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Wirelessly posted (iPhone 3GS (White, 32GB): Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 3_0 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/528.18 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile/7A341 Safari/528.16)

Noticeably slower? Yes. With MobileSubstrate and WinterBoard installed, my jailbroken 3GS is noticeably slower than my 'vanilla' 3GS. App launches, booting, etc.

That said, the slowdown isn't dramatic enough to make me want to lose themes, Notifier, and SBSettings.
I had the same question in my mind this morning too. I have afew 3gs in the shop.
I had my jailbreak (purplera1n felt abit slow too) but this morning i dfu mode install again then jailbreak with redsn0w then install winterboard. and i compare with the 3gs 32gb (same phone) couldn't tell you it slower. Same speed.

Mine's not really slower, but its battery gets absolutely tanked...

Doing a restore now to see what can be done to remedy it.
Nope not at all .. i have winterboard and a bunch of other things installed.

and i compaired to stock 3.0 on my GF 3G iphone and my 3GS is still MUCH fast at everything..

all my applications still open fast in EVERY test.. so NO their is not a slow down at all..
Nothing takes perceptively longer than it did before I jailbroke. I don't have Winterboard but have MobileSubstrate and a few addons for it. I'm really impressed with how it handles it. I keep forgetting I have apps open in the background because there's no sign of impact on the rest of the OS. That, and my battery life is great. This might have more to do with being able to turn services off easily from SBSettings, but my battery lasts about the same. The only thing that has really impacted it so far has been while installing things. Installing and uninstalling Winterboard took a lot of battery power for example.
and i compaired to stock 3.0 on my GF 3G iphone and my 3GS is still MUCH fast at everything..
Of course it is, what do you expect? :rolleyes:

Try comparing a jailbroken 3GS to a non-jailbroken 3GS. There is a VERY noticeable difference. Booting takes about 10 seconds longer. Apps take longer (not much longer, but still ...) to open. Animations aren't quite as smooth (again, not a HUGE difference, but it's there) ... I get so sick of people claiming that there's no slowdown whatsoever when the slowdown is BLATANTLY OBVIOUS when you're actually comparing two 3GS', side by side. I actually restored my phone to stock tonight because I really missed the snappiness of a stock 3GS, but I'm really tempted to jailbreak again to to prove, once and for all, that there is a slowdown when you jailbreak and run MobileSubstrate + WinterBoard. Just because you guys aren't observant enough to notice it doesn't mean it's not there.
Of course it is, what do you expect? :rolleyes:

Try comparing a jailbroken 3GS to a non-jailbroken 3GS. There is a VERY noticeable difference. Booting takes about 10 seconds longer. Apps take longer (not much longer, but still ...) to open. Animations aren't quite as smooth (again, not a HUGE difference, but it's there) ... I get so sick of people claiming that there's no slowdown whatsoever when the slowdown is BLATANTLY OBVIOUS when you're actually comparing two 3GS', side by side. I actually restored my phone to stock tonight because I really missed the snappiness of a stock 3GS, but I'm really tempted to jailbreak again to to prove, once and for all, that there is a slowdown when you jailbreak and run MobileSubstrate + WinterBoard. Just because you guys aren't observant enough to notice it doesn't mean it's not there.

I agree with this completely. I jailbroke my 3GS as soon as purplera1n was released and noticed very little difference, As soon as I installed Winterboard on Monday, however, there was a very noticeable difference. I wasn't sure whether the purplera1n jailbreak was the problem, so I restored and re-jailbroke using redsn01 and reinstalled winterboard and still noticed a big difference. So finally I decided to restore and jailbreak and do without winterboard.

Still have to do a little theming though


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Of course it is, what do you expect? :rolleyes:

Try comparing a jailbroken 3GS to a non-jailbroken 3GS. There is a VERY noticeable difference. Booting takes about 10 seconds longer. Apps take longer (not much longer, but still ...) to open. Animations aren't quite as smooth (again, not a HUGE difference, but it's there) ... I get so sick of people claiming that there's no slowdown whatsoever when the slowdown is BLATANTLY OBVIOUS when you're actually comparing two 3GS', side by side. I actually restored my phone to stock tonight because I really missed the snappiness of a stock 3GS, but I'm really tempted to jailbreak again to to prove, once and for all, that there is a slowdown when you jailbreak and run MobileSubstrate + WinterBoard. Just because you guys aren't observant enough to notice it doesn't mean it's not there.

You're very anal about this speed thing. Calm down. I used the word "perceptively" just for you.
Wirelessly posted (iPhone 3GS (White, 32GB): Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/528.18 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile/7C97d Safari/528.16)

Kahnyl said:
Of course it is, what do you expect? :rolleyes:

Try comparing a jailbroken 3GS to a non-jailbroken 3GS. There is a VERY noticeable difference. Booting takes about 10 seconds longer. Apps take longer (not much longer, but still ...) to open. Animations aren't quite as smooth (again, not a HUGE difference, but it's there) ... I get so sick of people claiming that there's no slowdown whatsoever when the slowdown is BLATANTLY OBVIOUS when you're actually comparing two 3GS', side by side. I actually restored my phone to stock tonight because I really missed the snappiness of a stock 3GS, but I'm really tempted to jailbreak again to to prove, once and for all, that there is a slowdown when you jailbreak and run MobileSubstrate + WinterBoard. Just because you guys aren't observant enough to notice it doesn't mean it's not there.

