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you know that Lamborghini actually started out nearly exactly like that ? with building cars using ferrari engines ? which happend to be faster than the original ? and also feature 4 seats while ferrari didn't ?
in fact many car companies (especially in the sport/luxury department) started out that way

seriously apple went from being cutting edge to selling 6 month old tech in a pretty package

there are simply people who prefer to pay premium for premium parts

for me i'm looking more and more away from apple as well :
nothing better headless than the mac mini (i have one .. thank you very much i want something more powerfull) with expansion possibilities
no laptops under 1000bucks
extended warrenty still way too expensive
gpu drivers still lacking (no HD video acceleration ? a travesty)
stupid mini-displayport, no firewire

seriously if the hardware is as great as some people claim apple would sell them just as great without resorts to "but the dell pcs only sells with vista" remarks

if it weren't for os x who would still buy apple here ? i wouldn't that's for sure

You got the facts totally wrong. Lambos came alive cause its founder got pissed at Enzo Ferrari and his faulty clutch on Mr. Lamborghini Ferari. Then he transformed his tractor factory and started from scratch. New everything, including engines. The Ferrari engines that they had was used as benchmark so they can build something better.

For Apple hardware... are you serious? Dell would sell all their employees mons to have OS X but that will never happen. Dell is only a huge clone maker.
Expensive Apple Care? lol Take a look on "complete care"
If you don't like Apple so much why you bother. Get a Hell, I mean Dell and spend 45 minutes on hold everytime you want something after you make your buy or go get your hackingtosh and be happy until it brake apart or something goes wrong. I doubt Psystar has a software team in charge to optimize the system, support that Blue Ray or 9800GT. Mac OS X is designed only to run at 110% in their machines. So what is all the buzz about unsupported hardware.

I still don't get the obsession with Blu-ray on the Mac. I mean you can get HighDef content without the physical media. As far as storage goes, Best Buy lists a 2x25GB pack of BD-R as ~$20, which is $0.40/GB. I could get a 320GB portable HD for $90, which is $0.28/GB or I could get a 640GB external HD for $99, which is $0.15/GB. Seems you could get equal ability with more flexibility for less money without Blu-ray. Maybe I just don't get it.
You'll get it when your portable HD crashes and you loose all your data, while your neighbor has them all safe in BR discs. You might also get it when your customers ask you to have their wedding video in BR (just because they pay and they ask for whatever they want) and you have to buy a PC to be able to do that because Mac OSX does not support that.
Yes and you all are so easily fooled.... You really think this will ever ship you are mistaken.

First the 9800 will not work under OS X and the hack to get blu-ray to play will I'm sure be less that satisfactory user experience.

Its just marketing and not real
Lets say you have a car factory business and want to build & sell Ferraris and you can't afford to pay Ferrari the loyalties of become such provider. So you go out and use a bunch of "standard parts" , you make your product specs equal or "better" and put an Original Ferrari engine inside. Then you go online and offer it as a product as good as a Ferrari and you also hail that Ferrari can't do anything to you cause you hold the right to use their product without their permission.

What you thing Ferrari will do about it?

When it comes to rights and ownerships you have the right and duty to defend it no matter what requires.

Ferrari gone so far as to treat a guy who transformed his Ferrari into a Limousine. They ordered him to remove all Ferrari and model badges of it.
Why? Cause #1 it is not a final product build from them #2 it affects the brand and overall perception.
And look, this guy used a real Ferrari and all his original parts, but since he stretched it and added other components (structure like panels, fiber glass, etc etc) he faced a multi million suit.

