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From Skype: We grew tired of free-loaders on our network sucking resources and demanding free upgrades.

What do you mean freeloaders? The current skype-to-skype service IS free. Calling a user of yours using your free service a freeloader is preposterous.

I will reserve judgment on that update till I see how much this "fee" is. But I would have hoped they used some kind of credit system instead of a monthly fee.
Why are they going to charge a "small fee?"

I'll answer that in one word...


Yes, Ebay bought Skype, so they've been itching to start nickel and diming people to death ever since the purchase. This gives them an opportunity. And if you've ever had to call Ebay customer support as either a seller or buyer, you'll understand why the app is slow to be updated. They honestly don't care. They act like they have a license to print money and they do. That's also why Ebay bought a stake in Craigslist and will probably ultimately own it too! That ultimately won't be free either, mark my words down.
We can't really complain about a "small fee". Free has been great, but it's been a privilege, not a right.

My real beef with Skype has been that they let the Mac client fall 2 versions behind the Windows client. They were originally matched, but after eBay took over, things fell apart. I sure hope that they get their ducks back in a row. Macs are not second-class citizens.

Thank you! Finally someone with a voice of reason. Sure nobody WANTS to pay any fees but people here need to stop acting like they are so "entitled", that's exactly what's wrong with this world, they have the mentality of, "If it's not free it's not good enough".

To MR, stop trippin' and PAY for something for once, you're not ENTITLED!
I guess it’s only fair that Skype charge me for using AT&T’s bandwidth, when AT&T charges microcell owners for using their own ISP’s bandwidth :p But I can’t believe there’s still no Push. (Push WILL be necessary with iPhone OS 4, because that’s a part of how OS 4 multitasking works! Leaving the entire Skype app in RAM, burning battery and waiting for the app to be randomly flushed when necessary, would be ridiculous. That would be 1900s-style brute-force multitasking, unsuitable for mobile use. Not to mention, Push will work on all the devices—like my 3G—that cannot handle the new multitasking features.)

I say add Push, and keep making money selling premium services (like Skype-to-phone) the way they always have. Skype on 3G isn’t going to kill Skype-to-phone revenue because only a fraction of people you want to call are going to have 3G Skype anyway.

Meanwhile, I’ll use it until August, by which time hopefully I will have switched to iChat :)

Thank you! Finally someone with a voice of reason. Sure nobody WANTS to pay any fees but people here need to stop acting like they are so "entitled", that's exactly what's wrong with this world, they have the mentality of, "If it's not free it's not good enough".

To MR, stop trippin' and PAY for something for once, you're not ENTITLED!

No, we’re not entitled, and obviously if they’re going to go out of business (which I doubt, but who knows?) then many of us would rather fund them so they remain afloat. But we can still object to paying for a service that doesn’t cost Skype more than WiFi calls. And we can still want Skype to keep making money the way they have before: their premium services. (I’ve paid them for Skype-to-phone, and have no objection to that.)

We can also want them to keep their client software up-to-date and not months out of date. (Mac version, lack of Push on iPhone, etc.) The less well they handle things like that, the less willing I am to pay for non-premium services!

I’d actually find it more palatable if they charged ALL users, and not just 3G users. But I still have a problem with even a small fee: I don’t use Skype often at all, but I DO want to have it available to keep in touch with people who live far away and get in touch once in a blue moon. I’d use Skype over 3G between 0 and 5 times a month. They’re better off getting me to pay for Skype-to-phone than driving me away because I don’t want to pay for yet-another-communication-method I may not even use in a given month.

Two possible solutions, if premium services have not been enough to keep Skype profitable: allow a certain number of free calls a month, then charge ALL users (not just 3G) to go over that limit. And/or show ads, with a one-time or annual cost to hide them.
I have been waiting on this. Now all I need is 4.0 to come to the iPad and I can drop my iPhone and go iPad only with a bluetooth headset or headphones.

That sounds really inconvenient. I can't imagine using an ipad as a cell phone replacement. There's many places I go with my phone that i wouldn't want to bring an ipad to: pretty much anywhere that i'm not carrying a backpack or sitting at a desk.

But hey, whatever works for you....
Ok so we finally get VOIP over 3G but still no push???

WTF is Skypes problem with updating their freaking app

I don't really understand whats up with the fee after August

this can't be AT&T's doing because they approved VOIP over 3G a long time ago and not just for Skype.... and what difference does it make to Skype what kind of connection we are using????

how is a new fee justified??? am i missing something?

Totally agree, how come they didn't include Push Notifications in this?

We can't really complain about a "small fee". Free has been great, but it's been a privilege, not a right.

no one does -- and no one is.

what you've been "used to getting free" is skype over wi-fi. and guess what? it's still free. but now, they've added a new feature: skype over 3G. so, how long have you felt entitled to get new features for free?

You mean a company is monetizing the premium service of calls over 3G? This is an OUTRAGE I tell you! How dare they think they can make money, this is the United States, everything should be like free man.

So you're alright with paying for sending data twice?

To Skype: How is skype over 3g any different than skype over wi-fi?

From their point of view it should be the same thing regardless of how we connect to their servers. Why charge us! Boooo :mad:

That's the way it works. You start charging for one of your new services then eventually start charging for all your other services. As others have said, at some point they will start charging you for skype over wi-fi and nothing about skype will be free of charge.
This is ridiculous! This is what happens when GreedBay takes over. I'm surprised Craigslist is still a free service.

What exactly does this fee cover? I don't mind paying an app fee, but a monthly fee? Screw you Skype!

3g unrestrictor, here we go again.
so i'm not loosing my mind!

