BOGOs are too restrictive for me to participate: add an additional line or change carriers. I am content enough with T-Mobile on my family plan. Idk, could be a MSRP and strategy thing because you cannot dilute a Samsung brand by undercutting the iPhone by that much. Also, free Gear VRs mean more VR content sales, but I think those strategies are fluff. There is nothing wrong with selling at $600-$800 range for flagships. It means cutting down on rent costs, labor costs, and shelf space cost because they don't need to fulfill VR headset promos and what not.
Doesn't take a master's degree to figure out companies, such as HTC, will not have strong bottom lines because they do not have smart pricing strategies or strong marketing. The major Android OEMs can already undercut Apple with better prices and hardware. They just need to figure out how to mimic the iOS level of consistency and be more smart about pricing and marketing.