Does a 64GB non-3G and a Porsche Cayenne count?
No only poser BMW 3 series count.
Does a 64GB non-3G and a Porsche Cayenne count?
Lol, I didn't bold it, the fitz did
and I am totally kidding, I'd never use it while driving.
I use mine everywhere, even when I don't need to use it.
I drove by a gas station yesterday, saw a guy in a rusty Ford pickup arguing with his girlfriend, so even though my BMW's tank was 80% full, I decided to top it off just to hear what they were fighting about. Turns out they were bickering about money problems, how she feels he needs to get a job, etc. The baby is crying in the back seat, they're wearing dirty clothes.
So I open up the door to my shiny new BMW and start pumping the gas and she looks over at me with this "I wish I was married to that guy" look and he looks over at me with this "I hate this bastard" look and I turn around, go back in the car, grab the iPad, and start using it. They stopped fighting and got silent. It was priceless. Salvation Army parking lots, WalMart eyecare centers, McDonald's drivethru windows. Everywhere is a great place to whip out the iPad.
I've got a 3G so I can understand how some of you wi-fi types likely can't relate.