iMac 27" 3.4GHz quad core i7 8GB ram Radeon 6970 with 2GB of Vram
I remember testing my old G5 iMac some time ago and got about 4 minutes and I thought it would be cool to see how the new iMac went. I looked up what was considered then to be a fast speed 1.25mins for a dual processor G5 and thought the iMac would blast it away. At this stage I had not looked at any recent posts.
I thought I'd test it without resetting the history states or restarting just to make it more difficult.
The result I got was 1min 36 secs. Which was a bit of a shock, so I shut all my apps down (and there was not much running there was also at least a few gigs of ram available) reset the history to 1 and use available ram to 100% that gave me a result of 15 seconds which also surprised me.
So I concluded that it must have been the history states that did it. So I then reset the history states to 30 and still got 14 seconds. So I then set the use available ram to 2.5GB or 33% and I still got 14 secs.
So now I'm wondering why it took 1min and 36 seconds the first time, that seems like a very large discrepancy. It's not like I was running any high level video editing software or anything.
EDIT: OK I reset the use ram to 1GB then I set the history states to 99 cache level 4.
I ran the test 3 times, each time I saved the file with a different name and then closed and reopened the original to run the test. Each time the result was the same <14 seconds. I would have thought that reducing the ram to 1GB and building up the history states would have reduced the performance over three runs, but it did not. So I am even more puzzled about the original 1min 36sec result.