I retract all statements i have made here i think All the free users should boycott this damn Skype Company and teach them a lesson... psst...
HLdan, you and i can have a lot more band width available for our dollars.
We can't really complain about a "small fee". Free has been great, but it's been a privilege, not a right.
My real beef with Skype has been that they let the Mac client fall 2 versions behind the Windows client. They were originally matched, but after eBay took over, things fell apart. I sure hope that they get their ducks back in a row. Macs are not second-class citizens.
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I think that would end up costing the Skype users more if they paid for the services they "consumed". It's better to pay a monthly fee for unlimited use. Just look at some of the iPad threads from people that say the use up the 250MB limit in less than a week.
I have no problem with that business model none what so ever. My question to you is are you paying that Chinese restaurant a monthly fee for that cup of soda?
Now if your argument is that Skype is a service and it cost MONEY then YES I agree 100000%.
They have EVERY right in the WORLD to charge their users ALL OF THEM to use their service. If they have the testicular fortitude to pull such a stunt then I'd back them all the way or if they charge on a per call basis only then that too is fine but anyone trying to explain to me that Skype is doing this to fund its operations is just full of crap. Would any service really be able to fund itself by only charging .001% of their total user base?
Actually, in the future, everything on the internet will be free - Google.
Yes with Ads.
Actually, in the future, everything on the internet will be free - Google.
Somebody has to pay for the servers, the lights and the IT's morning cup of starbucks NOTHING IN LIFE is or will be free.
Get a job like the rest of us.
Huh? Eventually? What are you talking about? We do pay for internet service. I mean, I don't know about you, but I pay for it. Maybe you use your neighbor's unprotected wireless network to get on the internet or something, but I actually pay for my internet access. And I have my Cox Communications bill to prove it, lol.One word Television....
Television was always going to be free with advertising to support it.
Present day - Most people can not get any over the air free TV and those that can are lucky if they get more than 3 channels.
TV is considered a necessity by most so we are willing to pay for it. The internet services are also a necessity and we will eventually pay for them.
Are they doing this to 'fund their operations'? No exactly, they are doing it to make a profit for their investors as well as to fund their operations and expansions though advertising, M&A and R&D. I'm sure it is costing them very little extra to provide the 3G access, but likewise, the restaurant that sells the soda for 1.29 is only spending pennines, if that, on the mix used to make the soda they sell. The rest of the money, 1.28$, is going in their pocket.
Improved start-up time.
Man, listen to yourself. You entitled little brat. You are complaining that this FREE Skype app and its FREE ongoing service should have more updates, more often and of higher quality. Stop to consider, for a moment, that Skype is 'justifying' the fee to offset costs and perhaps earn some money for its efforts - not to mention, give you exactly what you want with more updates more often and of higher quality. Damn people like you and your narrow minded selfishness! Get over yourself!
From Skype: We grew tired of free-loaders on our network sucking resources and demanding free upgrades. We decided we would rather have 1 million users paying a small fee for the service than 10 million using it for free. This 3G announcement was a nice way of saying it.
Great to hear 3G calling is available at last. Although it hasn't really been an issue for those with jailbroken iPhones (many of us). I'd imagine 3G Unrestrictor would get around the monthly charge also.
because they're a business, and by definition, businesses exist to make money. they've offered free services for years -- and they still do. now they've identified a new feature that users want, but they've decided to charge for it.
that's business. why is that bad?
This feature was just brought on by AT&T doing. They are the ones that will be impacted by this, not Skype. Unless AT&T is incurring a price to Skype, it shouldn't be a price change because this feature is already free using WIFI. Last time I checked 3G is still just a data connection like WIFI (simply put). This is just a change in the App code to allow 3G connection instead of WIFI only.
Android should get a free pass.... YEA!! SURE!!, why not? iPhone users SHOULD PAY for their 3G Skype calls with a small monthly fee cause its a known fact THOSE JERKS ARE RICH... Android users are poor college kids and they shouldn't be charged a 3G monthly fee... HEY! We'll just increase that small monthly fee to those rich iPhone jagoffs.