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Do you have any voltage on the LB battery connector without the charger?
Also try with disconnected battery indicator.

Battery: Connected
Magsafe: Disconnected

battery: Connected
magsafe: Connected (green Light)

-Battery Indicator Status Disconnected
-Macbook status Off

Many Thanks
I have a macbook pro 13 820 3115-B won't start.
Spilled liquid all cleaned off OK
It does charge the battery and have a solid green light.
Where is 3.42v at G3Hot power pad ?With keyboard no fan, no chime, no video , no signs of life at all. Anybody have the same problem that I have want to share where the problem is.

i have bordview and shematic
I do really appreciates you guys input.

i check 2.3mv ...

i need help
thanks you
If you have no G3HOT at one of this power on test pin (battery only, magsafe only or both), then forget about getting 12v at the second fuse. G3HOT powers the SMC, thus without it none of the power FETs that control voltages to the system will not be turned on. There is a pair of diodes that the cathodes are tied together to the input of the G3HOT (one from battery and the other from magsafe). This is then down regulated by a regulator chip to generate the 3.42v. You have to track this down and figure out why 3.42 is not on before going any further.

Hi cmdrdata,
I'm in the same case: no G3HOT, after several days and night of troubleshooting, i've tracked the power of the magesafe/battery till the U6990, and in my case the G3HOT is shorted to the ground (0,03V).
Then I removed the U6990: short circuit still there.
Removed and mesured R6994 and R6995: both are OK
I'm suspecting C6999, but because of that short circuit i can't locate it ( i've already removed some shorted caps but without success)
So my question: could someone provide me the components "maps" diagram for my logic board wich is A1278 EMC 2351 820-2879 or tell me where is located C6999.
i've already a brdviewer wich is named "Landrex".
I have a macbook unibody (Mid-2010) A1342 which is exhibiting symptoms of a bad ILS6529A or something near it. When plugged in, it randomly shuts down, no kernel error. On battery, it's slow with kernel_task chewing through CPU. Running ASD 3s138 returns a VP0r PBus low error, and iStat shows it sitting at around 0.3-0.6V I took the liberty of probing voltages of the 6529 with the battery disconnected, magsafe connected, and can do so again with batt connected, magsafe not, both connected, etc. Any insight on this, or where the computer does the PBus voltage sensing? Thanks a ton!

Edit: Looking about in the schematic, I want to test the resistors and transistors of the Q5315 sensor, but can't locate an 820-2877 k87 boardview for free (Found one, refuses to open in eagle and allegro). Any help with either locating this sensor, or a boardview would be appreciated.

Magsafe: Connected
Battery: Disconnected


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All power ok, no chime

I have 2 macbooks with the same symptoms.
All powers are ok, battery is charging. Magsafe light is amber.
When I switch it on, fans start spinning, and all voltages are there (form S5 to S0) CPU voltage is 1.3V etc.
But I get no chime and no display.
What could I check? (I checked the EFI flash and it's getting 3.3V)

Thanks in advance
Found the proper boardview, schematic, and boardview software; Attached for those interested.

Also found the component which has failed.
R5315, a TINY 100k resistor. Now I need a microscope and hot air station.. :(


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Dead 15:

I recently purchase a late 2008 MacBook Pro unibody. It is in great condition, no signs of water just dust.
If you plug in the adapter it charges ok. When you press the power button there is nothing. Could someone please help me.
I recently purchase a late 2008 MacBook Pro unibody. It is in great condition, no signs of water just dust.
If you plug in the adapter it charges ok. When you press the power button there is nothing. Could someone please help me.

Have you tried the on-board power-on pads?
LogicBoard 820-2530


i hava a problem with my mbp mid 2009. When i plug in the magsafe the led light is very low and the book won´t charge. I can power on the mbp with a good battery but when i unplug the battery it won´t start up.
I replaced the i6258AHRTZ but i got the same problem.
G3HOT has 3,4v and the magsage board ist ok!

The ISL6263 in the picture has no voltage and the fuses around too.
Could the ISL6263 be broken?

Thank you very much!


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I recently purchase a late 2008 MacBook Pro unibody. It is in great condition, no signs of water just dust.
If you plug in the adapter it charges ok. When you press the power button there is nothing. Could someone please help me.

Many times in these models problem is MCP chipset. Try to reflow it.

i hava a problem with my mbp mid 2009. When i plug in the magsafe the led light is very low and the book won´t charge. I can power on the mbp with a good battery but when i unplug the battery it won´t start up.
I replaced the i6258AHRTZ but i got the same problem.
G3HOT has 3,4v and the magsage board ist ok!

