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the iphone is obviously going to have a tiny bit of slowdown if you load it up with jailbreak stuff...but it will NOT be anything noticeable.. do know that you can downgrade your phone back to 3.0...right?

and then you should use PURPLERA1N.....NOT redsn0w..

something i find really interesting..i compared my jailbroken 3gs running winterboard, sbsettings, irealquicksms, backgrounder...after a fresh boot it had 153.36mb of memory free...vs the nonjailbroken 3gs (same content, same backup) which only had 132.21 available after a fresh boot..
you would think that the jailbroken phone would have less memory available.

another thing i noticed..after jailbreaking with purplera1n and adding nothing ..the phone actually seemed a bit snappier than a stock 3gs.

bottom line..the 3gs has plenty of resources which makes it the perfect phone for jailbreaking.
i am currently in posession of my dream does everything i could possibly want..EVERYTHING. and it does it all instantly.

yes mavis...INSTANTLY!
If you are ever in Shreveport,LA you look me up pal. Be safe overseas.
Will do, man.

Also it was 50/50. :D
50/50, my ***!! ;)

Seriously, that little split-second delay when opening apps, I notice it. And it bugs me!! In particular, the Settings app.

Here in Japan, the carrier select field (?) shows up in the top section of the settings list. What that does is push everything below it down, one row. Unfortunately it pushes the Mail, Contacts, Calendars button off the screen. For various reasons, I frequently enable/disable certain mail accounts, and having to wait for the Settings app to load is kind of irritating. Looking at your YouTube video, it appears that it wouldn't even be an issue if I lived in the States, but here in Japan, the layout is a little different. See below:


So yeah - what you (and probably most people) consider a minor, insignificant slowdown is actually kind of irritating to me, because of the fact that I notice it several times a day. It's one of the first things I look for whenever I jailbreak, and the increased loading time is an annoyance. I like the fact that on a stock 3GS, as soon as I launch the settings app I can immediately scroll down to the Mail menu. On a jailbroken 3GS, I have to wait.

Again, not a big slowdown - but a slowdown nonetheless. To me (and the way I use my phone) it's very obvious - in fact, it's one of the very first things I noticed after JBing. That's all I've been saying, all along.
actually i just compared settings on both phones the jailbreak one opens the same...exactly.
have you messed with your carrier files?

i had alot of problems with a jailbroken 3g that was laggy as hell...especially opening the settings app. it had to do with a differe carrier file that I used...when i changed it back it was fine...
my jailbroken 3G lagged pretty bad on 3.0. My jailbroken 3GS is much faster and im running many apps on it. I havent seen any lag yet...
actually i just compared settings on both phones the jailbreak one opens the same...exactly.
have you messed with your carrier files?
Nope, never. I dunno ... I guess I'll give it a shot again - I've got free time tonight, so what the heck. Maybe I'll skip WinterBoard this time and see if that helps ...
I think you're using "perceptively" wrong.

Maybe. I can't perceive any difference is what I meant.

Day three, and I'm still impressed with the jailbreak. Usually I'd restore to stick within 24 hours because of the hassle it causes. I had to uninstall SBsettings though as I think it was interfering with scroll. I could "grab" the pages as much as usual. Has anyone else noticed that?
Honestly, on my 3GS (Winterboard w/custom theme, SBSettings, LockScreen info), the only time I have any really appreciable slowdown is if I turn on Dim I don't do that.
I JB my 3GS yesterday using the dev team break and noticed a HUGE slow down.

I installed background, haptic feedback, sbsettings and MIM.

I opened contacts and it almost took 4-5 seconds for me to be able to scroll down or up my list.

Needless to say, I've gone back to the straight and narrow!
Pretty sure mobilesubstrate is causing the "slowdowns" if you even want to call them that, not the fact that the phone is jailbroken.
I agree. I 'thought' I had issues with backgrounder also?

I installed:

SBSettings (godsend)
Make it Mine
Winterboard & custom, etc. themes I made. I SSh'd them in.
5-Icon dock

Does having SSH open cause a slow-down? Mine is off. Just wondering.
Wirelessly posted (iPhone 3GS (White, 32GB): Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 3_0 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/528.18 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile/7A341 Safari/528.16)

Jamesdamon said:
I JB my 3GS yesterday using the dev team break and noticed a HUGE slow down.

I installed background, haptic feedback, sbsettings and MIM.

I opened contacts and it almost took 4-5 seconds for me to be able to scroll down or up my list.

Needless to say, I've gone back to the straight and narrow!

Have you tried purplera1n? That's the method I used and my slowdown is minimal.
Wirelessly posted (iPhone 3GS (White, 32GB): Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 3_0 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/528.18 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile/7A341 Safari/528.16)

Have you tried purplera1n? That's the method I used and my slowdown is minimal.

From what I have read it doesn't make any difference which method you use to JB.

I think it may have been the program haptic feedback....when I shut it off, the speed was a little better...but still slower than usual.

Besides Sbsettings and backgrounder I don't really see the need to JB anymore. I only used BG to listen to the radio while doing other things.

But SbSettings.....nothing compares to that app...nothing! I miss that one the most.
From what I have read it doesn't make any difference which method you use to JB.

I think it may have been the program haptic feedback....when I shut it off, the speed was a little better...but still slower than usual.

Besides Sbsettings and backgrounder I don't really see the need to JB anymore. I only used BG to listen to the radio while doing other things.

But SbSettings.....nothing compares to that app...nothing! I miss that one the most.

See, I still think there are plenty of reasons to JB. Here are mine:


Custom carrier text, Notifier, WinterBoard (lite version; springboard only, with in-app mods done manually), Scrobbl (the new one), and not pictured: SBSettings and VOIPOver3G (whenever they update it to work with the 3GS) ... So, yeah. Plenty of reasons left to JB, in my opinion.
See, I still think there are plenty of reasons to JB. Here are mine:


Custom carrier text, Notifier, WinterBoard (lite version; springboard only, with in-app mods done manually), Scrobble, and not pictured: SBSettings and VOIPOver3G (whenever they update it to work with the 3GS) ... So, yeah. Plenty of reasons left to JB, in my opinion.

I really like the looks of your home screen...

I think it's so tacky when people change the look of the iphone to a degree where it's completly un-apple.

But to each its own!
MARVIS: whered you get the black background dock area? Available in cydia or where can it be found. I appreciate a response. Couldnt find a way of contacting you so posting it here. Thanks ahead of time.
I agree with this completely. I jailbroke my 3GS as soon as purplera1n was released and noticed very little difference, As soon as I installed Winterboard on Monday, however, there was a very noticeable difference. I wasn't sure whether the purplera1n jailbreak was the problem, so I restored and re-jailbroke using redsn01 and reinstalled winterboard and still noticed a big difference. So finally I decided to restore and jailbreak and do without winterboard.

Still have to do a little theming though

Can you tell me what theme this is?

Yeah MARVIS(!), I'm gonna need to know where you got the Weather and Contacts icons. You may have just pushed me to install Winterboard again.

I also admire your restraint when it comes to theming.
Quick Question: Does SBsettings use MobileSubstrate?

and thanks a lot Opie for the video! :D
Do you know if I had a complete themes (different icons), would it be even slower? Since you only had userwallpaper and not a theme (like vista maximus perfection or iglassol?)
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