling from the right side is normal. Anyway, all the issues are documented and I did all the changes needed. I will be putting this through the paces and if I get another kernel panic, back it goes, because at that time we would have exhausted all software fixes.

The gist of what I have done so far.

I don't remember all of the process becaue we were on the phone for close to 2 hours. But ..

1. He reset the pram or something. Basically had me hold down C, B, R and a few other buttons while restartign the machine.

2. Did the extended hardware check with no errors.

3. Went into disk utility and checked the disk - no errors.

4. I had updated the firmware on kkapoors advice but it didn't take the sounds away.

5. He had me update the OSX to the latest version from software update.

6. After doing all of this, he said that if it happens again, I should do a clean install.

7. Instead of waiting, I went ahead and did an erase and install of the OS.

So, as of right now I'm running 10.4.5 with the latest firmware. Noise issues are still there, but are silenced with the magic noise killer. The fact that it CAN be silenced leads me to believe that it isn't a serious hardware issue and that Apple should be releasing a supoprted update soon.

I haven't upgraded to 10.4.6 because I read that the update brings back the noise and the noise killer doesn't work.

I think that's about it for now. As I said, I think I have done all the recomended maintenance at this time. Everything is up to date. If something goes wrong now, it isn't because of software. For now, I think I can live with the whine. It really isn't THAT noticeable anyway. I'm more scared of sending it back and getting a machine that's even more FUBAR'ed.


I agree with you. After spending this kind of money, we should have a peaceful install instead of reading up forums and trying to make sure nothing is wrong. I don't think, at this point, the machine is DOA. But, we will see.

Oh, I do have extra RAM up to 2 gigs. but it was installed by APPLE.

Any questions? Any other tests you all want me to run?

Glad to hear you're up and running again, after the panic.

Just hope that there are no more kernel panic's i hope!

Also, sounds like you had a good experience with support, unlike some of the ohter stories going around!

Anyway, can't think of anything else atm, just, can you let me know if you think it runs hotter with magic noise killer running all the time now, and if so, is it considerable?

Thanks and good luck :)
robert-a-hudson said:
Glad to hear you're up and running again, after the panic.

Just hope that there are no more kernel panic's i hope!

Also, sounds like you had a good experience with support, unlike some of the ohter stories going around!

Anyway, can't think of anything else atm, just, can you let me know if you think it runs hotter with magic noise killer running all the time now, and if so, is it considerable?

Thanks and good luck :)

This heat thing is so subjective Robert, that I'm not sure how to compare it. It doesn't *seem* hotter than before while running the noise killer all the time. But, I didn't think it was TOO hot even before. Is the bottom hot? Sure. But, even the manual says that the bottom is how the laptop is cooled.

On the top of the machine, the hottest area is the area above the function keys, then the area above the speaker grills and finally the palm rest.

The palm rest area is barely warm. Seriously. It is almost totally cold so I have no discomfort while typing. I don't plan on touching the area about the Fn keys too much so who cares if it gets hot. And while the bottom IS hot, it has been sitting on my lap for close to 2 hours now and I'm not on fire. I'm wearing pretty thin khakis.

As long as the heat doesn't affect the working of the computer, I think it is totally acceptable for such a powerful machine. So far, all is well. As I said before its a fantastic computer. Probably the best one I have owned. I was worried last night and this morning with the kernel panics etc but all the error messages indicated that it was software caused and not hardware. I've run the extended hardware test multiple times and all seems well.

Yes, I have the 'whine' or the crackle or whatever the heck it is called these days but a) it wasn't annoying before and b) the noise killer kills it COMPLETELY.

I'm back to being happy again. :D :D :D

I have 10 more days to return if needed. And as I said, after performing all the software maintenance, if it crashes again or has a kernel panic, it's going back to Cupertino. The important thing is that I could have fixed it by following kkapoors advice. He said the same thing as the support folk. But I wanted to call them and have the issue noted in my file and have them walk me through a fix. This way, it's on the record, and if things keep getting worse I can show them a string of complaints and issues and make a case for a replacement.

eVolcre said:
...if it crashes again or has a kernel panic, it's going back to Cupertino....

Its never been there. :eek: :D Unless you took it there on vacation.

eVolcre said:
As long as the heat doesn't affect the working of the computer, I think it is totally acceptable for such a powerful machine.

So why isn't a bit of hum and crackle? What, really isn't acceptable about a dual core 2Ghz laptop making a few noises as it does its thing?

Just a wonder of mine.

Don't take me dead seriously. I'm just feeling a bit goofy tonight. Hope all stays well with your "public beta" Mac Book Pro.

An update for those of you who were following the story and especially for all of those who helped me figure things out.

It is running incredibly well *touch wood*. The firmware update seems to have taken care of any heat 'issues'. Again, I didn't have them before but I'm running the temperature widget and things are stable. It stays steady at about 42 C which is supposed to be an acceptable temperature for a CPU. The key, though, is that even if it gets a mite too warm, putting it to sleep for as little as 5 mins brings the temp right down to 21C.

I have the noise killer installed and it runs dead silent.

