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Offense taken. I've had three iPhones and no scratches. I did shatter one one time but that's not the same argument.

Yeah same here, in fact one time, me and my buddy Keith---

Anyway, yeah, no scratches, been using a 3GS since launch, no case. I DID accidentally kinda fling it onto the ground once and shattered the glass...

Boy that was $200 worth of fun, but yeah...

No scratches.
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I worried about this with my iPhone for a week or two when I got it three years ago. Then one day, I thought, who cares. Since then my like is much better. I don't want my enjoyment of the device to be mared by keeping it wrapped up, so it will look good in my junk closet in a few years.
No offense but you have to be a complete and total idiot to not buy a screen protector for your iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad.

I got one for the WiFi model (from Zagg), which was passed to the kids when my 3G arrived. When I started using the 3G after a few weeks with the Zagg on my other unit, I noticed (what I felt like) a dramatic improvement in the screen output. In other words, the invisible shield didn't seem so invisible sitting next to a naked unit. So now, I'm torn on what to do, though I know for sure I do need something. Sigh.
To the OP,
If you happen to own the incase neoprene sleeve, I have noticed since the first day of use that the zipper definitely has potential to come in contact with the screen while putting the iPad into the sleeve. (not so much while coming out)
Just food for thought.
No offense but you have to be a complete and total idiot to not buy a screen protector for your iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad.

I have had every model of iPhone since launch and I have the iPad. And not one single device has had any scratches on the screen, and I never used a screen protector. I guess the people who need screen protectors use their devices like idiots?
People on this forum really need to lighten up a bit.

I'm living proof that the iPad can scratch even if you do take good care of it. I've had the original iPhone and the 3G and never had a problem with scratching (i did manage to scratch the original a little but that was completely my fault).

Does apple really claim that it can't be scratched? If I brought mine in would they replace it?

If you scratched your iPad screen, you must have done something special to achieve that. My wife and I have both had three iPhones (1st gen, 2nd gen, and now 3Gs) and never scratched the glass ever (the chrome is another story...). The iPad should be no different..
I've never had a scratch on my iPhones either and they've always been naked.

A few days ago I put a protector on my 3GS. I took it off two days later. Hated it. Hated it hated it hated it.

I have iPad screen protectors on order but now I'm wondering why. I live with one other adult who has no interest in my iPad whatsoever. Children, ewww, know better than to approach me or my things, not that I am often near any.

I'll try it but I doubt I will like it.
People on this forum really need to lighten up a bit.

I'm living proof that the iPad can scratch even if you do take good care of it. I've had the original iPhone and the 3G and never had a problem with scratching (i did manage to scratch the original a little but that was completely my fault).

Does apple really claim that it can't be scratched? If I brought mine in would they replace it?

Here's what you're missing: objects suffer wear and tear as they get older. It's perfectly normal. As long as that wear is not excessive, then it's no problem at all. The product is designed to work straight out of the box - if it required a screen protector then Apple would ship the product with screen protectors.
My 3GS has been through hell. I have dropped it countless times and it is naked. The back is chipped and scratched, but surprisingly the glass on the front is perfect. Bezel has seen better days.
I have a screen protector on many of my devices only because I want an anti glare cover; so by that I don't have a screen protector on anything with a matte display.
No offense but you have to be a complete and total idiot to not buy a screen protector for your iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad.

Utter nonsense. My naked-since-launch 3G, after nearly 2 years of hard use, has an immaculate screen.
I wasn't worried about scratches too much, but I love my SGP AF... I have wiped off the screen once in a week since i put it on. Naked, i was wiping it off 2 or 3 times a day. The difference in fingerprints is amazing. I also like the difference in glare, and how it feels to my fingers... Smooth and slippery, not slick and sometimes sticky when you slide your fingers around without picking them up for a while.

So there's more than one reason to get a protector!
I know the screen is very resilient, but I love the peace of mind a (good)screen protector gives.
That's why I'm eagerly awaiting delivery of my Clear Coat shield.
People on this forum really need to lighten up a bit.

I'm living proof that the iPad can scratch even if you do take good care of it. I've had the original iPhone and the 3G and never had a problem with scratching (i did manage to scratch the original a little but that was completely my fault).

Does apple really claim that it can't be scratched? If I brought mine in would they replace it?

Depends on your genius. I was very polite, and respectful. Told the truth. They denied me. " Scratches on the screen are not covered by warranty" is what they kept telling me.
For the OP: bad luck on the scratch. I think the glass can be replaced for a set fee if it's a real problem. Cheaper than buying a whole new iPad anyway!

However, I've got an iPod touch and have never had a scratch on it with some rough use. But I'd never, ever, ever use a screen protector. That's my choice, and if the screen scratches, then so be it. But the elegance of the device would be so dimminished by a screen protector that I'll take the risk (and like I said, not screen damage yet, and I've carried an naked iPod touch around for more than a year now).
No offense but you have to be a complete and total idiot to not buy a screen protector for your iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad.

Then I must have been a complete and total idiot for the last 3 years. Never had a screen protector on anything I've owned (including all three iPhones) and I never will. Never had any scratches on my screens either.
I am on the fence about using a screen protector for my iPad when I get it.
I had an iPhone 3G that was my "back-up" phone, which means I rarely used it, but somehow I got a scratch on it, and I took care of it well. My brother has a 3Gs and he has a screen protector on it and it looks fine, but I do agree with above posters, it takes away from the screen. No harm in buying one and using it and if I don't like it I can take it off.
No offense but you have to be a complete and total idiot to not buy a screen protector for your iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad.

No offence, but you have to be a complete and total idiot to post such a general, conjectural statement on any board, forum or blog.
to OP.
I dont have an ipad (yet).

I do have an iphone 3G though and I never bothered with a screen protector as I always had it in a sleeve when not in use (e.g in pocket). Anyway I lost the sleeve a while back and shoved the phone in my pocket one day forgetting my house keys were in there. after a couple of hours I pulled out the phone and there was a series of small scratches all together about 1cm long (obviously the end of the key had rubbed back and forth. It really bugged me so I thought a screen protector might make them dissapear but as the SP didnt stick properly to this area it has made it more obvious.

I suggest you buy a screen protector and fit it, if your scratch looks better and you are hapy with the appearance of the screen - keep it. if not remove it and try to avoid more scratches (SPs cant be that expensive)

I suppose an iPad is less likely to get scratched as you wont often put it in a pocket where you might have keys, coins etc (I assume as I dont have one yet)
Everything is going to scratch. Important with touch screen devices is that you have short finger nails (otherwise you'll scratch it much faster).
Just goes to show you that an iPad and a day at the beach just don't mix!

Everything is going to scratch. Important with touch screen devices is that you have short finger nails (otherwise you'll scratch it much faster).

I'm pretty certain that fingernails are lower on the MOHS scale than glass.
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