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insomnia will install but doesn't seem to work with 3.0 running pwn'd/unlocked 2G.

Anyone have any other luck?
I have MobileMe, but when I use spotlight, I dontget the option to search the server for email. This was something I was looking forward to! Is anyone else having this problem?
Pwnage doesn't ever find firmware

you update on iTunes. Then you download the pwnage program that will build upon the 3.0 firmware that is included within the program.
Not automatically, it doesn't. Pwnage consistently fails to find the firmware in the location Apple automatically puts it--it's been a bug in the program for a long time. You have to use Expert mode to navigate to ~/Library/iTunes/iPhone Software Updates/iPhone1,2_3.0_7A341_Restore.ipsw

I have no idea why the team hasn't fixed this simple bug but there's your workaround for everyone who has the problem as I do.
I take it you used pwnagetool in expert mode?

That's the only way to get Pwnage tool to work. It won't find the firmware without browsing to it in Expert mode. I recommend to the Pwnage team to fix this bug and also to make "Activate" no longer be the default.
Not sure where to even ask this, but is anyone else having issues with the itunes app? its giving me garbled graphics and missaligned butons instead of touchable icons.

is this a problem with 3.0 or the new jailbreak?

Edit: screenshot.


this black thing is what I see under all the main categories. what gives?

I'm having the same issue with the iTunes app. Everything else is working fine. If you or anyone happen to stumble upon the fix for this issue, please post. Meantime, I'll probably re-do the restore using pwnage.


EDIT: I went ahead and did the whole process again-- restoring with the custom ipsw from Pwnage. The iTunes app is now properly working along with everything else.
This used to work for me in the past but it's not doing it this time, still error 1600 when restore DFU on a barebone iphone

I kept getting 1600 error too. I fixed it by making sure that "Update baseband" *was* checked in General. So make sure to uncheck "Activate" (or you'll have no cell function) but only uncheck that option, not "Update baseband".
I'm having the same issue with the iTunes app. Everything else is working fine. If you or anyone happen to stumble upon the fix for this issue, please post. Meantime, I'll probably re-do the restore using pwnage.


EDIT: I went ahead and did the whole process again-- restoring with the custom ipsw from Pwnage. The iTunes app is now properly working along with everything else.
Hmm, are you on mac or windows?

I got fed up with itunes and sms not working for me, and restored back to unjailbroken 3.0

but as a windows user can I still use the same pwned restore file to rejailbreak? (I used the one in that thread for windows users) I heard it only works if you hadnt already upgraded to 3.0
1st Generation - won't come out of recovery mode

I have an iPhone 1st Generation that I bought in December '07. I have consistently JB and unlocked it ever since. I tried to update to 3.0 yesterday and seem to have bricked it! I think I made a few stupid mistakes (got too excited and didn't take my time!).

OS and iTunes updated to latest versions
iPhone JB and unlocked on 2.2.

What I think I did wrong:

1) I tried to run PwnageTool before updating phone to 3.0 normally in iTunes. (Which means I tried to restore from JB 2.2 directly to JB 3.0)
2) I selected "previously Jailbroken" so it didn't guide me through the recovery mode.
3) Stupidly, once the custom .ipsw was created, I went into iTunes and tried to restore normally to the custom .ipsw without first putting phone in recovery mode.

1) iTunes tried forever to restore the phone and then said: unknown error occurred.
2) I put the phone in DFU and tried to recover and iTunes keeps attempting and then saying the iPhone can't be recovered for an unknown reason.

Any ideas/suggestions/recommendations on how to resurrect the phone?
I have an iPhone 1st Generation that I bought in December '07. I have consistently JB and unlocked it ever since. I tried to update to 3.0 yesterday and seem to have bricked it! I think I made a few stupid mistakes (got too excited and didn't take my time!).

OS and iTunes updated to latest versions
iPhone JB and unlocked on 2.2.

