I think they've already began backtracking a bit on the fee issue. It did originally say August.Why does the front page news say the Skype 3G calling is free till the end of August? The Skype software says it's free till the end of 2010.
I've no problem with buying the Skype 3G software as an extra over and above the regular one. What I can't understand is how they can justify a monthly charge for using someone else's network.
iPhone OS 4.0? Or did you not see the keynote? Skype is forgoing worthless Push Notifications for the use of Local Notifications, a much more useful and powerful tool. Coming in 4.0
It is unrealistic to suggest that the costs that are not the network are inexpensive.
Skype could make money either by charging a one-time fee for the app, or by charging an on-going fee for the service they provide.
Skype is choosing to charge by a on-going service fee.
Skype makes no bones about the fact that you, the end-user, already pays for the network layer. But if there were no other expenses, anyone could set up an alternative to Skype with no significant investment.
After all, Skype does pay for their front-end and back-end software and hardware that does VoIP transport, "call" negotiation, and account management. They pay for the people that man the help desk, build out their redundant data centers, etc. This stuff is NOT cheap.
I think they must be smoking crack to think people will pay monthly for this!!!
Thank you Skype (HOLD 3 secs) press X, ONE STAR! and goodbye!!![]()
A simple fact some are choosing to ignore in defense of "capitalism"
who wants to pay for something they are used to getting free?
I live in Sweden and have already paid for 3G cellular access without restrictions. Why should I have to pay a fee?
No! Not another monthly fee.
Not yet activated?![]()
What I can't understand is how they can justify a monthly charge for using someone else's network.
Well phrased. Poor logic. Surely a company this large offering free calls could considerably undermine the whole mobile operators business model. On my contract with Tesco Mobile i pay £20 per month for a txt and minutes package with unlimited data. Allowing skype to make this unlimited mins would more expensive packages redundant. I wonder if skype will keep all their profits, or will make deals with mobile operators.
Electric service
All of these items are 'ongoing services' that cost MONEY to produce and as such you are CHARGED a fee to pay that cost+profit+taxes+surcharges+fees+etc.
How does Skype justify their monthly fee this 3G calling is handled the exact same way as any other FREE Skype call?
Same reason that lettuce costs more in the expensive grocery store in the ritzy part of town.
I don't know the details but Skype has to pay gateway fees to interact with 3G networks, land line networks, IP trunk lines. There is a real cost to offering the service.
The GROCER has to pay HIGHER RENT to be in the ritzy part of town and THAT is why the charge a higher price.
do you think AT&T is sending 3G data-bills to GOOGLE?
I've no problem with buying the Skype 3G software as an extra over and above the regular one. What I can't understand is how they can justify a monthly charge for using someone else's network.
The GROCER has to pay HIGHER RENT to be in the ritzy part of town and THAT is why the charge a higher price.
Skype is NOT paying for YOUR 3G cellular service are they?! NO!!! So why would Skype care OVER WHAT KIND OF NETWORK a call was placed when THEY aren't paying any of the cost?