hi all -
i'm a complete noob at this flashing business, couldn't find my way around terminal to save my life. that said, i'm itchin to try this on the 4890 for macPro 3.1. so i'm asking for help. what i'd like to do is use this method, http://boeglin.org/blog/index.php?en...y090918-031702 , it seems the easiest. i tried the initial step to see if i could load the kext in terminal, but i got a command not found for kextutil. and i'm lost after that...if anyone could provide clearer, more elaborate steps, i would be most grateful!
on the other hand, swissman's method http://web.me.com/jacobcroft/4870Flash/4870Flash.html[/url]) sounds promising and more in line with what i feel comfortable doing, but has anyone tried it for the 4890?
I am in the same boat as you! So far it is called the titanic lol! I just bought a 4870 http://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814102849 and I have been jumping in and out of all the forums and sites you mentioned as well, and athough I pride myself in solving almost any PC problem, fooling with my MacPro 3,1 is a whole other matter! I really want to get this card working without messing up my Computer. If you haven't already done so, buy the Mac Extender cable http://eshop.macsales.com/item/Newer Technology/MPQXES2/ to allow you to run an additional 2 Esata drives! I have a mini macPro (http://www.macally.com/EN/Product/drive35.asp) on top of my MacPro with a Time Machine / SuperDuper Back up. Thank goodness I can reboot my Mac, since I already had trouble trying method, http://boeglin.org/blog/index.php!