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Go for it. I'd love to see it.

Do it with themes that have:

Just wallpaper and dock

Wallpaper dock and icons

Wallpaper dock icons and UI

Would love to see this personally.
hehe ... that comes from being told I don't have any idea what I'm talking about so many times ... ;)

Who in the hell told you you don't have a clue, we've both been at this since the beginning. I've noticed lag on friends devices, I've noticed lag on mine, it always comes down to a luck of the draw. Mine has been lag free since jailbreaking it three times ago. I'm just saying it CAN cause lag, it doesn't ALWAYS cause lag.
Who in the hell told you you don't have a clue, we've both been at this since the beginning. I've noticed lag on friends devices, I've noticed lag on mine, it always comes down to a luck of the draw. Mine has been lag free since jailbreaking it three times ago. I'm just saying it CAN cause lag, it doesn't ALWAYS cause lag.

Well said hombre.

hehe ... that comes from being told I don't have any idea what I'm talking about so many times ... ;)

I think I'm going to record a side-by-side comparison video and post it to YouTube. Leaving perception and opinion out of it entirely, I'd really like to prove once and for all that there IS slowdown, even on the mighty 3GS, when jailbroken. What do you think? MobileSubstrate + WinterBoard (with nothing actually enabled in WinterBoard) ought to do it, right?

I'm gonna do you a favor and do the video for you later tonight. I'll post the link just for you. The test will be using a 32g 3gs and a 16g 3gs. The 32g is jailbroken and the 16g is not.
mavis is seriously about to have a nervous breakdown..

...maybe this will send him over the edge...

I have personally compared my 3gs jailbroken to my other 3gs which was NOT jailbroken. both of them have the SAME EXACT content...using the same backed up info.

now..the jailbroken device took a couple seconds longer to startup...but the apps dont take ANY longer to start...animations are just as smooth and everything works as expected.
I am also showing 150mb+ free memory which is the same or even more than I have with the other 3gs.
I have put rolando 2, pandora, cool iris and tiger woods into the background and when going back into rolando 2, the animations and controls are just as good as when i run it on a non-jailbroken phone.

I know you are going to have another hissyfit yelling at me telling me that my phone IS slow and that I dont know what I am talking about...
whatever..i have them in front of my eyes right now and the jailbreak doesnt slow down the 3gs much if at all (only boots a little slower)

and if you dont install winterboard you wont see ANY slowdowns...

mavis, maybe you messed up your jb...ehe

^^mavis, just because yours is slow with the jb doesnt mean EVERYONES is....
Wirelessly posted (iPhone 3GS (White, 32GB): Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/528.18 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile/7C97d Safari/528.16)

NT1440 said:
hehe ... that comes from being told I don't have any idea what I'm talking about so many times ... ;)

Who in the hell told you you don't have a clue, we've both been at this since the beginning. I've noticed lag on friends devices, I've noticed lag on mine, it always comes down to a luck of the draw. Mine has been lag free since jailbreaking it three times ago. I'm just saying it CAN cause lag, it doesn't ALWAYS cause lag.

Great. Post a video to YouTube showing your 'lag free' jailbroken phone next to a non-jailbroken iPhone because I would LOVE to see it. 

Here's how I plan on doing the test. I have to wait until 3.1 is officially released because I've already upgraded one of my 3GS's to the beta and I want the test to be as fair as possible. 

Anyway, my plan is to:

1. Backup the never-before-jailbroken 3GS. 

2. Put both phones into DFU mode and restore to 3.1. 

3. Restore both phones from the same backup, so they both have exactly the same data. 

4. Use redsn0w on one of the phones. 

5. Launch Cydia, and install SBSettings, WinterBoard, and MobileSubstrate. Oh, and OpenSSH. I assume this is a fairly standard jailbroken loadout. I will make sure that no themes are actually loaded in WB, just that it is installed.  

6. Open each of the following on both phones: YouTube, Photos, App Store, iTunes, Maps, Calendar, Contacts, and Safari and verify that all of them are the exact same view (list vs. month, Featured vs. Search, etc) on both phones.

7. Power off. 

8. Start the test. I guarantee you the non-jailbroken phone will win. I absolutely, unequivocally GUARANTEE IT. This is where you and I disagree. You claim that slowdowns CAN occur, but I know that it's not random and it's not luck of the draw. It WILL happen. In fact, I'd be willing to bet money that I'm right. ;)

9. After seeing the stock 3GS beat the jailbroken one, I'll launch WinterBoard to show that nothing is actually enabled, and I'll launch Cydia to show that nothing else (Notifier, etc) has been installed. 

