Well… okay.
Following a weekend of poring over a lot of material which was borderline comprehensible (for someone who isn’t a hacker), I may be able to explain, at least in small part, the reason why hardware support for ATI/AMD Radeon AGP cards (like the Mobility Radeon 9700, or the 9800 Pro, and so on) can’t happen in Snow Leopard (even if the card happens to be on an Intel machine, such as with a Hackintosh build).
:deep breath:
It goes back to 2007–08, when Apple was developing the framework called
OpenCL (Open Computing Language), which was intended to make it possible, when executing code written in OpenCL, to use not just the CPU(s)/CPU core(s), but also
together with other processing components (like highly parallel GPUs, digital signal processors, and other dedicated components which would make possible
hardware acceleration).
Prior to the development of OpenCL as a framework (and what would become an industry standard literally concurrent with when Snow Leopard was released), Leopard and earlier were not taking advantage of GPUs for hardware acceleration, despite Core Image status showing hardware acceleration for those GPUs whose drivers were provided in Apple’s kexts (e.g., ATIRadeon9700.kext).
This is because the code was only looking at, calling, and taking advantage of the the CPU and ignoring the on-board GPU whenever an OS-based, graphics-related action/command (like moving a window in Finder) was initiated. Leopard and Tiger could take advantage of a GPU’s hardware acceleration for tasks which called for the GPU
specifically (such as Screen Saver, Chess, or a GPU hardware acceleration call in, say, VLC).
The development of OpenCL, as I understand it, not only did away with this “siloed’ approach to executing code (and doing away with the inefficiency of the kernel having to issue discrete commands for each discrete and specialized hardware component, like the GPU separately from the CPU), but it also occurred at around the same time the drivers being written by the GPU vendors (ATI/AMD and NVIDIA) migrated away from a specialized, GPU-oriented driver programming language called
Brook (better known as
BrookGPU, as
@netkas relayed via
their own blog, was the older driver coding language which, when drawing vectors/geometry-heavy images with the GPU, relied on a coding standard called
Pixel Shader. Pixel Shader was phased out when OpenCL became the industry standard (again, adopted right when Snow Leopard was developed and released), and in Pixel Shader’s stead was a new standard called
Compute Shader, which became the go-to after OpenCL’s widespread adoption.
Pixel Shader consequently became the legacy standard which newer cards could still parse when called by an application, but ATI/AMD and NVIDIA only began to include the ability for a video card to parse the newer Compute Shader starting with GPUs released after a certain point (ca. 2007–08) and declined to update drivers for legacy video cards to be able to parse Compute Shader. For ATI/AMD, that cut-off was the Radeon HD 4000 series and up, which was a PCIe card; below the Radeon HD 4000 (which included all the Radeon 9800, 9700, and 9600 cards, as well as HD 3000-series cards), Compute Shader was not added to updated drivers/kexts.
(Also, as I
think I understand it, the Radeon X1900 XT and HD 2600 XT may have been the sole exceptions here, as these were OEM video cards sold specifically for the Mac Pro by Apple, and these do have hardware acceleration in Snow Leopard and later and were likely supported by special arrangement between ATI/AMD and Apple. But then again, this is only conjecture on my end.)
The tl;dr: unless one is running, say, a A1117 Power Mac G5 (with PCIe lanes) equipped with a Radeon HD 4000-series card or higher, then it appears very unlikely that running 10A96, 10A190, or any PPC-bootable build of Snow Leopard will yield hardware acceleration for the video card. Even the Hackintosh folk
came to this realization at some point, probably in late 2009, that pre-Radeon HD 4000 video cards weren’t going to happen in an OpenCL-based Snow Leopard environment.
p.s.,: You all are welcome to check my work here, but I think this is the best distillation I can provide for all the reading and references I was able to scare up on this topic.