No clue what my problem is, but I've tried twice and everything seems to work fine.
Cydia doesn't appear anywhere.
Can't install SBSettings with 3.0? Anyone else having same issue?
I couldn't restore with the ipsw in DFU. Kept getting a 1600 error. I tried to restore in restore mode. I got a 1604 error then.
I restored normally and started as a new phone. Then I went to DFU mode and restored with the jailbroken .ipsw and then restored with my backup and everything worked.
I've used cydia and the phone for a few hours now with no problems.
I just noticed that it's not working for me, but there are a few posts on the Dev -Team blog that says it NOT jailbreak related - perhaps a problem with 3.0.
No clue what my problem is, but I've tried twice and everything seems to work fine.
Cydia doesn't appear anywhere.
I have the same problem. Cydia was there before I re-synced my phone with computer. Now it is missing. I then updated a bunch of apps, but then are nowhere to be found. The went through the updating and installing part but just disappeared after that. Cydia is no where to be found...
Should I start over and go through pwnage tool again?
Really buggy for me-I had to go back to 3.0 vanilla on my wife's phone. Nearly everything crashed-Winterboard barely runs. Open SSH didn't work, terminal didn't work, five icon dock didn't work, there is no mobileinstallation patch.
LOTS of work needed befre JB 3.0 will be as good as 2.X. For my phone, I am staying on 2.2.1 pwned for now. I need stability AND unlock.
Not sure where to even ask this, but is anyone else having issues with the itunes app? its giving me garbled graphics and missaligned butons instead of touchable icons.
is this a problem with 3.0 or the new jailbreak?
Edit: screenshot.
this black thing is what I see under all the main categories. what gives?