After they have done with copying, and failure in court ....,
now they are testing another way of cheating and fraud ,
samsunG is never ever comparable with Apple ,cause there is a long time
they've been busy with making Washing machines , refrigerators (the device that Galaxy S3 inspired by) , vacuum cleaners and this kinda stuff,. ...
just imagine what samsung would be if Google kept Android for itself , and didn't give it to other companies, without Android All of them (samsung,HTC, and..) have nothing to say, exactly like Nokia.
There is much more to say about Apple and its competitors(rest of the world)
but Apple fans know that Apple is different.
Thinks like middle eastern protestors much?
Seriously, don't take an ad personally. Most ads twist the truth. You'll have heart failure from all the "Well I never!" if you react like that to all ads. Which I doubt you do. So why do you think you react as such to this one?