I did manage to get to BB and look at the S10e. We turned it into an opportunity to pick up barbecue on the way home. I found it a little hard to focus but at least it didn't make me dizzy. The S10and S10+ with the edges combined with whatever is going on with the display made me dizzy. What the edges do is throw my vision off looking for some depth or something and it's just uncomfortable. I don't care for the edges on my S9+ but didn't have quite the same issue with it that I do on the new displays.
Flatness definitely helped mitigate the weird things going on. I noticed the S10e runs a little hot on the demo software. Fingerprint sensor was in a great place for me for either hand.
I had no problem typing on it. I was worried it would be too small but no, it was fine.
My husband and I did think the S10e display looked more saturated at the same display settings for video viewing. It was fine.
I think I will be able to give the S10e a weeklong trial run. In the meantime I'll continue to try to determine what exactly is messing me up on the S10+. Store lighting can throw off accurate impressions so I really won't know until the phone is with me at home.
The S10e is (in the era of phablets) small and cute. This could end up being a phone that's very easy to keep with me and a nice complement to my behemoth 3XL.