The ISL6263 in the picture has no voltage and the fuses around too.
Could the ISL6263 be broken?

Thank you very much!

Do you have SDA- SCL lines, about 3.3 / 3.4 in battery connector?.
Check Magsafe circuit protection too.


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    Captura de pantalla 2015-04-02 a las 11.13.21.png
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Yes i´ve checked it! Its ok!
Now after some hours the replaced i6258 get very hot when the magsafe is connected! What voltages can i still check?
Ok thanks now i have clean the Board and desolder the QFN IC.

That looks pretty bad?:eek: Can i repair this? 2 Pins are missing.

illrian, can you describe your process as to how you got the QFN28 off?

I have had no luck.

Hi i have 820-2530a a1287.

Found that ISL6258 won't give 12v.
Replaced to new one. Nothing changed.
There is no short circuit at the L7000.

ACOK 3.2v
DCIN 16v
SCL 3.4
SDA 3.4

Notebook starts only from battery. Magsafe bright green. Q7020, Q7021 powered up and waiting for generation. But no luck.

My main problem - seems like there is no data transfer on SCL SDA because battery not detected "X" (Battery checking LED board switched off)
This is strange because SCL SDA voltage are normal and resistance between GND - 13k on each.

My main question - will ISL6258 work and produce 12v if SCL SDA failed due to failed SMC?

Thank you! Sorry for bad English))
My main question - will ISL6258 work and produce 12v if SCL SDA failed due to failed SMC?

Thank you! Sorry for bad English))

I suspect if you use an oscilloscope you will see no data on the SCL and SDA pins? Can you confirm that.

So there is nothing on the gates of Q7020/Q7021? What about the drain of Q7020?
I will try to use digital frequency meter to control it when reach home. Its must be about 400kHz.

Q7020 drain voltage = 16.8v

And sorry, forget to said, i replaced Q7020 Q7021 with PH5030AL both.
It seems quite the same and maybe a little better, same case. If i wrong, please, let me know.
MBP 15 retina 820-3332

Hello everybody

I have got a MBP retina 15", no sign of liquid damage.

When i connect the mega safe to the dc-in i see the mega safe indicator blinks one each 8 second.

I checked out the PPBUS_G3H and each time the megasafe blinks the power go up to about 12 V for a second and then it comes down to 2 V.

I checked up the F6905 and it acts exactlly the same way, when the mega safe blinks for a second the fuse have about 19-20 v but efter a second it is on 2 V again.

I really need help, please give me som advices.

MBP retina 15 820-3332

I have checked up more things.

I supplied 18.5V to the board from a power supply, nothing got warm but i see the ppvbat_g3h_conn 12.6V falls the voltage down.
the voltage falls down to about 5V and go up again to 12.6V.
OK, so you have battery voltage on the battery connector. What about G3HOT (3.425V)?
If there is no G3HOT check the double diode Q7080.

Sorry took long time,
so i just measure G3Hot Chip and here some result:


# Macbook is working with magsafe connected (green no orange light)
when Computer turn on and then i unplug the magsafe, computer will be still On with Battery Power (But wont turn on if i press power button without magsafe connected, except bypass SMC)
# Battery Indicator Light still doesn't turn on or blinking
# When i press power with magsafe connected, compiter will be turn on but only stuck at apple logo and running slowly. But if i try bypass SMC, Computer running faster like normal one.

any kind of help i will appreciated.
Many thanks
i still got no repons, 820-3332

Yes, efter much more job i found out that the R7005 is shorted.

After replacing R7005 now i have continous 16.5V and 12V too, but on Q7055 only on pin 5 i have only about 2 V which sould be about 12V as i see on the schematic but the other pins are on 12.2v. I have the G3H 3,4V too.
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I suspect if you use an oscilloscope you will see no data on the SCL and SDA pins? Can you confirm that.

So there is nothing on the gates of Q7020/Q7021? What about the drain of Q7020?

i've just checked SCL SDA with oscilloscope! There was no any data transfering, with or without battery, and with disconnected LED bar.
Than i blowed off D6950 and check once more.
Now i see SCL signals, but nothing from SDA, only permanent 3.4v. Battery now show in Mac OS as 0%, and if i go to system preferences - power properties - the error occurs during collecting data.

I think water damage pull down SDA line of SMC.

Resistance between SDA, SCL to GND = 13 kOhm, between SDA SCL = 4 kOhm.
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