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Okay, here is another way of saying it. The reason why everyone buys the iPhone is cause the Samsung GS3 doesn't support iTunes.

So what, the premise is clearly false. I know lot's of people who never use iTunes. iPhone changed the mobile phone industry, there are a lot of substance there beyond iTunes, even though I agree it adds value to the whole proposition no doubt.
There are plenty of people who hate iTunes so based on your assumption, there are plenty of iPhone that are NOT sold simply because of iTunes.

This logic is just bad... We learned that in 9th grade geometry in case some of the students didn't already know that a=>b does NOT mean !a=>!b.
Samsung is going to have to be a bit more clever and a lot less sleazy with its print ads if they want to have any tangible negative effect on the iPhone 5 launch, which incidentally is trending to be the biggest in consumer electronics history.
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This is how Samsung needs to compete, hard and loud. I'm a huge Apple fan and my iPhone 5 is on preorder, so don't mistake my loyalties here.

As an entrepreneur, though, I respect a good fight. Samsung should have been out singing their own praises all along. Fight hard, market harder, innovate like crazy -- don't steal. Let the customers hear your voice.

Good for them for the aggressive stance. They won't ever be getting my business, however.
If it weren't for people being so attached to iTunes, iPhone with the small screen and inferior specs wouldn't even be in the top 5 selling smartphones.
Wait a minute!
You just replied, "Ok, iTunes and the app store".
So they don't buy phones because of specs and screen size but they do buy phones because of iTunes and the App store?

So why do they buy Galaxy Note/SIII/whatever?
Wow is Apple living in Samsung's head rent free. :D. Has Apple ever mentiond Samsung sepcifically in a keynote or ad?

I've seen the Samsung logos in keynotes before.

What exactly are they "scared" of?
Samsung ripping them off some more (as has already been proven in court and agreed upon by a jury)?

Competition. Everyone is afraid of competitors.

And Samsung has the best shot at being a good competitor to Apple's iPhone.
OK I'm sorry but I have a hard time believing the people here who say they're considering the S III because of THIS ad. Reminds me of the people who list off all the Apple devices they've has or currently use and then go on to trash the company and it's products.
It's like telling a joke. If you have to explain WHY it's funny, it's not. If you have to explain why your product is better, it's not.

This ad shows why Samsung doesn't get it. Tech geeks might buy things based on features. The average consumer (99% of the public) buys what looks nice, feels nice, and is easy to use.
What's the name of the phone you created that runs the same OS that you also created?
OH yeah...

Do people not realize that Apple makes the phone AND the OS? I bet if Apple just had to make a phone that only had statistics, it would be 1,000 times better than the GS3.

This ad is so misleading that it's borderline lying.

"iPhone 5 gives you AIDS" should be their slogan in this fear campaign.

LOL!!!! Gotta wear rubber gloves when handling such fine device.....
Wait a minute!
You just replied, "Ok, iTunes and the app store".
So they don't buy phones because of specs and screen size but they do buy phones because of iTunes and the App store?

So why do they buy Galaxy Note/SIII/whatever?

Most people buy the the high end Android phones because they have larger screens, SD slots, removable battery and an OS far more open and much easier to customize than iOS
Competition. Everyone is afraid of competitors.
No they aren't.
Copying (as has been proven by judge and jury and pretty much admitted to by Samsung) is not competition.
Competition it coming out with compelling products that make people look at both and and see which best fits what they want.
Attempting to copy something and sell it for less is not competition (by any stretch of the imagination).
So what, the premise is clearly false. I know lot's of people who never use iTunes. iPhone changed the mobile phone industry, there are a lot of substance there beyond iTunes, even though I agree it adds value to the whole proposition no doubt.

I can't remember the last time I used it on my phone. I use Spotify and Pandora for my music and iHeart and TuneIn for my radio.
It's like telling a joke. If you have to explain WHY it's funny, it's not. If you have to explain why your product is better, it's not.

This ad shows why Samsung doesn't get it.
Agreed. Kinda like the political ads.
Why not show how you shine rather than trying to show why the other guy is so bad? (vote for/buy me because the other guy sucks, not because I am any good)!)
It's amazing that they list all these hilarious simple, gimmicky features that I can almost guarantee 90% know maybe 10% of that list exists.

Yet they don't list any of the features that Apple provides. I mean, iCloud, which adds 5gb of free space and allows you to buy 25 extra gbs for $40 a year, about the cost of a 64gb SD card. True you get more gbs but you can't access that data everywhere on multiple devices.

And the removable battery? I mean, if this was an issue, no one would have bout the original iPhone, yet Apple sells more and more iPhones every gen.

Screen capture with your palm? Power and home button screen capture.

The photo sharing thing cracks me up too. You have to have a Galaxy S3 for it to even work. Where with Apple you can share photos with anyone now.

And don't even mention Passbook. You know how many few people are even aware of what NFC is, and then even use it? I am sorry, but I will be using Passbook on Amtrak, you can't use NFC with the S3 on Amtrak. Why? Cause all Amtrak conductors use iPhones.

Shake to update. Ya, you know why they made this a promotable feature? There are so many glitches, they put out so many updates its nessecary to shake the phone at least once a week. I think shake to shuffle or shake to undo makes much more sense, considering you use them, I don't know, every freakin day.

And I don't care if it is a micro usb port. You know how many versions and shapes of usb ports have been around in the last decade? Link How many connectors has Apple had in the last decade up till now? 2

Samsung is a bunch of suits.
I can't remember the last time I used it on my phone. I use Spotify and Pandora for my music and iHeart and TuneIn for my radio.
Pretty sure subsonix was referring to iTunes on the computer which is used for managing media and purchasing and playing music/movies, not iTunes on the iPhone, which is used only for purchases.
You would not use iTunes on your iPhone to play anything
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