There is a saying in my country that goes this way. "Your rights are good until they mess with mine"
Psystar have NO right at all and should be punish and became example to others.
Ferrari won't do anything about that because thaty only way to get Ferrari engines is BUYING THEM. So if you pay Ferrari for the engine, they might presume your gonna put it in a car (or you want to mow your lawn very fast, who knows). Actually, in Formula 1, the Toro Rosso team, uses Ferrari engines and competes (well, not really) against Ferrari.
If you buy Leopard (which you do when you buy a Psystar and that money goes to Apple) Steve Jobs might have the crazy idea that you are going to install it in a computer. Of course he wants you to put it in an Apple product and make a lot of money, but the question is: IF I DID NOT STEAL THE SOFTWARE, I PAID FOR IT, CAN YOU FORCE ME TO INSTALL IT ONLY IN THE COMPUTER THAT YOU SELL?. I think that's the question Apple does want to get challenged in court. That's why they are trying to settle, because if the answer is "you bought it, you put it wherever you want", we'll have five more Psystars tomorrow.
Is not only a threat to Apple, it is a threat to anyone that holds a copy right in this planet. It is the very danger of loose the rights on your own stuff that is at stake.
Imagine you research, create, develop and evolve a product that is critic and need to coexist with another part of your product. that went thru all that design, engineering, marketing, etc. And someone else go and offer it without ever attempt to buy a license from you. If you don't want to share it, sell it or what ever reason doesn't fit your business why other should be happily around offering and making profit of it. They are stealing your work! You will sit and wait how they rip you apart?

I don't think so :mad:
They are buying the os from Apple. That's how you pay the license. You should get your facts straight. If they were stealing it from apple, they would be in jail long ago. The point that bothers Apple is not the robbery, but the fact that they are installing a legal copy of Mac OS in an unsupported computer. Wether that's legal or not, judges will say.
They are buying the os from Apple. That's how you pay the license. You should get your facts straight. If they were stealing it from apple, they would be in jail long ago. The point that bothers Apple is not the robbery, but the fact that they are installing a legal copy of Mac OS in an unsupported computer. Wether that's legal or not, judges will say.

My facts are straight, read the EULA. You are not paying the right to use it on a clone, only Original Apple Hardware.
They own the right of the software and how, when and where it is used. Clear enough for you?
My facts are straight, read the EULA. You are not paying the right to use it on a clone, only Original Apple Hardware.
They own the right of the software and how, when and where it is used. Clear enough for you?

the eula which is not a contract?

the eula, you cant even agree to until after you have bought it? that same eula??

please, eulas are not enforceable and they are not "law"

They are buying the os from Apple. That's how you pay the license. You should get your facts straight. If they were stealing it from apple, they would be in jail long ago. The point that bothers Apple is not the robbery, but the fact that they are installing a legal copy of Mac OS in an unsupported computer. Wether that's legal or not, judges will say.

well said. i bought leopard from a store for my use. i will install it on my computer how i see fit.

what about this. my mb shipped with tiger. say i bought leopard to install on my mb but instead i didnt and put it on another computer. who cares? now extend it to a family pack with how i did it to get leopard on 3 of my computers....i still have "two licenses" left
If Apple has yet to support Blu-Ray and does not offer a reasonable low price mini tower by the time I need to upgrade, I'm definitely buying a Psystar or other clone.

I am sick and tired of Apple's manipulations and lack of product offerings. Yes, I love Mac OS, but will not continue to buy Mac Pro's only because everything else is lacking.

I am a stock owner by the way, but I resent Apple's manipulations of its customers and lack of product offerings, as well as unacceptable refresh of what they do offer.

As far as I am concerned I will worry about my own self interest when choosing a new "Mac". When ready to upgrade I'll buy a computer that suits my needs, not Apple's.

Most definitely, absolutely without doubt THIS. And I'm a stockholder of nearly 10 years' standing too.
I have mixed feelings on the matter. Whether you like it or not though, this has been Apple's method of operation for over 10 years now and it is unlikely to change.

There's some truth in what you say, but IMO Apple's computer products have never deviated so far as they are now from the desires of a significant proportion of their userbase, and this is the main problem for many.
If you don't like Apple so much why you bother.l

Because it's the only way to reliably and easily get OSX. You want OSX, you get shafted by out-dated, feature poor, options light machines with questionable design and pay far FAR more than any equiv PC hardware.

