Don't like this guy with his weird haircut and stupid thumbnails.
[doublepost=1550932389][/doublepost]Anyway I really like the overall look of the Samsung Active Watch. I only need my smartwatch to track all of mine notifications and see my agenda and sometimes using the smartwatch navigation when I'm not in my car. That would do fine right?
Side by side with the Apple watch.
What?!!! Saf's an awesome reviewer. His hairstyle and overall look is not to my personal taste, because I'm older and used to a different look on men (Oh God help me I just realized in my dating days men wore mullets and pastels

), but he pulls it off well. Anyway he's one of the rare few that lets you know what the audio recordings are going to sound like. He's got a lot of people imitating everything he does.
I'm afraid I know very little about the Active Watch other than it looks good, is smaller than the usual Android salad plate, and can tell time and give at least give me some basic notifications and fitness info from my phone. That's all I needed to know to sign myself and my husband up for pre orders. He gets black and I get silver. If he doesn't like his, I will get his, too. My wearable options for the Android side have been acceptable so far but not exciting until now. I genuinely love the looks of these new watches. I wanted one in every color.
However I still am likely to prefer my Apple watches when all is said and done. We shall soon see next month.
Well I just did the incredibly painful and nerve-wracking thing of cancelling my pre order.
I felt really bad that my March 15th delivery date was going to hold up my husband's March 8 phone for possibly a month while they take an extra six days to deliver my Flamingo Pink and then take goodness knows how long to process my trade in.
So I have kept checking the site to see if Flamingo would come back in stock. Last night I saw that it was once again possible to preorder the Flamingo S10+ . My husband actually ordered it for me and was also this time able to get me the teal flip cover case I wanted under the $50 device credit. My original order was limited to the black one for some reason.
We waited over night for the invoice email to come through and it did so I nuked the order I had placed. And now am waiting for confirmation of my cancellation. Then the hold should come off of my husband's preorder.
It's important he gets his first because I'm starting to have my concerns they've changed the display enough that it could set off my migraines. They might have somewhat copied what Apple does to OLED. But it's hard to be sure.