Indirectly. Yes. Check Google's financial statements for how much they pay for network peering.
Has nothing to do with 3G.
Indirectly. Yes. Check Google's financial statements for how much they pay for network peering.
Okay but once the data Skype creates goes over 3G its INTERNET DATA and not a 3G VOICE CALL. Now once the data IS on the net there is NO cost to the person who receives the data.
In short... A Skype to Skype call from my computer to my father-inlaws is handled the EXACT same way as it would be if the call started with my iPhone using a wifi hotspot in PERU AND is handled in the same way as it would if the call came over a 3G DATA connection to the internet.
I have many web sites... are you saying that if I visit my web sites with my 3G phone AT&T is BILLING MY WEB SITE?!!? NO, they are not. Countless millions of 3G users are hitting GOOGLE.COM using the 3G DATA plan, do you think AT&T is sending 3G data-bills to GOOGLE? Again... NO. The entire POINT of Skype is to tunnel a voice conversation (or video-chat or text) utilizing the FREE pipes of the internet. Just like VOIP does.. Tho Skype isn't 'exactly' VOIP its a really close cousin.
3G DATA is internet DATA and internet DATA is covered 100% with your iPhone DATA PLAN that you MUST pay for when you have an iPhone.
When Os4 is out to public Skype uses Multitasking feature so Skype dont disconnect everytime you push the home button.
This version from Skype are not compatible with that feature.
I develop for Iphone so I have OS4
It think you're missing the point of the other poster (unless I'm mistaken), but what I think he/she was trying to say is Skype can charge because they CAN,period. Skype is no longer a small time mom and pop startup company that can't afford to piss off their customers, they CAN afford to. Just understand this, it's actually a good thing that they charge a small fee, it helps for better quality development. Also, you're paying for convenience. If using Skype over your 3G network is no more convenient than using your cell phone minutes then by all means, don't use Skype.
The pipes may be free, but the pumps to get the data there and back (bandwidth) and the valves to precisely control it (servers) cost money. Google uses data mining and ads to cover their backend cost. Skype has elected to use fees to cover part of their backend cost.
I'm not missing the point.. the example he gave was flawed because all things being equal opening a store in a luxury area is far more costly on an ongoing basis (rent and maybe even utilities like garbage carting costs). Those higher costs MUST be reflected in the prices the grocer sells thing for.
Skype is flawed in thinking they can charge a monthly fee for piece of software that in ALL other environments cost ZERO to make Skype to Skype calls with.
Maybe not... with all of the people falling over themselves to defend their pricing THERE ARE A TON OF SUCKERS with their tongues hanging out and a big wad of money clinched in their fist just dying to pay their monthly fee.
Hmmm wonder what'll happen when Apple decides its not a bad idea to start charing a monthly fee for DAYTIME use of the Calculator.APP (why daytime? hey why NOT?)
It's so sad how the great unwashed can be so enamored with something that EVERYTHING is fully defendable... Some of you guys and gals MIGHT wanna read up about a quaint little place called Jones Town, it might be an real eye opener.
And rent for 3G cell towers isn't cheap either (probably a lot more per sq.ft. than the grocer has to pay, or any DSL/cable box for that matter). Somebody has got to pay. You think the phone company doesn't know where the traffic on their networks goes?
Actually regrading your point about Apple charging to use - they do charge for the 'premium use' of - its Called MobileMe. They have been charging this fee for years. I pay the yearly fee to sync my calendars between my three macs, my iPhone and iPad. I view it as a premium add-on and gladly pay it for the many benefits if offers me. Likewise, some will pay a fee to Skype to make 3G phone calls for the benefits its provides them.
its Called MobileMe ... I pay the yearly fee to sync my calendars between my three macs, my iPhone and iPad. I view it as a premium add-on and gladly pay it for the many benefits if offers me. Likewise, some will pay a fee to Skype to make 3G phone calls for the benefits its provides them.
You are SO cute...
Skype has hundreds of thousands of people making calls for FREE each and every day for YEARS now... When they suddenly decide they NEED to fund their Skype operation and instead of doing a .49 per month fee to the hundreds of thousands of users they instead go with a monthly fee of $2.59 to 227 people who are ACTUALLY suckered into this 3G Skype monthly price plan.