I think this would be a fair test, and easily reproducable. For all your claims of a lag-free jailbreak, I'd LOVE to see proof. ;)
speed !

yes it annually will get slower! i jailbroke my ipod touch 2g on 2.2.1 and it was sooo slow! it wouldnt even respond at times! once i had to let the battery die because it wouldnt let me unlock it! its because the iphone has ram in it and im pretty sure it cant handle the themes and all the programs at once. but on the 3GS i think it should be able to. also if you notice the more you download from cydia the less memory you will have DAH! but what i mean is i started with 7.01 GB on my factory settings touch and after the jailbreak and the downloads it went to 6.95GB :eek: so i'd keep it at factory settings for speed and i wouldnt want to void the warranty! but its ur choice ! best of luck :D :apple:
Wirelessly posted (iPhone 3GS (White, 32GB): Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/528.18 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile/7C97d Safari/528.16)

Opie said:
hehe ... that comes from being told I don't have any idea what I'm talking about so many times ... ;)

I think I'm going to record a side-by-side comparison video and post it to YouTube. Leaving perception and opinion out of it entirely, I'd really like to prove once and for all that there IS slowdown, even on the mighty 3GS, when jailbroken. What do you think? MobileSubstrate + WinterBoard (with nothing actually enabled in WinterBoard) ought to do it, right?

I'm gonna do you a favor and do the video for you later tonight. I'll post the link just for you. The test will be using a 32g 3gs and a 16g 3gs. The 32g is jailbroken and the 16g is not.

Great. I just posted some steps to verify that the test can be easily reproduced. If you can upload a fair test video comparison, I'd LOVE to see it. I'll be waiting. ;)
Wirelessly posted (iPhone 3GS (White, 32GB): Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/528.18 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile/7C97d Safari/528.16)

Great. Post a video to YouTube showing your 'lag free' jailbroken phone next to a non-jailbroken iPhone because I would LOVE to see it.*

Here's how I plan on doing the test. I have to wait until 3.1 is officially released because I've already upgraded one of my 3GS's to the beta and I want the test to be as fair as possible.*

Anyway, my plan is to:

1. Backup the never-before-jailbroken 3GS.*

2. Put both phones into DFU mode and restore to 3.1.*

3. Restore both phones from the same backup, so they both have exactly the same data.*

4. Use redsn0w on one of the phones.*

5. Launch Cydia, and install SBSettings, WinterBoard, and MobileSubstrate. Oh, and OpenSSH. I assume this is a fairly standard jailbroken loadout. I will make sure that no themes are actually loaded in WB, just that it is installed. *

6. Open each of the following on both phones: YouTube, Photos, App Store, iTunes, Maps, Calendar, Contacts, and Safari and verify that all of them are the exact same view (list vs. month, Featured vs. Search, etc) on both phones.

7. Power off.*

8. Start the test. I guarantee you the non-jailbroken phone will win. I absolutely, unequivocally GUARANTEE IT. This is where you and I disagree. You claim that slowdowns CAN occur, but I know that it's not random and it's not luck of the draw. It WILL happen. In fact, I'd be willing to bet money that I'm right. ;)

9. After seeing the stock 3GS beat the jailbroken one, I'll launch WinterBoard to show that nothing is actually enabled, and I'll launch Cydia to show that nothing else (Notifier, etc) has been installed.*

I think this would be a fair test, and easily reproducable. For all your claims of a lag-free jailbreak, I'd LOVE to see proof. ;)

I dont have an iphone, let alone two.

Like I said it appears to fully be luck of the draw, that test will prove nothing at all. But hey if you wanna just say your godly and right be my guest, my experiences just show to me that its not an exact science by any means.
Wirelessly posted (iPhone 3GS (White, 32GB): Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/528.18 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile/7C97d Safari/528.16)

NT1440 said:
I dont have an iphone, let alone two.

Like I said it appears to fully be luck of the draw, that test will prove nothing at all. But hey if you wanna just say your godly and right be my guest, my experiences just show to me that its not an exact science by any means.

Wait a minute, let me get this straight. You're arguing with me about the performance of my two 3GS's in a thread specifically about the performance of the 3GS and yet you don't even have one? So in your opinion, conjecture trumps real-world, hands-on experience? That's interesting, and good to know. *

In any case, thanks for making me laugh, man. :)
It has slowed down a little, but the 3GS is so fast, that I'm really not noticing it. Let's put it like this, before jailbreak it was 100% fast, post jailbreak, its 95% fast. It all depends on the apps you install, and I have backgrounder running in the background, etc. The 3GS is insanely fast though.
I dont know why you guys are arguing, a stock iPhone 3GS versus a jailbroken iPhone 3GS..both will have the EXACT same speed because the jailbreak is based on an exploit.

HOWEVER, most jailbreak users install addons to mobilesubstrate which require it to be installed. The more of these addons (sbsettings, backgrounder, winterboard, etc..) the phone will be a TAD slower because the phone has to use the mobilesubstrate addons.

