I really believe any EFI card can still show the boot screen, can still perform the firmware update. But just may not give any acceleration inside the OS.
If a graphic card required “OS support AND Mac EFI” to perform firmware update, then none of the MVC flash Maxwell / Pascale card can work.
I believe, in worst case, those old Mac EFI card (e.g. GT120) can do no more than act as the EFI part.
The firmware update should be completely OS irrelevant. As long as a Mac EFI GPU is there, the firmware update can be done.
For most cMP users that has self upgraded GPU here. Which should means nothing changed.
If using non EFI card (e.g. RX580). The card can work, but no boot screen. If need firmware update. Then must swap the Mac EFI GPU back in. Even though when he is using the Mac EFI card (e.g. GT120), there may be no acceleration, but as long as no driver to take over the GPU, the EFI should still working. And he can still navigate inside the OS to command a firmware update. Once the update is finished, he can swap the RX580 back in.
The biggest problem is we don’t know if 5770 / 5870 can still provide any UI acceleration. However, I expect they can still work as en emergency GPU in 10.14.