I’m wondering if people would notice in their day to day use that much of a difference like some of his benchmarks testing under extremes show.
My concern is not what these YT reviewers say but what the people receiving and using their phones in real world conditions are noticing. Of course people naturally want the best for their money and it’s galling if some regions get the better specs. But at the same time, if someone gets angry about this and says they are rejecting the Samsung and getting a Xiaomi or whatever else instead, they are cutting off their nose to spite their face. Because I’m not sure the alternatives are going to give them a better experience.
That being said, the image processing results shown in some of the Exynos samples look like they came out of a camera from a generation or two ago and not the cutting-edge performance we are seeing this year. There’s a certain way they handle light that I remember noticing in my HTC 10 and previous Samsungs. I would not be satisfied with them and if I already had an excellent smart phone in my possession, I would skip this generation of Exynos, too, unless I were getting a sweetheart deal. Or if I was taking everything the S21 Ultra has to offer in consideration with equal weight to camera performance.
Different people notice different things. I’m not at audiophile levels of discernment to analyze headphones, for example. But my eyes do pick up on the differences he’s showing in his comparisons. I think the differences will be important to some people.