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macrumors member
Jan 7, 2008
Direct mocking of other users is not allowed. I completely agree with this.

The laugh reaction is, I’m sure, intended for laughing at good natured jokes. The reality is that it is used, more often than not, to laugh at the opinions of others, to mock, and belittle them - just like directly mocking another user.

I truly believe that removing emoji reaction will foster a more respectful community and discourage belittling of the opinions of others. I don’t think it’ll magically make everybody hold hands and sing Kumbaya, but I do think it would help.

I’ve had people use the reaction to my opinions or my perspectives; it really sucks and discourages me from participating more.

I use the reactions as a quick reply if I don't have more to say. Luckily, I don't think I have experienced any mocking here, but perhaps Reddit has thickened my skin on that. 🥺

I wouldn't care if the reactions were gone, as long as I can use emojis in the replies 😄


macrumors 6502
Mar 28, 2017
Interesting how this thread persisted. Apparently I'm not the only one sorta itching to apply some rationality to the social media experience. I keep coming back to this topic, because it reminds me of my old man thickening up my skin in real life, to face the real world like a real grownup. I'd come home from the playground, sniveling over stupid name-calling drama, acting surly and ruining happy hour. He'd say, "Grow up, boy. You keep acting like that, I'll give you something actual to feel bad about."

That's how I feel about QR Emojis. Have a sense of perspective. Roll with the punches. Don't act like a pansy, because that's blood in the water.

Theres a current of false-equivalency between a simple QR emojis and ACTUAL abusive rhetoric. In this particular thread, the contention that the QR Laugh emoji is "more often than not, to laugh at the opinions of others, to mock, and belittle them..." Makes me wonder:
  • Is this a claim of World-Spanning Empathical Resolutionating Insightability of other peoples' Bio-Rythmical Continuum of Intellectory Emotionizations? <in the character voice of Izzy Moreno from Miami Vice>
  • Is this an admission - "more often than not" - to such fear, uncertainty and doubt in authoring posts, that a simple QR Laugh causes emotional wreckage?
  • Has this condition evolved into projecting FUD onto "most other" commenters, who might occasionally get the QR Laugh?
  • Has this condition sublimated into an effort ruining things for everyone else?
I expect the Mods to conclude that QR Emojis are a tool that works for most people, which is why they were introduced as a feature in the first place.
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