I’d wanted to see if Best Buy had any but I woke up with the virus that took a few tech reporters down this past week. Some of the people I follow on Twitter had it. It hits hard but retreats faster than the flu typically does. In my case, one of the kids brought it home from school.
I’m hoping to persuade my husband to get an S23 Ultra. But he is acting like a mule that stops and sits and won’t take another step.
I think he’s amused because I kept literally hopping up and down, waving at YT videos and chanting “Doooo It! Dooo it.” Well…I did that yesterday.
(Today, I’m mostly lying around like a slug. I vacuumed the house and scrubbed out four litter boxes, then handed over the rest of my chores to anyone who isn’t sick yet).
He can get a discount through his employer. If he doesn’t get one today, I’ll give up bugging him about it. I wouldn’t bug him if I didn’t think he will really enjoy this phone. Especially if we can change a setting and eliminate that lag that isn’t really shutter lag, but all us lazy non photographers misname it as such. 😆
I’m very happy seeing all the photos of the phones. All the colors have really grown on me. I’m very happy I chose lavender. It reminds me of strawberry bubble tea with milk.
Or a strawberry Mochi. If my husband gets the lime green phone we will have this combo:
Umm, I just realize that IS a problem with the lavender S23…all this time I’ve been looking at it, I crave these sweets. 😧😳