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Funny story. I had an older lady (who I think was hard of hearing) ask me what the iPad was. It went like this....

Her: "what is that?"
Me: "an iPad"
Her: "that's a big iPod"
Me: "no, it's an iPAd"
Her: "iPod?"
Me: "iPad"
Her: "oh, an iPod"
Me: "iPad!!"
Her: "my iPod looks different"


Lmao I think that's VERY funny
This thread really went in a totally different way than expected.

Well, it's the weekend so I'm off with the iPad to Borders and procrastinate on getting dome real work done.
Your wifi issues sound more like a defect than intrinsic nature of the device. I suggest seeing if Apple will exchange it for you under warranty. Wifi works great for me and, I think, for most people - though a significant number of iPads apparently have wifi problems.

My iPad does sometimes forget a network's password the first time I try to reconnect. If I cancel and try again, it remembers. That bug is minor enough that it doesn't bother me. Aside from that, no problems or complaints. I also have the 3g model, so I can use it even if wifi isn't available or is really flaky.

I will take it in again tomorrow. It's my wife's unit I bought for her, and I took it to Philly on a conference. Bugs me that this is the second unit already, the first had a hardware issue/ video freezing.

At any rate, this device maybe is defective. It has nowhere near the range of my MBA or iPhone. In fact this could not even see the network in the room that both other devices were connected to.

I will try again, glad to hear that your's does not exhibit near the same symptoms.
I'm currently in the starbucks at 8442 sw 8th st 33144

Go ahead and do a google street view and you'll see me waving thru the window :D
I use mine everywhere, even when I don't need to use it.

I drove by a gas station yesterday, saw a guy in a rusty Ford pickup arguing with his girlfriend, so even though my BMW's tank was 80% full, I decided to top it off just to hear what they were fighting about. Turns out they were bickering about money problems, how she feels he needs to get a job, etc. The baby is crying in the back seat, they're wearing dirty clothes.

So I open up the door to my shiny new BMW and start pumping the gas and she looks over at me with this "I wish I was married to that guy" look and he looks over at me with this "I hate this bastard" look and I turn around, go back in the car, grab the iPad, and start using it. They stopped fighting and got silent. It was priceless. Salvation Army parking lots, WalMart eyecare centers, McDonald's drivethru windows. Everywhere is a great place to whip out the iPad.

I've got a 3G so I can understand how some of you wi-fi types likely can't relate.


Since I have been using my iPad a lot for reading, I've used it now in two doctor offices, a Starbucks, a Borders, the DMV, numerous restaurants, a few motels, and a lot of parking lots in my car (an Acura) while waiting on my wife (a trophy wife 30 years ago) to get done shopping. :D
Funny story. I had an older lady (who I think was hard of hearing) ask me what the iPad was. It went like this....

Her: "what is that?"
Me: "an iPad"
Her: "that's a big iPod"
Me: "no, it's an iPAd"
Her: "iPod?"
Me: "iPad"
Her: "oh, an iPod"
Me: "iPad!!"
Her: "my iPod looks different"



my girlfriend keeps asking me when i'm getting another ipod. keep telling her its not an ipod its ipad. she just doesn't understand. bring on may 28th
You ever seen "Top Gear" on the BBC - they maintain that BMW drivers are "cocks". I think you would be a case study in their favor.

Be happy all you got was a look and not fed your own iPad.

Happy BMW-ing...

You must not be keeping up on Top Gear. They said all the cocks moved to Audi.

Though I'd happily drive either. I'll just have to be happy with my Versa and my 64gb 3G.
Since I have been using my iPad a lot for reading, I've used it now in two doctor offices, a Starbucks, a Borders, the DMV, numerous restaurants, a few motels, and a lot of parking lots in my car (an Acura) while waiting on my wife (a trophy wife 30 years ago) to get done shopping.

If you've got a 3G and can swing a lease on a well equipped 328i, there's a place for you in the Elitist Club®.

I only have 16 gig 3G but we own a Porsche. I think that trumps your 64 and Beemer.
Well, if we're going to get into auto snobbery then "Beemer" is a BMW motorcycle while Bimmer is a BMW automobile. :)

As for taking my iPad out in public, well I do feel a little self-conscious about that. I also took a plain plastic bag with me to the Apple Store to get my iPad 3G on opening day (I didn't want to walk all the way back to my car with the iPad in an Apple Logo bag).
You ever seen "Top Gear" on the BBC - they maintain that BMW drivers are "cocks". I think you would be a case study in their favor.

Be happy all you got was a look and not fed your own iPad.

Happy BMW-ing...

LOL Made My Day!!!!!!!:D
using a laptop/ipad etc in a public place in England eg. using a laptop in starbucks etc will GUARANTEE you to get mugged and relieved of your gadgets.
Since having my ipad since day one I've been using it almost non stop, and I'm sure I'm not the only one.

And thug I've been using it like crazy there are still places where I've held some reservations about taking it out and messing around with it, even if it was only for an instant to check my email.

For example, I wouldn't dream out taking it out at a random McDonalds, especially if I'm in a shady neighborhood, and though they offer free wifi, it's just not worth the risk or the barrage of people coming up to me to ask questions inside of a McDonalds. I haven't yet taken it to Starbucks but I don't think I'd mind pulling it out there.

I have not taken it to school yet, which is surprising. Maybe its just me but I haven't seen one person on that campus with an iPad and don't wanna seem like a shumck pulling one out in class to take notes..or taking it out at the on campus library while everyone runs their laptops.


The places I have taken it out are Borders, long drives (though not public), and a restaurant (which wasn't the greatest, only cause I was by myself at the time waiting for others to arrive so checked my email and all of a sudden I became the focal point of the room)

But I am very curious as to where you take it out. Not to work but rather public places..I'm in so cal which is surprising to me as to why I myself haven't seen other ipads out in the wild, only mine.

it strikes me as though you *want* to be seen with your iPad in public rather than need to use your iPad in probably deserve any negative attention in that case.
it strikes me as though you *want* to be seen with your iPad in public rather than need to use your iPad in probably deserve any negative attention in that case.

Quite the opposite. I've been weary of taking it out at a lot of places at the behest of looking like a douche.

I hadn't really seen anybody with one out and about, so I haven't whipped it out at school or anywhere else. See, the reason I started the thread was to see which places would be the most applicable for indeed takig out an ipad. At my college a least it seems like the last place, as everyone is using their laptops, plus I'm one hundred percent sure my professor would say somethig if I'm taking notes on an ipad. This one particular professor.

I haven't yet been to starbucks with it but seems like a place to chill with it. Borders too.

The only aces I've taken it outside the house would be to all my friends house. Many times they'll think they're jogging the ipad when in fact I want them together hooked on it. :eek:
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