To legitimately use OSX - you have to bend over and get shafted by Apple with second rate, premium price hardware.

I've had enough of it.

Because it's the only way to reliably and easily get OSX. You want OSX, you get shafted by out-dated, feature poor, options light machines with questionable design and pay far FAR more than any equiv PC hardware.

To legitimately use OSX - you have to bend over and get shafted by Apple with second rate, premium price hardware.

I've had enough of it.

but you get tight integration through out the platform, aura of mystique and elitism, and better resale value. Apple hardware is expensive but the prices are comparable to most boutique pc products.
I say more power to them. What they are doing can't be called illegal if all the parts are off the shelf stuff. The legality is most likely going to be with the OS and then that should be the customer's risk for installing it.
Apple needs some competition once in a while, IMO. I can't see this as being hugely successful for Pystar anyway. But, it is tempting to have a low cost Mac Pro (ish) machine!
I wish Psystar would sell OSX notebooks too since Apple doesn't improve them anymore. We would have some excellent alternatives at better prices.

excellent point. i'm sure in a few month they will. it's just harder to design a notebook than a standard tower.

btw: i speced a quadcore 2.83GHz tower with 9800GT, 4GB ram 750GB HD for 1977 dollar. not that much cheaper than a mac pro.......
excellent point. i'm sure in a few month they will. it's just harder to design a notebook than a standard tower.

btw: i speced a quadcore 2.83GHz tower with 9800GT, 4GB ram 750GB HD for 1977 dollar. not that much cheaper than a mac pro.......

That's a good point. How does the quality really compare? It's hard to tell. With notebooks, maybe the safest thing to do is get a good Vaio or Lenovo and put a hacked OSX. If one day updates stop working, I can still sell the notebook with the original Windows system and get some money back.
Excellent. Maybe Pystar will keep Apple on its toes. Obviously, we want blu-ray AVCHD encoding burning/playing capabilities, and we want it now. Toast 9 is great, but encoding a 45 minute HD movie took 2 and a half days, and I have no way of testing the disc that I burned. I would LOVE compressor/DVDSP integration.
excellent point. i'm sure in a few month they will. it's just harder to design a notebook than a standard tower.

btw: i speced a quadcore 2.83GHz tower with 9800GT, 4GB ram 750GB HD for 1977 dollar. not that much cheaper than a mac pro.......

yet i have a quadcore hackintosh with an 8800gt 500gig hd 4 gig ram for 900 back in feburary

if you are considering a psystar, dont and just go build your own for cheaper
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I think what Psystar is doing it really cool but unfortunately they will probably be hit pretty hard with the law suit and end up having to shut down.
Blue Ray

They only reason Apple avoids blue-ray is not the contract issue. (Unless apple wants it their way only) It is because they see it as a threat if they put it in. The the HD movies you can download from their iTunes will drop. I love apple, but it pissed me off when SJ responded about not needing blue-ray to watch movies since you can download HD movies. Well, I would rather have the player so I can load my own movies when I want. Furthermore, I can watch it wherever I have a player and don't have to have the ATV or take up hard drive space.

Come on apple, release blue-ray.
So, my point is that, at certain levels anyway, they can build an equivalent quality product for less money. At the very top levels like the Mac Pro, I agree that there's not a lot of difference in price. So, I don't see why Apple can't build a midrange tower computer and still make money.

Apple doesn't want you to upgrade your computer. They want you to replace it (aka, continually buy new machines). Thus, crappy AIO's and no midrange tower. Just go on the osx86 wiki, find some compatible parts and build one. It's really not hard to maintain.

Look at it for what it is and it's clear to see why there is no midrange tower.
the reason apple avoids blu ray is because they are cheap and it competes with their itunes offerings.
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