(Oh yes, I made up that $2.59 - it doesn't really matter - coulda been .99 - coulda been 29.99)
Re-read my post... I never said Calander.APP what I said was Calculator.APP... How would people feel if Apple turned around and said Calculator.APP will only be FREE from 6am to 6pm -- after that if you want to use the Calculator.APP you need to pay a MONTLY FEE TO APPLE.
And reading the rest of your example was POINTLESS since APPLE HAS TO FUND THE EXISTENCE OF THEIR .ME SERVICES. They pay salaries, they pay to have a data center constructed, they buy equipment, they pay for backup data services, backup power services, AC services with redundant emergency standby power, internet services with redundant backup pipes.
.ME cost Apple money on a MONTLY basis and I'd FULLY expect them to charge me on a monthly or in the .ME case annual basis.
Does allowing someone to place a call over their own 3G cellular data pipe to the internet incur Skype ANY ADDITIONAL*** of the costs listed above.
*** I say ADDITIONAL since its clear Skype is paying for its operation now. The question is will the .0001% of the calls that come to Skype over a 3G pipe INCURE such an extreme increase in their monthly operating budget that allowing that call to go tru 3G justifies a monthly expense. The answer is NO.
Well phrased. Poor logic.
Surely a company this large offering free calls could considerably undermine the whole mobile operators business model. On my contract with Tesco Mobile i pay £20 per month for a txt and minutes package with unlimited data. Allowing skype to make this unlimited mins would more expensive packages redundant.
I wonder if skype will keep all their profits, or will make deals with mobile operators.
This is standard business practices; offer something free with 'no-frills' then add to the cost by offering extra options. For example, I get water for free at the local Chinese place, but I can choose to upgrade to soda for an extra fee.
This is how capitalism works. Go to your local elementary school for a book on the subject.
I'm done discussing this with such an uninformed individual. However I will leave you with this.
CAPITALISM is NOT the concept of charging only .001% of the users for a service that is given away FREE to the rest of the 99.999 users.
You can google for the finer details.
So... when they say "3G" does that mean phone network, or only 3G? That is, any chance it works on EDGE? I am guessing not, but it is unclear.
I launched it on my original iPhone and it said I could make calls over my "cellular network" but then in the "details" screen it talked about 3G.
no one knows the cost associated with 3g transmission but it seems the majority of the posters think Skype should absorb it, oh thats right, those are the people that have never bought any credits and simply use it for free while not having a clue as to infrastructure cost or carrier agreements.
And it's also sad that so many people that grace this earth end up as nothing but spoiled brats with a sense of entitlement for something they don't have to work or pay for.![]()
In the future, nothing on the internet will be free.
Actually, in the future, everything on the internet will be free - Google.
incoming DATA on the internet from CABLE-MODEM is the same as...
incoming DATA on the internet from DIALUP is the same as...
incoming DATA on the internet from DSL is the same as...
incoming DATA on the internet from 3G is the same as...
incoming DATA on the internet from FIBER is the same as...
incoming DATA on the internet from SATELLITE is the same as...
Do you really think an email that came from 3G actually COST the receiver MORE for THAT email then it did from an email that came from DLS, CABLE, ETC?
It's all just INTERNET DATA and YOU are paying for the traffic and once it gets past the cell tower is just ordinary internet data. There is NOTHING complex or magical about it.
Skype wants to charge IT USERS more power to em...
Let me ask you this...
How about Skype only charging users with an income over 40k a year how about only 30k a year hmm 20k a year 10k a year maybe 5k? Or hey how about they just charged people who had an odd number in their street address.. or maybe only people in the UPPER 1/3 of the US.
This is EXACTLY what Skype is doing... 3G is just the 'odd thing' Skype used to impose this monthly fee.
Hey maybe they'll ONLY charge 3G calls to iPhone devices while Android would get a free pass.... Sure, why not?
No spoiled brat here.... I'd be 1000% behind Skype charging their users... for the services they consume!