Exactly. The population in general is stupid. I'd guess 80%+ do not know how to download an app in order to solve a technical issue on their own. For those other 20%, yes, they should go with a galaxy and solve all the problems without any help. But thats why apple is still doing so well, because they make their products simple, easy to use, and as well built in the inside AND outside to give the consumer the least amount of grief. This is true not only with the iPhone, but ALL of their products. I have yet to see a popup blue kernel screen on a mac. On the PC I got good enough to be able to fix them on my own when I was younger, but not everyone can do that. If you ever owned a PC, you have seen that blue screen....guaranteed.
It not that we all need to get better because we don't. I work in the IT field but as I tell other, MS makes turd garbage I deal with it every day. When your degree is medicine wtf do you need to also learn useless lame computer troubleshooting? Same for every field that has absolutely nothing to do with troubleshooting computers.
People in 2012 should not have to figure out again and again how to deal with stupid DLL corruptions or system failures do to bloated software. No they should be able to plug and play and if something does go wrong be able to get a quick resolution. MS of course never really cared about the consumer since their whole push was always corp and IT departments who pay for professionals to deal with mindless numbing problems day in and day out.