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Also if anyone is curious in getting an unlocked phone minus the jailbreaking,
You unlock, activate, and install the BSD and Installer. Get everything working fine and then do a SECOND Pwn where you create custom firmware that only Activates. Then restore to that file. Your phone should be unlocked and as stock as you can get without an AT&T contract.
Hi all,

I've just received and pwned my iPhone. It's working fine, Wifi, SIM unlock.

But i can't open installer, every time i click on it, it just shows somewhat of a "white" screen not showing anything, after a while it goes back to the home screen and does so every time i try to open it. The same happens with Fring that i added to my custom firmware.

What should i do?

Thanks for your help.
I have a stange problem with winpwn.

when i run the ipsw builder, and add a program from the sources. it downloads the app but then when installing it it hangs. the progress bar stops with every app on about 1/4. so basicly i can download all apps but winpwn does not add them correctly.
Does it at least let you download the installer app? Because if you get that one downloaded, you can just do the rest from your iPhone.
Thanks! I successfully unlocked my phone because of this thread. You guys rock!

have the same problem on 3 windows systems on 2 diffrent internet accounts.
have correct itunes dll's but still not able to get it working.
mac version works great on :apple:mac but windows no go for me either way.
In the distant future I will be getting an iPhone to unlock, so I can use it on Tmobile network. My question is do you have to have some experience in hacking or unlocking the iPhone with Pwnage? I have no experience but I am willing to learn so I can do it myself once the time comes for me to unlock my 1st iPhone.
No experience necessary. I didn't have any and successfully have unlocked two phones.

I would however suggest googling and study up all you can because I know the OP can be a little confusing for a first time browser. But once you get it narrowed down it's really only 4 steps. And you also realize that it's near impossible to "ruin" the iphone using this method.
No experience necessary. I didn't have any and successfully have unlocked two phones.

I would however suggest googling and study up all you can because I know the OP can be a little confusing for a first time browser. But once you get it narrowed down it's really only 4 steps. And you also realize that it's near impossible to "ruin" the iphone using this method.

At 1st it was really confusing because the OP didn't have the application up top where it should of been. Well, then I hope the 3G iPhone will be able to be crack just like the past iPhones software. If not I will get a 1gen iPhone since Tmobile is slow to roll out their 3G which was unveiled may 1st in NYC
pwning right before selling

I am going to sell my iPhone next week to someone who will be using T-Mobile. I don't know the buyer, so I want to make sure all of my info is deleted.

I have pwnd my phone before when I traveled overseas, but then I locked it again when I came home.

My question is, what is the best way to wipe all of the data and then pwn a fresh copy WHILE MAINTAINING my current data so that I can use it with the new 3g iPhone?

Should I 'Erase all data and Content' in the settings tab on the phone and then just follow the process on page 1?

The bottom line is that I want to make sure that I give the phone to the buyer with none of my data on it and I want to maintain my data/settings so that they will easily sync with the 3g phone, whenever it comes out.

Thanks for any help...
Pwnage Tool issue

I was well chuffed when I found out about this little beauty especially as it's a Mac tool. Thing is, I found a couple of issues with the walkthrough.

I found out for myself that holding the Home button and turning on the fone whilst connected puts it into DFU mode not recovery mode which is no good, recovery mode is holding the home button (with fone off) and then connect it to the dock or USB etc. All well and good until I got to next stage, once the script finished running and it launches Turbo Autopwn I get: Patch failed rc=4 patch failed appleimage 2NORAccess and NOR flashing failed and then fone starts as normal with apple logo?? Really bummed...any idea's?
Holding the home button does not put in DFU. In DFU mode the screen is off when iTunes detects it... If your screen is off then you have obviously managed to get a harder restore mode that most people have trouble with by accident!

I suggest downloading iLiberty to put the phone into recovery mode as its the quickest method.

As for your issue - It sounds to me like you are not on 1.1.4...

Even if you are already on 1.1.4 or if your not sure I would restore to 1.1.4 anyway and then run ipwner.

Remmeber also that just because you buy a new phone doesn't mean it has 1.1.4 - you have to restore to be sure.

Either way restore to 1.1.4 and then try ipwner again and with any luck it will work...
Pwnage Tool issue

Exactly right, I managed to figure this out for myself in the end, it's an older fone that was running V1.0.2.
Apart from a couple of other minor points that could have been detailed a bit better in the walkthrough it was enough. I have now got it sussed and have a perfectly working unlocked pwned fone on 1.1.4.....very happy!
p.s from all my researching I definately feel this is probably the simplest and best hacking tool for the iphone. Dev Team are truly the nuts!
I pwned my iphone 1.14 and I couldn't get service when I was done (AT&T) so I had to restore it for the phone to get service again. Anyone know why?
I pwned my iphone 1.14 and I couldn't get service when I was done (AT&T) so I had to restore it for the phone to get service again. Anyone know why?

Yeah, read the FAQ, says to Pwn again. :) This happened to me and I pwned again and worked like a charm ever since.
Yeah, read the FAQ, says to Pwn again. :) This happened to me and I pwned again and worked like a charm ever since.

Oh I missed that. Thanks! I lost all my contacts that had photos and now I don't have any pictures in my camera roll they all went into an album so its sort of annoying =( I will try it again!
Question on Unlocking

I have just bought a new 8 Gig iPhone for a friend of mine who is back in India. I need to unlock the phone using Pwnage tool and hand it over to him.

I have the following questions regarding unlocking the phone.

1. Do I need to change the SIM card(Official AT&T SIM card) that came with the phone with some other SIM card before I start off the unlocking process?
2. If I have to change it, can it be some other AT&T SIM card?
3. After unlocking the phone, do I need to do any localization process to make the phone work in India?

Thanks in Advance!
I have a question. I followed the instructions to jailbreak and I was successful. I plan on selling this phone and want all my data to be completely cleared. Is it safe to send it out this way?

I am now at a point where when I plug in the phone I get the option to set up as a new phone or restore. If I don't select one can I ship it out like this and have it work for the buyer (accept his playlists, contacts, what-not) and also can I be sure my data wont somehow resurface?
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