What I think I did wrong:

1) I tried to run PwnageTool before updating phone to 3.0 normally in iTunes. (Which means I tried to restore from JB 2.2 directly to JB 3.0)
2) I selected "previously Jailbroken" so it didn't guide me through the recovery mode.
3) Stupidly, once the custom .ipsw was created, I went into iTunes and tried to restore normally to the custom .ipsw without first putting phone in recovery mode.

1) iTunes tried forever to restore the phone and then said: unknown error occurred.
2) I put the phone in DFU and tried to recover and iTunes keeps attempting and then saying the iPhone can't be recovered for an unknown reason.

Any ideas/suggestions/recommendations on how to resurrect the phone?
Try re-running pwnage (create a new ipsw), but select "not previously jailbroken"
I Used the new RedSn0w to Jailbreak an iPhone 3G (That has been deactivated ) and I can't get Cydia to work, I have Wifi turned on, but don't know what I'm doing wrong. I press the Cydia icon and it opens but immediately crashes and shuts down.

Any ideas?
Used pwnagetool to jailbreak my 3.0 device. Was a piece of cake. I really hope they come out with ultrasn0w today as I'm giving this phone to my brother on T-Mobile!
MuscleNerd just Twittered that UltraSn0w is complete.

Hopefully, it will be released today.
I hope so too, sold my iphone on ebay with the statement "as of June 19th, the 3.0 software CAN be jailbreoke and Unlocked" now the poor fella is waiting for me to ship but doesnt want to until this thing is ultrasn0wed. :(

Maybe I shouldn't have added that statement, oh well
Not automatically, it doesn't. Pwnage consistently fails to find the firmware in the location Apple automatically puts it--it's been a bug in the program for a long time. You have to use Expert mode to navigate to ~/Library/iTunes/iPhone Software Updates/iPhone1,2_3.0_7A341_Restore.ipsw

I have no idea why the team hasn't fixed this simple bug but there's your workaround for everyone who has the problem as I do.

i never knew that. So pwnage or even quickpwn, for that matter, just builds upon the stock firmware? I thought that it was included within the program.

I didnt choose expert and i had no problems wit h it jailbreaking. I had problems because my phone wasnt activated after it was jailbroken. The problem is that i chose not to activate via iTunes. I had to restore and re-break, and i chose activate through iTunes. It works great. Cydia was slow and crashed a bit at first, but now it is fine. MX Tube is kinda buggy, but weather and youtube works.
GPS not working after update?

Is anyone having a problem with their GPS after updating and jailbreaking? Ever since I updated, Location Services don't work!
Try re-running pwnage (create a new ipsw), but select "not previously jailbroken"

Thanks. My mistake was once the phone was in DFU mode I kept trying to select which ipsw iTunes was using to restore. Once I left it alone to choose the official 3.0 everything went fine and then I re-ran pwnage tool like you suggested.

All's fine now.
SMS history/trail disappears after JB

used Pwnage 3.0 to JB 2g/3.0 iPhone.
Now SMS history disappears each time after exiting application. So no more audit trail. It stays there while still in app though.
Anyone else experience this?
or is it some simple toggle to enable it? Looks like writes to the DB are not happening or saving.

BTW, Everything else works great.
Not to sound like a d*ck and I definitely don't mean it sarcastically, but I didn't have any problems updating. I've never have any problems updating or Jailbreaking.

I just find it amazing all these problems people are having. I must have some really good luck or something. Everything works. No issues.
I have zero problems also.

Cydia was slow but I've not checked since Saturday. I'm running 3G 3.0.
Everything's fine. :)
Cant Add Apps Help!

i jailbreak my iphone 3g with pwange 3.0. Every went well till i tried to download cydia apps like backgrounder etc. it download but doesnt get insatalled on the iphone. the same happened with different cracked apps i tryed to add syncing with itunes, doesnt get installe . i search for it on the new search engine and doesnt appear.
Can anyone know what i got to do?
It just doesn't work!

I've tried pwnage and quickpwn on my iPhone, iPhone 3G (with 2.0 and 3.0) and it just doesn't work!:mad:

Every time I install it and the installer does everything perfectly:D, but when the iPhone restarts, it restarts again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

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