I live in Richmond, VA, went to DC for the weekend. Made a couple of calls from my hotel using SKYPE and then it dawned on me it was with 3G. I kept thinking it was some kinda weird error and maybe i was really using wifi but the phone was not showing that, this is awesome! :D
There are plenty of VOIP alternatives, I do not understand why some people feel they HAVE to use Skype.
I wonder how this will work. If they are going to charge a fee for using the 3G network (which seems a bit cheeky since they aren't paying the cost of the network - we, the subscribers are) how will things work if we choose not to use 3G? If they start charging a monthly subscription for all Skype activity then who is going to be bothered with it? There are plenty of alternatives.
Totally agree, how come they didn't include Push Notifications in this?

iPhone OS 4.0? Or did you not see the keynote? Skype is forgoing worthless Push Notifications for the use of Local Notifications, a much more useful and powerful tool. Coming in 4.0
I love the sense of entitlement in these forums.

Skype is a BUSINESS! Why WOULDN'T they charge a fee??
Wow, guys, I've been doing Skype over 3G with a jailbroken phone for almost a year with 3G Unrestrictor. Works beautifully. I see a couple of others have posted the same thing. Well worth the $2 it cost on Cydia - and NO monthly fee from either AT&T or Skype.

I do as well, but this and ATT offering tethering would end my interest in jailbreaking. I have an unlocked phone for non-US use; and issues with stability / battery make jailbreaking problematic, for me.

Yes, yes, free market capitalism means a business can do no wrong if its activities are to generate profits. Everyone should understand that, right? Are you Larry Kudlow in real life? :D

Actually, free market capitalism means you have the choice - simply don't use Skype. Use something else.

If the plan is to charge for Skype to landline/cellphone numbers, that makes sense; they already do that, and it's cheap enough at under $3 per month for a Skype Pro account. If they're talking about charging for Skype to Skype over 3G, that's disappointing. That type of call is free on laptops and WiFi, and I don't see any valid reason for Skype to differentiate if a user if the user is on 3G vs WiFi though, unless the wireless carrier is collecting some sort of fee from Skype to allow this. If that's the case, it's one more reason to hate AT&T, and one more reason that people really should consider stepping outside of the Apple/AT&T walled garden/prison and look to jailbreak solutions or Android phones on other networks.

I like Skypes low cost calling plans, I generally use them; with WiFi, outside of the US to call back to the states. Cheap, convienent,and works on my Mac and iPhone. I also have a cell with local SIM for receiving calls since incoming calls are free; or for use when I have no WiFi access.

As for a charge, WiFi and PCs are a different beast than 3G VOIP, in terms of how the network is used. ATT faces teh potential to carry a lot of traffic for VOIP calls that would not occur if people are tethered to WiFI hotspots or PC's. Skype now will essentially be provding a way for anyone to make and receive calls, from virtually anywhere, to any other Skype user. For international calling, that is big - in theory, Skype has just replaced long distance for all US iPhone users; and eliminated connection charges.

Given Skype's low cost plans I'm guessing it will really be low. Perhaps they expect a significant jump in activity and want to cover that; based on the Droid experience? Maybe VZW subsidized their costs and know, faced with Skype to Skype calls from non-VZW providers is ending that practice? I don't know, but if a small fee keeps them up and running well I'm OK with that.

Now, if Apple sold an unlocked iPhone in the US I'd go for that; even if it had a significant premium.
Going to have to agree with the general consensus about this latest version of Skype...

...still no push notifications for when Skype isn't running
...charging for Skype-to-Skype calls (I can understand Skype-to-phone, but what about all those years and millions of Skype desktops, laptops, and hardware devices that don't pay? Why target and gouge iPhone and iPad users?) native or universal support for iPad
...and just overall slow to develop, release, fix, and update.

Waited too long for a killer app that ended up killing itself in the end. Time to check out the alternatives.

I understand why this Skype news is headline news, because they are the big player.

There are other apps that have all these features for quite a while ( some with push and some without ). For example, the free app Whistle Phone has a native iPad version, it supports WiFi and 3G on all three device types and calls to most U.S. numbers are free.
I love the sense of entitlement in these forums.

Skype is a BUSINESS! Why WOULDN'T they charge a fee??

I've no problem with buying the Skype 3G software as an extra over and above the regular one. What I can't understand is how they can justify a monthly charge for using someone else's network.
I've no problem with buying the Skype 3G software as an extra over and above the regular one. What I can't understand is how they can justify a monthly charge for using someone else's network.

A simple fact some are choosing to ignore in defense of "capitalism"
J&J: "ruin lives to make and/or protect our profits".

All my experiences with J&J is that they really try to live up to their credo of putting the patient first, even before profits. Why they apparently failed to in this case is puzzling.
Nope i prefer to have push instead o keeping Skype running in multitasking!!

Push worked always incredibly great for me with 0 impact on performance, and i want to keep using app this way. Multitasking a little device like iPhone is good but overrated!

Don't forget iPhone OS 4.0 will have Local Push Notifications. Maybe Push will work after 4.0 comes out.
Local notifications - Your app can now alert users of scheduled events and alarms in the background, no servers required.
I've no problem with buying the Skype 3G software as an extra over and above the regular one. What I can't understand is how they can justify a monthly charge for using someone else's network.
Yep. This would be like allowing Comcast users free access as usual, but charging Cox users $5 a month for the same features. It shouldn't matter to Skype which network you are on. It doesn't cost Skype anything extra if I'm using AT&T's 3G or using my home internet (unless maybe AT&T has a hand in this, forcing Skype to charge a fee; you can get the same features at no extra cost (and no future cost) on Verizon Wireless).

If Skype wanted to charge $5, $10 or whatever upfront for a 3G Skype App, I'd pay it. But I don't understand how they can justify a monthly charge depending on which network you're using.
Why does the front page news say the Skype 3G calling is free till the end of August? The Skype software says it's free till the end of 2010.
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