With the jailbreak, my 3GS was 2 seconds slower at boot (28secs vs 26 secs)
Since the 3GS's hardware components are completely redone (for the most part) however the latency is BARELY noticeable on the 3GS compared to the 3G..
Of course it is, what do you expect? :rolleyes:

Try comparing a jailbroken 3GS to a non-jailbroken 3GS. There is a VERY noticeable difference. Booting takes about 10 seconds longer. Apps take longer (not much longer, but still ...) to open. Animations aren't quite as smooth (again, not a HUGE difference, but it's there) ... I get so sick of people claiming that there's no slowdown whatsoever when the slowdown is BLATANTLY OBVIOUS when you're actually comparing two 3GS', side by side. I actually restored my phone to stock tonight because I really missed the snappiness of a stock 3GS, but I'm really tempted to jailbreak again to to prove, once and for all, that there is a slowdown when you jailbreak and run MobileSubstrate + WinterBoard. Just because you guys aren't observant enough to notice it doesn't mean it's not there.

I have two 3GS's here. One Jailbroken. Will test tomorrow evening.
So far I'm getting no difference after the JB that I can tell. I don't have Mobile Substrate loaded.
I question why people are pegging just jailbreaking on any perceived lag instead of any particular apps loaded.

Opie - Thanks. I expect to have the same results as you when I test ours tomorrow. Right now, my JB 3GS is working flawlessly.
Dude, you rock!!!! :D

But I'm confused. I just paused it, but I'm already seeing exactly what I've been talking about. The jailbroken phone is slower. PERIOD. Notice when you open Settings at 1:20? Which one appears first? When you open Contacts? It's not a big difference (and I never said it was) but there is a difference. It's plain to see, in your own video.
It's funny how mavis fails to mention that the jailbroken phone was faster opening web pages. PERIOD.
Network speed and/or server response is hardly something that one can easily control, is it? EVERY APP THAT WAS OPENED, OPENED FASTER ON THE NON-JAILBROKEN DEVICE. That's all I've been saying, all along. For example, my first post in this thread:

Noticeably slower? Yes. With MobileSubstrate and WinterBoard installed, my jailbroken 3GS is noticeably slower than my 'vanilla' 3GS. App launches, booting, etc.

That said, the slowdown isn't dramatic enough to make me want to lose themes, Notifier, and SBSettings.

Yup, Opie's video proved it. You'd have to be BLIND to not see that the non-jailbroken device was faster launching apps than the jailbroken one, just like I've been saying all along. Big difference? Nope - never said there was. But there IS a slowdown. ;)
I don't really wanna get in the middle of this epic battle...

but Mavis you did say there would be blatantly obvious lag on a jailbroken 3GS, while you are correct that there is a slow down, unless they were side by side could you really say its obvious or blatant?

not that it actually matters to anyone what anyone else does to their iPhone though :D
What if one were to manually change the icon and background image files via SSH or whatever? Wouldn't that allow theme modification (albeit very tiresome to setup) without all the added CPU load associated with Winterboard and company? Should you be able to add most of the things done with Winterboard manually?
Dude, you rock!!!! :D

But I'm confused. I just paused it, but I'm already seeing exactly what I've been talking about. The jailbroken phone is slower. PERIOD. Notice when you open Settings at 1:20? Which one appears first? When you open Contacts? It's not a big difference (and I never said it was) but there is a difference. It's plain to see, in your own video.

Oh young grasshopper did you miss the safari test or the stocks application? I believe it was 50/50 at least. Either way im staying Jailbroken till I cannot do it anymore. Also is a quarter of a second allows me to have my phone the way I like it then it is worth it to me. I would take a 10 second lag just to have SBsettings. Thats how long it would take to navigate through settings to turn bluetooth,3g and wifi on and off anyway.
I don't really wanna get in the middle of this epic battle...

but Mavis you did say there would be blatantly obvious lag on a jailbroken 3GS, while you are correct that there is a slow down, unless they were side by side could you really say its obvious or blatant?

not that it actually matters to anyone what anyone else does to their iPhone though :D
Yes, you'd have to be blind to not see that the non-jailbroken device opened apps faster than the jailbroken one, EVERY TIME. It is blatantly obvious, is it not? :confused:

Oh young grasshopper did you miss the safari test or the stocks application? I believe it was 50/50 at least.
As I've been saying all along, "App launches, booting, etc." ... Your video absolutely, beyond the shadow of a doubt, proved that statement to be true. There's no question, AT ALL. It's not a matter of perception (big slowdown, minor slowdown, etc), it's simply a fact: THERE IS A SLOWDOWN. It's not debatable. Apps open more slowly on your jailbroken phone than on your 'vanilla' phone. PERIOD. If you don't believe me, just go watch your video again. ;)
As I've been saying all along, "App launches, booting, etc." ... Your video absolutely, beyond the shadow of a doubt, proved that statement to be true. There's no question, AT ALL. It's not a matter of perception (big slowdown, minor slowdown, etc), it's simply a fact: THERE IS A SLOWDOWN. It's not debatable. Apps open more slowly on your jailbroken phone than on your 'vanilla' phone. PERIOD. If you don't believe me, just go watch your video again. ;)

I like you dude. Id drink a beer with you if I lived in Japan.
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