Some things I absolutely love so far ...

1. Expose and Dashboard. It's completely changed the way I compute in 2 days.

2. The looks. I still catch myself just looking at the form factor. I'm sure they can come up with something newer and cooler but this current one is the epitome of elegance. I used the Porsche example earlier and stand by it .. some things are just timeless.

3. The screen - it is UNBELIEVABLE. I was so distracted getting things to work for the first few days that I couldn't really enjoy the machine. But man guys, the screen is something to behold. I've seen nothing like it.

4. The keyboard is fantastic. I actually find it a little bit more comfortable than my old 12" G4 because the palm rest portion is bigger which means I can rest my palms on them instead of having them hang off in mid air.

5. OOOH factors - the first time the backlight came on automatically I went nuts. :) Too cool. Now, just for fun, I turn the lights on and off to see it work.

6. Automatic brightness. The screen is actually a little TOO bright at times. If I'm in public I will probably keep it at maximum brightness to show off but when I'm alone, I like the fact that it dims and brightens automatically. It is really un intrusive and easy on the eyes.

7. The form factor - again - I don't know if it's the proportions but if you look at it it really looks like a 17" laptop. I mean, I KNOW it's a 15" but it looks like it's bigger. Very well proportioned though.

That's all for now. If you have any specific questions or tests you want me to do, feel free to ask.


edited to add - trackpad. it is awesome. Nice big size and the two finger scrolling is really useful. I usually don't like trackpads and actually bought a mini mouse but this one is so easy ot use that I haven't even set up the Radtech mouse yet.
It's going back. Getting a replacement. I don't want to bore you with my travails but post here if you want to know and I'll supply details. Kinda pissed, but they were pretty good about it. :( :(
From the post above, sounds like everything was fine by you. Why did you return it? Processor whine? If so, did they explicitly state the replacement had the processor whine fixed?

eVolcre said:
It's going back. Getting a replacement. I don't want to bore you with my travails but post here if you want to know and I'll supply details. Kinda pissed, but they were pretty good about it. :( :(
knifegun said:
From the post above, sounds like everything was fine by you. Why did you return it? Processor whine? If so, did they explicitly state the replacement had the processor whine fixed?

I'd be curious to know too, it sounded like you were pretty happy.
Nope. No whine. I was okay with it. No heat, I was ok with that too.

It was a really frigging wierd issue. Sometimes it would go to sleep and just not wake up. If you power it down all the way the light would go off in the front. But when you hit power to bring it back up, you would hear the drive whirring and the fans come on and that's it. Nothing else.

KNow what's bizarre? If you sit there and hit on and off about 50 times it finally DOES come back on and works just fine. I don't get it.

The first time it happened (Friday) support thought it was a software issue. Did all sorts of things. Checked disc, updated firmware, reset PRAM, even did a clean install. So it worked. All dandy. And then last night I put it to sleep, wake up this morning, tried to wake up the MBP and no dice .. ****ing thing did the same old problem and didn't wake up.

Anyway, I am typing on it as we speak. Everything is fine. I love the machine. No buyers remorse but I'm a little dissapointed with Apple. NOT because there are issues, but because they claim there are no issues. But. That's a different thread .. That one!

Oh - to make it even more confusing, the extended hardware check comes up perfectly fine. If you can troubleshoot this, give it a shot because it makes no sense to me.

heres my two cents about the noise killer app:
yes it works and thats great! But IMO thats why you buy an Apple computer: it should just work with out any problems. Yes, its not that hard to download noise killer, but you shouldn't have to with an Apple computer. They're supposed to "just work", not "just work, but only after you install an excellent piece of free ware off the web to get your goddamn machine to shut up:( ". Thats sounds a lot like something you have to do with a PeeCee.:eek: For me, this is one of the main reasons I buy Macs. This is really disappointing to hear that Apple hasn't at least put a patch out.
Just my two cents
edit: yay im not a noob any more!
Agreed. BUT, I could have lived with it. This strange sleep problem, however, I couldn't risk keeping.
robert-a-hudson said:
Did it do its crashing again then?

Yup, check out post #94. It's fine at the moemnt because I didn't shut it down or let it sleep. It was on all day. Know what's interesting, it's been on all day and its not even warm on top.

Samberino said:
Am quite obsessed with looking after my MBP and would like to know what sleeve/case would you'all recommend I get. I was kinda leaning towards the Shinza ZeroShock ( What do you think?


The ZeroShock is a GREAT little sleeve. I have one for my 12" PB and I just put my PB in the sleeve, zip it up (fits like a glove - doesn't hang loose like a neoprene sleeve) and throw it in my backpack. It's kind of hard, but if you apply pressure to it, it gives in....kind of like those memory foam mattresses only a little denser. It's sturdy but it has some give when it needs it (like if you drop it).
For those who were following this story ... Apple agreed to issue a refund for my 15" MBP and ordered me a 17" instead. I know there's still a chance the 17" ones will have issues, but I didn't want any buyers remorse. The new machine is actually cheaper than the MBP I am replacing.

Plus, the 17" has a certain cool factor that the smaller one doesn't. :)

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