I'll get this information for you tomorrowI got the component off of an doner board. I can get hold of the component for you if you like.
Hi I'm new here and my problem appears to resemble what is being discussed. MacBook Pro 15' 6,2. It powers up and works fine but won't charge (no green light). Tried another MagSafe, same symptom. I measured the voltages at the five pins on the DC in board and nothing shows there with magsafe plugged in or as it's being connected. Cleaned the pins on magsafe and also sockets in the connector itself. Does anyone think this is DC in board problem or the logic board? Ta, for any suggestions.
Thanks - I was measuring voltages using red on the five pins (each in turn) with black on the bare metal surrounding each black screw on the DC in board. I got no voltage at all on any of the five pins. That's how you would measure it right? So it looks like a DC in board problem...
I got: -0.3V,0,0,0.-0.3V with DC-in board disconnected and magsafe plugged into it.
Faulty DC-in board?
i have read this entire post with much interest. i have worked on many macbooks, replacing parts here and there to make them work, but i have never gone so far as working on the actual electronics, testing components, fuses, voltages etc.., so please bare with me...i have many questions.
i picked up a multimeter and have tried to test some points on the a1278 board i have, but i am not sure i am even using the multimeter correctly. the only reading i get on the dc in board is 0.11 when the multimeter is set to the V~ , 20m setting.
Dadioh, when you test boards outside of the machine, where to you put your ground?
thank you all for your wisdom, i have been in awe reading the amount of knowledge put out on this forum. if there are any suggestions learning resources on the net i would be very interested. thanks again.
remove dc in board plug magsafe into board
you should read left to right
here is my good dc-in board
I got
Does it mean magsafe is bad?
Completely forgot all about this, sorry.
I'm back in on Monday, so i'll set a reminder in the ol' phone to get the values for you.
Kind regards,
Imagei have a water damaged a1278 Macbook Pro.
AC Adapter has slight green light.
Temporary SMC bypass boots machine: Yes
Battery' Not charging
Can you point me in the right direction, here is picture what I tested
I've been out of the loop from this forum for sometime now due to health issues. In reading some of the most recent threads, it seemed that some you have access to many MBP logic boards. How do you get these and if you buy them on auction sites, how much on average do you pay for it? The reason for this inquiry is that I've just updated my mid 2009 MBP OSX to v10.8, and this MBP does not support AirPlay mirroring. Would love to get a hold of a late 2011 (or newer, non-retina) 13" MBP logic board to upgrade mine. Thanks.
Wasn't able to get any reading from the chip in question. I've since has 2 more with the same issue, and both have also been that chip. I can get the data sheet if you like.
mr data welcome back ....
hope your feeling better sir!!
i have a mid 2011 logic same as lee check my previous posts with lee.
this would support your needs however the issue is simple there a chip due north east of the fan a 6 pin fet its tiny... i mean tiny most micro tips are double the width of the pins.
once i get this fixed i could maybe trade with you?
you might want the whole machine instead of the board as the mpb's changes screw mounts on the top case from 2011 onwards. to accommodate the new functions. check i fix it for the layout variants.
in the mean time... Please can help me locate and find this chip replacement?
Where I can purchase q7055 or do I need to porchase broken logic board to use for parts
It is HAT1127HELE only problem can't find any in USA for sale
Music, I do not have schematic or boardview for this MBP so I am not able to tell you what kind of FET is that 6-pin device. I suspect if it is a FET, then most likely it is DUAL FET. Apple seemed to use dual FET device a lot for their control and signal logic. Here is a typical part number used in many Kxx models: SSM6N37FE. This is a dual small signal FET chip with 6 pins, available from this vendor: http://www.mouser.com/ds/1/408/SSM6N37FE_en_datasheet_091112-21869.pdf
Hi everyone,
I'm back from holiday and I re-read all the 27 pages from this thread.
Just to resume I have the green light on magsafe but no battery is detected and the battery is not charged. Battery is right, Macbook A1278.
Is someone tell me the value of this resistor (see picture)? Actually there is a short-circuit but maybe it's not a resistor my eyes are old.