This report high-lights my biggest annoyance as an iphone owner. AT&T dictating what apps I can use over 3G despite my not living in the US and not using their network. In my opinion, for those that live in areas where the telcos have no problem with VOIP over 3G, this should have been implemented from the beginning.
For several years a 3G dongle was my main internet connection. I used Skype over this connection almost every day. Even today I frequently use skype video chats with friends in Brazil who use a 3G dongle. Can someone tell me why using skype over 3G on an iPhone is any different to this? Why should there be an extra cost because the app is on an iPhone? My data is paid for already in my contract, it's up to me what I choose to use the data for. As far as I can tell, this 3G restriction only applies to the iPhone. I have used other VOIP apps on other phones over 3G.
This whole thing should be a non issue. It should have been allowed from the start, at least for the rest of the world, you know that place outside of the US where AT&T is not the iPhone provider!