You're very anal about this speed thing. Calm down. I used the word "perceptively" just for you.

I'm calm. ;)

It just annoys me to hear people carry on about how there's absolutely no perceptible speed loss whatsoever on jailbroken iPhones (at least when running MobileSubstrate, etc, which for many people is the whole POINT of jailbreaking) ... There is a perceptible slowdown. PERIOD. It is quantifiable, reproducable, and quite OBVIOUS to see when comparing a jailbroken device with a non-jailbroken one.
I jailbroke mine with purplera1n and have
1. SBsettings
2. Winterboard(user wallpaper only)
3. MIM
and have noticed no slow down. I put mine and my wifes next to each other (both 3gs) they were identical in speed as far as app launching and web surfing. In fact mine was a little faster on a few of the test.
Whenever my springboard gets reset by winterboard, there's about a 2 second lag when entering numbers into the lock screen.

Other than that, no noticeable difference.
I'm calm. ;)

It just annoys me to hear people carry on about how there's absolutely no perceptible speed loss whatsoever on jailbroken iPhones (at least when running MobileSubstrate, etc, which for many people is the whole POINT of jailbreaking) ... There is a perceptible slowdown. PERIOD. It is quantifiable, reproducable, and quite OBVIOUS to see when comparing a jailbroken device with a non-jailbroken one.

You know what annoys me? When someone's own personal experiences makes them think their word is god and holds true for everyone else. Jailbreaking and adding winterboard has never slowed down my first gen touch at all. It can cause slowdowns, but it also doesn't mean for certain that there will be one. I'm not sure why there seems to be such a range of results, but for me, I've never had a slowdown and Ive been jailbreaking since it was still a 70 something step process.

It does happen, and it does not happen, results will very. Your words aren't godly.
I agree with this completely. I jailbroke my 3GS as soon as purplera1n was released and noticed very little difference, As soon as I installed Winterboard on Monday, however, there was a very noticeable difference. I wasn't sure whether the purplera1n jailbreak was the problem, so I restored and re-jailbroke using redsn01 and reinstalled winterboard and still noticed a big difference. So finally I decided to restore and jailbreak and do without winterboard.

Still have to do a little theming though

What theme do you have? I would love to have the 5 icons on the bottom
What theme do you have? I would love to have the 5 icons on the bottom

No theme. I installed five icon dock (from cydia) and then manually changed the icons for the five apps in my dock to the icons from the Matte Nano theme ( I also manually changed the dock, added a theme to weathericon, and changed a few of the system sounds. Thememing without Winterboard is a pain in the a$$, but, IMO, it's better than the slowdown from Winterboard.
I don't really recommend weathericon. If you install it, you're not uninstalling it! It still has the temperature it picked up from Weather app over the original temperature of 72 when you uninstall it. And if you want the themes for it, you have to install Winterboard. So, it ends up being a big processor/memory hog.

You know what annoys me? When someone's own personal experiences makes them think their word is god and holds true for everyone else.
Please. You'd think I was basing this on a single observation. :rolleyes:

I've jailbroken every firmware since 1.1.1. Back in the Summberboard days, things were good - there may have been slowdown, but if there was, I certainly didn't notice it. That changed once the 3G was launched and 2.0 + WinterBoard hit the scene. I have jailbroken using PwnageTool numerous times. Every time, without exception, there was noticeable slowdown within a day or two. I have also jailbroken using QuickPwn, again, numerous times. Every time, without exception, there was noticeable slowdown within a day or two. When I sold my 3G two weeks ago, I installed 3.0 on it and used redsn0w to JB. Again, slowdown. Blatantly obvious slowdown. Now with my 3GS, 3.0 + purplera1n and once again? Yup.

Do you notice a recurring theme?

Numerous (as in innumerable, a multitude of, etc) jailbreaks using a variety of JB tools on a number of devices (I've jailbroken eight 3G's, two 1st gen iPod touches, three 2nd gen iPod touches, and now two 3GSs) and post-2.0 firmware, every single time, without exception, there has been quantifiable, blatantly obvious slowdown. EVERY TIME. So please don't sit there and act like my experience is a fluke, that I don't know what I'm talking about. I've probably had more experience jailbreaking than you and half of the people posting in this forum, combined. You may not like the facts, but the reality is that if you install MobileSubstrate and WinterBoard, your phone will be slower than if you don't install them. Period. It's not debatable, it doesn't vary from person to person. If you install MobileSubstrate and WinterBoard, your phone will be slower than if you don't install them. /thread
Again, I'm perfectly calm. Just kinda tired of being told that I'm wrong about this when I most definitely am not.

Just yanking your chain. I happen to agree with you, but you seem especially passionate about it. ;)
Just yanking your chain. I happen to agree with you, but you seem especially passionate about it. ;)
hehe ... that comes from being told I don't have any idea what I'm talking about so many times ... ;)

I think I'm going to record a side-by-side comparison video and post it to YouTube. Leaving perception and opinion out of it entirely, I'd really like to prove once and for all that there IS slowdown, even on the mighty 3GS, when jailbroken. What do you think? MobileSubstrate + WinterBoard (with nothing actually enabled in WinterBoard) ought to do it, right?
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